Ton Zijlstra please read this - PSI scoreboard - for EUComm 24th Febr

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Francesco Minazzi

Jan 20, 2013, 4:37:19 PM1/20/13
Hi Ton,

in the meeting we finished the PSI scoreboard updating. You said you're going to present it on  February 24th, so I want to know what you need to have. We are writing a word file which contains the answers to the questions contained in the annex with the indicators. We'll also try to make a spreadsheet whit Italian values. Plus, we found some indicators are not meant to evaluate the practice of re-use, we think they are wrong and we want to explain you why. For example, we've been forced to answer NO to two questions, even if Italy's behavior regarding the content of those two questions was positive. So we're going to make some observation into the documents we'll deliver to you. The deadline is February 24th, right? So please tell us how much time we have and how we can contact you.

Thank you very much, let's get in touch.

Ton Zijlstra

Jan 21, 2013, 3:53:30 AM1/21/13
Hi Francesco,

Awesome that you have been working on the scoreboard! yes, I will be presenting it to the Commission, on next Thursday 24 January, so not 24 February.

For the scoreboard the most important input is the scores you think need changing, and specfically the evidence you collected for it ( urls, names of events etc) 
If you can send that asap, if possible today, that would be great, as my colleauge Tom is working on the update and visualization today and tomorrow.

Other comments and remarks, such as about the indicators and possible changes to them, I will also put online together with other such feedback,and I will use it in the discussion Thursday. For that I would need it by Wednesday morning if possible, so I can make my slides for the Commission that afternoon.

Finally it would be great to have a picture, or a few pictures, of the session last weekend to use in my slides as well.

Thanks again for your efforts, I look forward to incorporating the SOD13 results in the Scoreboard and presentation to the EC!


Op zondag 20 januari 2013 schreef Francesco Minazzi ( het volgende:

Hi Ton,

in the meeting we finished the PSI scoreboard updating. You said you're going to present it on  February 24th, so I want to know what you need to have. We are writing a word file which contains the answers to the questions contained in the annex with the indicators. We'll also try to make a spreadsheet whit Italian values. Plus, we found some indicators are not meant to evaluate the practice of re-use, we think they are wrong and we want to explain you why. For example, we've been forced to answer NO to two questions, even if Italy's behavior regarding the content of those two questions was positive. So we're going to make some observation into the documents we'll deliver to you. The deadline is February 24th, right? So please tell us how much time we have and how we can contact you.

Thank you very much, let's get in touch.

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Ton Zijlstra

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Ton Zijlstra

Jan 21, 2013, 4:00:19 AM1/21/13
Hi Francesco,

in what form are the current results. anything you can directly share through google docs or something like that?


Op maandag 21 januari 2013 schreef Ton Zijlstra ( het volgende:

Francesco Minazzi

Jan 21, 2013, 4:10:16 AM1/21/13
Hi, I would have meant 24 january, not February, my mistake :) for the time being, we have an ODF file (writer on libre office), I will try to give you, if possible today or tomorrow, all we have. I will prepare a gdoc and there are several pictures, where can I deliver all the results? 
Dott. Francesco Minazzi Sent from iPhone

Alessio 'Blaster' Biancalana

Jan 21, 2013, 4:14:29 AM1/21/13
Sorry if I bother you (and I was on the other track so...), you can try to import the ODT file in Drive (gdocs) so Ton can stay in sync from now on what you are doing.

My 2 cents :)


Ton Zijlstra

Jan 21, 2013, 4:16:10 AM1/21/13
hi Francesco,

mailing the odf sounds good to me.

pictures, if some of them are online at flickr or such that would work, or mailing them to me works as well!

grazie mille!
many thanks,

Op maandag 21 januari 2013 schreef Francesco Minazzi ( het volgende:
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