68-Year-Old Man Tased During Traffic Stop In Sparta

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jerry diamond

Feb 2, 2015, 12:50:12 AM2/2/15
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com, FoodWate...@yahoogroups.com

68-year-old man tased during traffic stop in Sparta
The man who was tased says the officer used excessive force, but the Sparta Police Chief says the tasing was justified.
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I do not know precisely what happened.
I cannot determine the culpability or innocence of the officer involved.
I know that we need to be unbiased and not to jump to conclusions as so many did in my wife's case.
Same with this one -Was the officer justified in his actions?
Did the officer perhaps deliberately follow him from the meeting fully intending to harass him and beat him, 
hoping to maybe shoot him? Kind of sounds like it...but!!!
That is, of course, for the courts to decide. 
If Bob Estep was not exaggerating the details -if what he stated happened, actually occurred...
-and with the pervasive utilization of video cameras in police work, where is the video???
(I just read that they had Cameras -but they were not installed -coincidence? -or just very convenient?)
(Just one incident is the recent video of heavily armed and armored cops in NM,
Using a grenade and attack dog on a homeless man who was minding his own business 
in the foothills -and shooting him in the back several times, killing him)...well...

Sooo...how to feel about this??? Admittedly, -It keyed my emotions. 
I am 60 years old. Had that happened to me, I doubt I would have survived without the intervention of my angel.
I am a scholar -not a tough, rock hard farmer...

What came to my mind...is from the year 1994.
I was in Denver. I worked on freight docks.
Several of us got various Patriot, Militia, and Prophecy newsletters.
We all copied them and distributed them. We made videos.
We made patriot music cassette tapes -Carl Klang, Steve Vaus, etc.
I made 40 copies one time of a very hard core resistance newsletter.
It was 24 pages at the time. Subscriptions were cash only. Physical address only.
It was a hard core, underground, deadly serious operation.
It was published on  Ft Benning, or Ft Bragg -the S.F. military base.
It was published by ACTIVE DUTY Special Forces personnel.
The title was The Resistor. The people were Ayn Rand-ian by and large.

I determined to only give men copies if they vowed they would read it. I gave all of them away in one shift!
I will not repeat some of the -even for that day...
-deadly serious things the writers of the Resistor said, so as not to offend people.
Understand, these men are the elite -special forces -trained to...
"Recruit, train, equip and utilize indigenous personnel for the purposes of Guerrilla Warfare."
I remember one of the interesting things they said was about an upcoming gun rally in DC.
This is very close to a word-for-word quote. The words burned into my mind...
"You know the rules: Do not wear your uniform. There will be many FBI and ATF personnel there. 
They will be easy to recognize. They will be dressed like goons.
Take pictures of them. WE WILL NEED THESE LATER."

That advice is still relevant -perhaps more so today. If what Bob Estep described is anywhere close to the truth, 
that advice should be heeded in Sparta and every other place where abuse like this happens. 
It is so much easier now with the pervasive Smart Phones and You Tube -both high definition and pictures and videos as well are possible with a tap of a finger. Uploading to You Tube is a matter of minutes...

It is my sincere belief that as things continue to go south, how things play out here in the OzArk Plateau...
-will be completely different from what occurs in the rest of the nation.
This is going to be the place of healing, safety, shelter and refuge for many.

That means that it will needs be exactly that: a safe place.
It will be made into a safe place. One way or another.
In any given county, there are 15,000 people.
Nearly all are decent, intelligent, hard working...and armed...some very heavily.
This was taught to me by a deputy sheriff: "100% of the crime here is committed by 100 people.
We know who they are, what they look like, where they live, and what they drive..." 
I immediately thought..."Sounds like great odds to me. Things Go South, SHTF, TBGU (The Balloon Goes Up), TEOTWAWKI...etc...
In this corner, we have 14,900 good, hard working, honest, armed folks vs 100 scum-bag, low-life, brain-dead people whose greatest need in this life is a very small, totally quiet, pitch-dark place where they will forever improve the human gene pool..."
Yeah, counties like that will increase the "trash pick up, and will be cleaned up very quickly. 

The same numbers apply to LEO. MRAPs or no, everybody needs to eat. They need to sleep. They need to use the bathroom.  
LEO will never have the upper hand in numbers or weaponry here like they do in the cities across the nation. 

In case someone takes that as being anti-Law Enforcement, realize that, as Sheriff Richard Mack argues in his book The Sheriff -America's Last Hope...Many Sheriffs know that they are exactly that -The Last Defense for the people of their county,
-and they fully understand the rising Police State, and are taking stances firmly against it. 
Mack states that they will be the backbone of the resistance against the hegemony in this nation. 
They are educated on the issues and are the only ones with Constitutional authority
for resisting until such time as it breaks out into full scale warfare.
These sheriffs are candidly stating the need for themselves and the populace of this nation arming for Civil War.

