SparkSDR segfaults when started as any user other than root

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Reece Lamb

Aug 5, 2024, 1:33:46 PM8/5/24
to SparkSDR

I am trying to run SparkSDR on an Odroid M1-S, running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have a display attached to the MIPI-DSI connector and the Ubuntu graphical desktop is working. 

When I start SparkSDR 2.033.0 Avalonia Version from my user either on the command line, or via the GNOME Desktop icon, the GUI window appears briefly with no contents (in this case a black screen in the window), then segfaults.

If I start it with sudo `sudo /usr/local/bin/SparkSDR`, then it opens fine and I am able to connect to the Hermes Lite 2 (haven't played with it yet but at least I can connect).

Is it supposed to be run as sudo? Attached are the stdout and stderr from the program. If there are any additional logs I can provide, let me know! Thanks!

Reece Lamb

Aug 5, 2024, 4:51:16 PM8/5/24
to SparkSDR
I'm integrating this into a portable SDR-in-a-box with keyboard and all, so I am trying to get it to launch from the GNOME desktop icon. If running it with sudo is no big deal, this is what I had to do to get it to work in Ubuntu 20.04:

Edit `sudo vim /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/SparkSDR.policy`:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"


  <action id="">
    <description>Run SparkSDR</description>
    <message>Authentication is required to run SparkSDR</message>
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/local/bin/SparkSDR</annotate>
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">TRUE</annotate>


Then edit the desktop entry in `/usr/share/applications/SparkSDR.desktop`:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=SparkSDR software defined radio

Then make a new folder: `/home/odroid/SparkSDR`:
`mkdir /home/odroid/SparkSDR`

and edit this file:

`nano /home/odroid/SparkSDR/sparksdr-pkexec`

paste in the following:
bash -c 'pkexec /usr/local/bin/SparkSDR'

and then make it executable:
`chmod +x /home/odroid/SparkSDR/sparksdr-pkexec`

Then you should be able to run the program from the desktop icon.

Aug 5, 2024, 5:09:59 PM8/5/24
to SparkSDR
Hi Reece,
you should not need to run as sudo , is there anything in the error logs (see help file for location) I f you could run with gdb and get a back trace that would also be helpful. It might also be worth trying the newer version on the download page.
73 Alan M0NNB

Reece Lamb

Aug 5, 2024, 9:21:35 PM8/5/24
to SparkSDR
Hi Alan,

Thanks for the reply and the help! Attached is a gdb trace (no symbols are in the binary but it looks like there is some helpful info on an EGL library error). Something with OpenGL maybe? I also attached a lib trace if that is helpful.

I looked in this location for logs:

the only thing I see in there is corelog though - that corelog is timestamped with the latest time, but is blank unfortunately. 



Aug 6, 2024, 1:32:42 AM8/6/24
to SparkSDR
Hi Reece,
thanks for that,  it looks like some issue with Avalonia, try the 2.0.975 version from the spark download page, it uses a much more recent version.
73 Alan M0NNB

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