Re: Presentation of my remote control

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Marcelo Vaz

Nov 16, 2017, 10:57:03 AM11/16/17
Hi Robert and Guillaume,

Wondering about the awsome remote control in Sozi 17.06...

Any chances?

Em 23-01-2016 16:03, Robert Rosman escreveu:
> Hi all Sozi users!
> I've been hacking on a "remote control" for Sozi. That means you can
> control your sozi presentation from another browser window. It's
> perfect for dual head displays, or displaying your presentation on a
> video projector while having previews, notes, timer etc. on your own
> laptop monitor. Hopefully this presentation will make it clear enough
> how to use it:
> To download the unofficial binaries with the functionality
> implemented, look here:
> Use at your own risk! I haven't had any problems with it, but please
> let me know if you do, or if you have suggestions for how to make it
> better etc.
> The rumours says that this remote control, or some version of it, will
> be implemented in the next official release, and optional for those
> who wants it:
> The code itself is found in pull request 325, here:
> Hope it can help someone. Blessings and happy sozying!
> Robert

Sempre Ouvi Dizer: poesia todo dia nasce, a gente nem mesmo vê...

marc Genevey

Apr 10, 2018, 6:53:57 AM4/10/18
to sozi-users
Hello everyone

The remote control seems awesome!
Unfortunately i'm too much a noob to use the beta version as it is, and would very much like to see it implemented in next version of Sozi... I think most of us here use Sozi for presentations, and having a remote control one could use from a tablet or a smarphone would definetely be a blast.

Long live to Sozi !

PS: I joined this group just in order to post this message

Marcelo Vaz Pupo

Apr 10, 2018, 8:31:05 AM4/10/18

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marc Genevey

Apr 10, 2018, 9:28:24 PM4/10/18
to sozi-users

Thank you very much Marcelo : i would have missed it if it was not you.
plus: a new version of Sozi released yesterday.... What else could make a great day ?


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