Eurobarometro NON è OD? WTF???? (Ton Zijlstra)

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Apr 2, 2013, 10:43:14 AM4/2/13
Ciao a tutti,

oggi volevo giocare con i dati Eurobarometro, e mi sono trovato qui: 

Quindi: Eurobarometro non lo fa direttamente Eurostat. È appaltato a GESIS, istituto tedesco per le scienze sociali, che poi fa le regole di accesso ai dati. Mi sembra strano... qui dovrebbe valere la regola che "li abbiamo già pagati".

Ton, do you have any info on this?

Ton Zijlstra

Apr 3, 2013, 4:04:01 AM4/3/13
Hi Alberto,

No I don't have any info on this. I did take a closer look though: says you need to create an account at their ZACAT system, and then you have free of charge access to the primary data of the Eurobarometer. You can search both at Gesis as well as at for Euro-barometer to see what they have. But an account is needed for the data download. Register at 
There it states data usage is only for (personal) educational purposes. Something that I would interpret as relevant for their own stuff, and ignore for the EU stuff (given the position of the EC itself on this).

It seems to me, this is a case of legacy: they started collecting this data in the 1970's and then it probably was the best way of maintaining the database in this external institution. It would be more obvious to have it at Eurostat, I agree.

It might be worth a try for you to e-mail the Open Data unit at the EC. Either Martha Nagy-Rothengass as head of unit, or Daniele Rizzi as the project officer for open data related projects. Writing Daniele, the angle could that you ask to see that data released as part of the new Commission Portal, and why it is now needed to register with a German company to get that EU data. That should trigger some formal response from them on how this is going to be added to their data portal, no?


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Ton Zijlstra

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2013/4/2 Alberto <>

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Apr 10, 2013, 4:37:29 PM4/10/13
Whoa Ton, I managed to miss this.

I had figured out download would be for free with registration. So my message was more as an open data activist than as a data user, I guess.

I just wrote to the unit: Here is the text: let's see if they reply.


(please pass this on to Ms. Martha Nagy-Rothengass, or who is acting in the capacity of Head of Unit)

Good morning,

my name is Alberto Cottica (more on me). I am the administrator of the Spaghetti Open Data mailing list – a civil society-side online community whose members (mostly Italians) care about open and free access to government (and other) data. We recently had a discussion on the mailing list about Eurobarometer data: we discovered that they are available from the website of a German research institute called GESIS. Download is free, but they require registration; and they don't cover them with an open license, specifying instead "usage regulations":

We were a little surprised by this. The Commission's own commitment to a policy of open data seems to us to imply that the "we already paid for that" argument is valid in this case. We respectfully suggest making the data available as part of the Commission's new portal, covered by a CC0 or similar license to plant them firmly in open data territory, with no legal gray areas; and if you could add APIs that would be great, because at the moment building a time series requires a lot of tedious merging of tables. In any case, we ask you to let us know:
  1. if there are plans to open up Eurobarometer data, and what they are
  2. if there are no such plans, how do you see their present situation in the context of European policy on open data. 
I will certainly pass your reply onto the mailing list. If you wish to join it yourself, you are more than welcome. Most of us read English, and we will be able to interact if you wish to engage directly. To join, start here


Alberto Cottica

Ton Zijlstra

Apr 11, 2013, 1:50:58 AM4/11/13
Hi Alberte,
no problem. I have mails slipping through the cracks as well. 
It will be interesting to see 1) if there's a response, 2) what that response is.



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