TX With MultiPSK?

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Ed Stroh

Jul 15, 2023, 9:57:08 PM7/15/23
to SparkSDR
Hi all,

Is it possible to transmit with MultiPSK and SparkSDR? I've successfully configured the receive side of things by setting SparkSDRs mode to MultiPSK and connected MultiPSK via the provided port. Frequency control works but I'm not seeing any PTT action. Is this simply not possible yet or is there a step I'm missing?



Jul 16, 2023, 8:49:43 AM7/16/23
to SparkSDR
Hi Ed,
I'm afraid it is not supported at the moment.  I worked with the developer of Multipsk on this and I think he added support for tx to multipsk but I got side tracked and never added it to spark (I think I got no interest when I first implemented it).  I shall look into this.
73 Alan M0NNB

Ed Stroh

Jul 16, 2023, 3:17:12 PM7/16/23
to SparkSDR
Hey Alan,

If you could make it happen, it would be amazing! MultiPSK is really the last piece of the puzzle for me as far as digital mode operations are concerned. I've got FT8 and its variants, VARA, JS8, and (thanks to SparkSDR) PSK and others all working on my SDR transceiver. The main thing I'm missing right now is RTTY. There was a lot of RTTY activity yesterday that I was able to decode a fair bit of but couldn't participate in. 

Anyway, I'd be hugely appreciative if you were to make strides towards MultiPSK transmission enablement. Could be a game changer for digital operations!

Thanks, Alan!


Ed Stroh

Jul 30, 2023, 6:40:32 PM7/30/23
to SparkSDR
Hey Alan,

Just checking in to see if any progress has been made on this or if this is just too low of a priority right now. Please let us know!

Thanks and 73!



Jul 31, 2023, 3:36:01 AM7/31/23
to SparkSDR
Hi Ed, no promises as to when I get to this (but might be soon).
You should be able to make it work the old fashioned way using the spark Digiu mode and vac and maybe vox for ptt.
73 Alan M0NNB

Simon Phillips

Aug 6, 2023, 3:52:03 AM8/6/23
to SparkSDR
I only discovered SparkSDR yesterday whilst searching for software that works with my sdrplay rspdx. I am blown away with the capabilities of Spark. It immediately became my favourite software to use with the rspdx. The digital modes work amazingly well for me and I too noticed the lack of built in rtty decoding so look forward to this being included. Currently I have it running beautifully on Windows 10. I would prefer to get it running on Fedora or Ubuntu but so far had very little success installing drivers for the rspdx for other software like openwebrx etc. Any tips in this direction for someone who has got it to work would be gratefully received. I am surprised that Spark seems to have so few users according to this group. Maybe I have special tastes, but for me it is the obvious goto software. Please keep up the development work, Alan.
73 Simon G4EYR/DL1EYR

Simon Phillips

Aug 6, 2023, 3:59:12 AM8/6/23
to SparkSDR
ps. All this activity with Spark prompted me to order a HL2 yesterday. Now waiting for the postman with baited breath.
73 Simon G4EYR/DL1EYR


Aug 6, 2023, 7:02:12 AM8/6/23
to SparkSDR
Hi Simon,
thanks for the kind words.  I do get considerably more downloads than there are users on this group,  support for radios other than hermes lite is fairly new and I have not really made any effort to advertise this.

There is an unfinished internal RTTY decoder that one day I'll find the time to finish.

I have had a play with tx on multipsk and it seems to work but there are a few things I want to talk to Patrick about before releasing.
73 Alan M0NNB

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