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Linux and Pipewire

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Brian VK4BAP

Nov 17, 2024, 1:21:56 AM11/17/24
to SparkSDR
Hi Alan,
I am trying to set up a small PC to monitor FT8/WSPR and QRSS. I use DigiU mode and feed audio to both wsjtx and Argo on Windows. That works fine except Argo is a bit old and limited. The QRSS gang all use QrssPiG on Linux.
I have the individual programs all installed and working on LinuxMint 21. I'm using SparkSDR.2.0.992.linux-x64.deb
The built in FT8 decodes and shows spots although there is also a red **WSJTX NOT FOUND" above "Tx Freq". There is nothing in errorlogs and it doesn't seem to be significant.
In USB mode there is only one option "HDA Intel PCH" for both Audio Output and Audio Input but no audio comes out of the headphones. I am using the Pipewire audio server. Rhythmbox works to play audio so I think it is a matter of how to get Pipewire to feed the audio to the headphones with SparkSDR.
Has anyone already done this? Has anyone fed the audio as well to WSJT-X?
Does anyone use DigiU on Linux?
73 Brian VK4BAP.
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