I will try to limit this to one example. Listen to Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee if you want to hear a
well spoken intelligent man with a firm grasp on the reality of the situation in this nation. This was just regarding "Common crime:"
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. set off alarm bells Friday with a radio spot
some view as a call for citizens to arm themselves.
In the radio ad, Clarke tells residents personal safety isn't a spectator sport anymore, and that "I need you in the game."
"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke intones.
"You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back."
Clarke urges listeners to take a firearm safety course and handle a firearm "so you can defend yourself until we get there."
"You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We're partners now. Can I count on you?"

On the Ferguson riots, and the "Black Lives Count," bullshit:
"If black lives counted, they would be protesting at abortion centers."

And on Gun Control, Tyranny, etc???

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke warns of a Second American Revolution if gun control and
confiscation passes and said he would not enforce laws requiring confiscation in his county.
“First of all, to me that would be an act of tyranny,” he said of the gun control measures currently under consideration.
“So the people in Milwaukee County do not have to worry about me enforcing some sort of order that
goes out and collects everybody’s handgun, or rifles, or any kind of firearm and makes them turn them in.”
“The reason is I don’t want to get shot, because I believe that if somebody tried to enforce
something of that magnitude, you would see the second coming of an American revolution,
the likes of which would make the first revolution pale by comparison,” he added.
So he doesn’t want to get shot trying to confiscate guns…gee, that’s a lot smarter than the socialists who are pushing for gun control.
This sheriff’s office even put out a radio ad telling people they needed to go buy a firearm and learn to use it to protect themselves.
“An armed citizen is nothing for me to worry about”, he states.

OK, Enough. Read Lights Out by David Crawford Survival Monkey Forums (Links below & it is attached) and We Interrupt This Story for good depictions of how citizenry and Sheriffs will need to work together -perhaps against state, federal or UN  "encroachments."
Another memory...I was managing property. I was at one of the properties.
A tenant, a woman told me her DH was in Idaho -found a job and they were moving there. 
"People are polite there. Nobody messes with your daughter or your wife. There are too many mine shafts." I said Huh? 
"There are too many mine shafts." I asked her what she meant (Yes, I was naive.) 
"There are too many mine shafts -places to drop a body. We had a new hot shot deputy -was gonna be tough guy. 
A few choice words -no threats needed, and as he drove around the terrain in the county...
-realizing how many hundreds of places there were for accidents to occur...well, he became a nice guy very quickly."

In the book, Unintended Consequences, published in 1996,  John Ross of St Louis Missouri,
masterfully depicts a past history of the gun culture in America. (Links Below)
The story then melds into a "future history," when a BATF raid intended to plant drugs and counterfeit money in order to put a gun dealer friend of Henry's away for life with no hope of parole...goes bad -for them -all of them -forever.
The local hog populace is well fed that night, however.
The creative, including extremely sordid  ways described in the book for disposing of "trash"
-once actually even using a dumpster -are legendary in the genre for resistance to tyranny.
With the statement, "After the first one, they are all free," Henry Bowman sets out on a well planned,
well financed  one man warpath...until many more people get involved.

An interesting coincidence in the book, which began in, and is based mostly from Missouri,
was that the governor was a libtard and against gun control. In fact, a concealed carry bill went down to One vote.
The governor interfered with the vote and the bill failed.
That was his last mistake. He became an honest politician the same way nearly all of them do...
-he was given one of those small quiet dark places to spend eternity...
Date -obviously prior to 1996, the date the book was published.
Fast forward...to the year 2000...Mel Carnahan, a vehement opponent of guns in the hands of civilians,
just days before his overwhelming re-election, he died in a horrific plane crash.
Witnesses described a "tremendous explosion." The official NTSB Spokesperson said "...most of the pieces were..." -and held her thumb and forefinger in a circle the size of a golf ball -"about that big.  There were a few a bit bigger.".
The site was near St Louis, yet it was strangely in steep, rugged jungle terrain, making it almost impossible to conduct an investigation...
-or even find many of the pieces. It is unknown if the NTSB spokesperson was referring to plane parts or body parts the size of a golf ball, but if not all of the pieces were found, and if the parts were not very big, the funeral was -large.
People mourned...(Gun Control people anyway).

The message of the book is taken from the phrase popularized by American sociologist Robert K. Merton
Unintended Consequences, in this case, refers to an Unexpected drawback:
A negative, unexpected detriment occurring in addition to the desired effect of the policy.

