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Chris Barrus

Nov 2, 2008, 4:22:56 PM11/2/08
to dro...@googlegroups.com, spac...@googlegroups.com
Passing along the info. I'm happy to see Kevin Cowen playing guitar


----- Begin forwarded message:
From: ser...@sonic-boom.info
Date: November 1, 2008 9:01:37 AM PDT
To: ch...@quartzcity.net

Hey folks,

Just back from the crazyness & fun of Mexico city & Teotihuacan. It
was fun to do a short piece with Robyn Guthrie again after playing
some shows a few years back. A big thank you to all our loved ones,
friends & everyone who came out to say hi & check out the shows in the
USA & Mexico.

Tonight it's Copenhagen, a solo Spectrum show.

Then next week it's onto Mulhouse in France for a week's workshop at
the college of art. Fri 7th nov sees the start of the Band shows with
original Spectrum guitarist Kevin Cowen, Nolan Watkinson on bass and
from the u.s.a Roger Brogan on percussion. Full list is:

1 Nov 2008, 20:00, Studenterhuset, Copenhagen, Denmark

7 Nov 2008, 20:00, Dachstock Reitschule, Bern, Switzerland
(With Roy & the Devils motorcycle & Papiro)

8 Nov 2008, 20:00, Sparte 4, Saarbrucken, Germany

9 Nov 2008, 20:00, Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg, Germany

10 Nov 2008, 20:00, Bang Bang Club, Berlin, Germany

11 Nov 2008, 20:00, Sonic Ballroom, Cologne, Germany

12 Nov 2008, 20:00, Zukunft, Zurich, Switzerland
(With Roy & the Devils motorcycle & Papiro)

13 Nov 2008, 20:00, Queen Kong Club @ Case-a-chocs, Neuchatel,
(With Roy & the Devils motorcycle & Papiro)

14 Nov 2008, 20:00, Flosserplatz, Aarau, Switzerland
(With Roy & the Devils motorcycle & Papiro)

15 Nov 2008, 20:00, St Gervais, Biel, Switzerland

26 Nov 2008, 20:00, Museu do Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal

27 Nov 2008, 20:00, Teatro Circo, Porto, Portugal

29 Nov 2008, Bordeaux, France - Festival w/ Psychic ills & others

Theres also 2 UK shows in Glasgow & Sheffield in early December - more
on this & other UK shows later.

On this first full European Band tour we'll be doing a similar mix of
Spectrum & Spacemen 3 material that we previewed at our UK and USA My
Bloody Valentine shows. Also, we will have T-shirts from Hamburg
onwards or by pre-payment & post.

Finally it looks like we will re-schedule our cancelled Paris show.
More on that as & when its re-booked. my apologies for the
cancellation there.

Anyone interested in adding shows in Dec or Jan - particularly in
Iceland, Holland, Belgium, Turkey, Spain & the Balaerics

looking forward
El Sonico


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