[gina] Fail with editor 'false' when trying to commit

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Peter Platek

Jun 1, 2024, 10:35:11 AMJun 1
to SpaceVim

I'm not sure when this started to happen, but when I try to commit using Gina I now get this message:

[gina] Fail: env GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 GIT_ASKPASS=/home/peterp/.SpaceVim/bundle/gina.vim/scripts/askpass.zenity git --no-pager -c core.editor=false -c color.status=always -C /home/peterp/git/gitlab.com/SpaceVim commit -v --edit
[gina] error: there was a problem with the editor 'false'
[gina] Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.

How can I fix this?

Eric Wong

Jun 2, 2024, 10:03:54 AMJun 2
to spacevim

    sorry, I can not fix it, it seems a bug of gina. and it use `-c core.editor=false` by default. which maybe cause some problems. It is recommand to use git.vim.

name = 'git'
git_plugin = 'git.vim'

This plugin provides a command: `:Git`.

Peter Platek

Jun 2, 2024, 2:13:59 PMJun 2
to SpaceVim
Ok, thanks for responding.

I tried git.vim but I still like gina better for now.

It seems I've found a solution today.  I set my git core.editor to `nvr` and removed `-c core.editor=false` from process.vim

❯ git diff bundle/gina.vim/autoload/gina/process.vim
diff --git a/bundle/gina.vim/autoload/gina/process.vim b/bundle/gina.vim/autoload/gina/process.vim
index c4ceb8e8..7e2d30f9 100644
--- a/bundle/gina.vim/autoload/gina/process.vim
+++ b/bundle/gina.vim/autoload/gina/process.vim
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ endfunction
 call gina#config(expand('<sfile>'), {
-      \ 'command': 'git --no-pager -c core.editor=false -c color.status=always',
+      \ 'command': 'git --no-pager -c color.status=always',
       \ 'updatetime': 100,
       \ 'timeout': 10000,

That seems to open my commit messages, but it's slow.

Peter Platek

Jun 2, 2024, 2:17:20 PMJun 2
to SpaceVim
But, when I close the commit message it closes all my windows...

Peter Platek

Jun 2, 2024, 2:19:58 PMJun 2
to SpaceVim
But using :Git commit works fine so I'll use that :-) 

Eric Wong

Jun 3, 2024, 10:48:59 AMJun 3
to spacevim
Ok, git.vim is built-in plugin in spacevim, it provides two versions, If you are using neovim, the lua version is used.
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