FW: Welcome to the CryptoCarnival!

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Gianluca Miscione

Dec 12, 2022, 3:00:13 PM12/12/22
to quinn...@ieee.org
***Apologies for cross-posting***

 please distribute as you see fit.





From: Quinn DuPont <quinn...@ieee.org>
Date: Monday, 12 December 2022 at 20:30
To: Gianluca Miscione <gianluca...@ucd.ie>
Subject: Re: Welcome to the CryptoCarnival!

Hello Web3 Frens,


Now that crypto has imploded and winter has set in again, we can begin to reflect on those frenetic summer vibes. We've been hard at work since we received a small Gitcoin grant to develop a Web3 publication and we're pleased to announce that the CryptoCarnival is alpha!


But we're not done yet! As the editorial process continues, we are holding a Web3 carnival game contest! We're looking for simple, on-chain "carnival" games to accompany the written essays (check out our Dice game example). Winners will receive small prizes in eth (and everlasting glory!). So, if you want to practice your chain code skills please consider submitting a game. Technical details available on the contest website.


Warm regards,

Quinn DuPont



 - iqdupont.comCrypto Research Consulting | IEEE Blockchain


Book: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains (Polity Press) "Amid all the hype surrounding cryptocurrency, this book provides a refreshingly balanced perspective on what matters – and does not matter – about these new forms of money." ~ review by Professor Nigel Dodd (LSE)



 - iqdupont.comCrypto Research Consulting | IEEE Blockchain


Book: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains (Polity Press) "Amid all the hype surrounding cryptocurrency, this book provides a refreshingly balanced perspective on what matters – and does not matter – about these new forms of money." ~ review by Professor Nigel Dodd (LSE)

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