Convegno Open Data a Ghent 17-19 feb 2014

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Jesse Marsh

Jan 11, 2014, 11:17:30 AM1/11/14
Per chi fosse interessato, questo è organizzato dal progetto EU Citadel (Palermo ne partecipa in qualità di partner associato). Ghent è una bellissima città e molto attiva sul fronte OD.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Are you also wondering how Open Data is changing the way the Public Sector innovates and delivers services?
The Data Days 2014 - a three-day conference in Ghent, Belgium from 17 till 19 February – is dedicated to Open Data. The conference offers a unique opportunity to explore how Local Administrations use open standards to make information exchange efficient and effective, allowing them to operate at lower costs and provide better services. The conference will focus on the use of Open Data in the field, not just on the theory behind the idea.
This is a  joint conference of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), The European project Citadel on the Move and the Linked Organisation of Local Authority ICT Societies (LOLA).

With top keynotes from Minister Geert BourgeoisMr. Richard Kerby of the United Nations, Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Khouri of Emirates Identity Authority, Mr Gérald Santucci of the European Commission, Mme. Irena Bolychevsky of OKFN and many more, Data Days 2014 is the must-attend event on exploring how open data is changing the way the Public Sector innovates and delivers services.

The program allows you to travel from Open Belgium to Open Europe and to arrive at Open World:

Open Belgium will host several keynote speeches Open Data by policy makers in Flanders, Wallonia and Belgium. Break-out rooms will also host various workshops on specific subjects such as Open Transport in Belgium, Open Street Map in Belgium, the use of creative commons licenses, and the Belgian datasets that are most wanted to be opened up next.

Citadel on the Move presents an Open forum to policy makers and influencers alike to discuss the future of Open Data in Europe. The first results of the project that allows cities to publish their data in a way they can easily be used in a mobile app will be demonstrated. And the winners of the Hackathon come on stage to show their apps.

Open Data is a global phenomenon. Its true implications only become apparent when looking across borders, across continents. The Data Days provide a platform for experts and enthusiasts from all over the world to get in touch, share experiences and exchange strategies so that Open Data may shape the future for all of us.  Key topics will include interoperability of Open Data between European cities and regions, Open Data licensing and business models.

You can choose different modules or go for the full conference package.
Visit to find out what fits best and register now! 
For those who have already registered, please advise the organizers of your social event attendance (February 18th) by mail.
Conference venue 
The conference will be held in Ghent, Belgium, from February 17 – 19, 2014.
Day 1: STAM (located at the Bijloke site) -  Day 2 & 3: De Bijloke (nearby STAM)
Conference program 
Visit and check out the full program. Please find some conference information in attachment.
Join Open Data pioneers, practitioners, thinkers and researchers from across the world to unlock and advance the power of collaboration and open innovation!
The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), The European project Citadel on the Move and the Linked Organisation of Local Authority ICT Societies (LOLA) ares looking forward to seeing you at this event.

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