Issue: simInit() problems when objects are suplied from .GlobalEnv and start = 1.0

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Dec 19, 2017, 7:05:57 PM12/19/17
to SpaDES Users
I've encountered a possible bug in simInit().

When objects are supplied from .GlobalEnv to simInit(), a warning message saying that object loading was attempted before the start time and are being discarded. This only occurs if start  is set to 1.0.

When there are no objects being passed to simInit from .GlobalEnv, this ceases to be an issue.

I have attached a reproducible example ;)



Eliot McIntire

Dec 19, 2017, 10:59:11 PM12/19/17
to SpaDES Users
I diagnosed it (it was a bug -- related to recent changes to the internal workings of the Discrete Event Simulator), made an issue #12, and fixed it, pushed the changes to the development branch of SpaDES.core. Should be good to go now. It will enter into the CRAN version within a month or so.
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