Perhaps someone should send a copy to the current governor...and to each and every Sheriff Department.
It would be an enjoyable and much appreciated education for the good Sheriffs...
-and a nauseating and much despised education for the bad ones -those that refuse to learn from it.

One more memory...When I "woke up" in 1993, I immediately assessed the situation and saw that -at least for me
-things indicated that eventually, perhaps very soon, things were going to be deadly serious.
I "collected" Viet Nam vets -ie, I befriended them to learn from them.
On that very same front lawn of the property I was managing mentioned above,
I stood there with the man who most would describe as a slum lord as I came to find out.
There was a possibility of him coming after me because of how I managed his places -actually did the right thing -fixed things.
One of the Vietnam Vet friends was there with me. He was dressed in all black BDUs. Prescription Yellow Tinted shooting glasses.
He did not chit chat. He stood at attention. The landlord looked him over and said "you look like a very somber person."
Don did not say a word.
Just stared into his eyes without blinking. Landlord asked; "What kind of work do you do?" ..."I am an adjustor," my friend replied.
"What kind of things do you adjust?" Silence..."in a cross between a low growl and a whisper, Don said; "ANYTHING THAT NEEDS ADJUSTING." I never had a peep of trouble from that man. Coincidence? A client flat refused to pay me for work he requested me to do.
The same friend came with me to talk to the man the day after he told me that. He stood at military rest attention and never said one single word...just stared at the man. (He could stare for hours -win any amount of money on bets.) The man did not ask him any questions.
He never nodded to, or acknowledge that he was even there. His words were to me only. However...I got my money the next day.

That Vietnam Vet taught me something -which he was an absolute master at; 
"I never threaten anybody. Just make implications; 
just enough to make them wonder -what if...Sometimes words are not even needed. 
Let their imagination do all of your work for you." 

Kind of like the instructions mentioned earlier. Any thinking person knows that our SF personnel know hundreds of ways to kill people.
It is all many of them "have ever been good at in life."
What one's imagination comes up with could keep one awake at nights if one were the subject of the directive from the Resistor;
"...There will be many FBI and ATF personnel there. 
They will be easy to recognize. They will be dressed like goons.
Take pictures of them. WE WILL NEED THESE LATER."

We all need a better Imagination...some people just need help with theirs.
Books like Unintended Consequences do a vast service in this area.
Like Paul Harvey says..."Politicians tell you that they are going to Washington to serve you....
But it is not until you visit a farm and see the bull servicing the cows that you really understand what the
politicians have been telling you they have been doing for you, er to you...and, Now You Know The Rest Of The Story."

Imagination? Back to this friend; He was in a gas station in line behind two gang bangers.
He KNEW they were going to rob the place.
He said in that deadly quiet, gravely whisper: "There are a thousand ways to die in America.
Are you ready to meet your maker today?" Their imagination -and the look in his eyes did the rest...oh...
and maybe the SS Smith & Wesson 41 mag on his hip...
They turned and left. He turned to watch them leave and right behind him was a Deputy Sheriff who had come in behind him.
The man's eyes were wide open -but enjoying the scene.

Last thoughts...
I feel like it has been a long, long time of time seeing the signs, watching, wondering, praying, trying to wake people up,
educating, training, preparing, etc. It has been a long time -for me, 35 years.
Long enough that by the time my oldest son Ian was 14,
and we were at a fear-mongering meeting, an old man in the restroom said to him, "This is fairly disconcerting."
He was almost shaking. Ian's response, Bless his soul???
"Weeell, when you have been hearing it as long as we have, it really just gets boring." ...And THAT was fifteen loooong years ago!!!
A man I had not met at the time said to me "I know it has been a long lonely road for you." Seriously!!!
Why do complete strangers read my heart, know my heart and mind so well -while family scorns and mocks me???
Oh well. What does not kill you makes you stronger. It has.

The friend I mentioned above...for him it has been a hell of a lot longer.
I am almost positive I saw him on You Tube -protecting our southern border.
Mannerisms, glasses, actions, words, his code name, all fit -especially the complete facial cover so all one could see was his glasses, 
same on all his troops ...and the voice synthesizers. I was awed that he might still be actively helping his country.
I figured his age as best I could; he had Served in Korea and Vietnam....
79 years old -and he still loves his country enough to continue to be a strong leader and train new people.
He has been a Patriot and a Warrior for 62 years.

We need leadership like that. We need leadership in every single facet of life.
Farming, communications, healing, building, manufacturing...
May God bring those people forth and may people recognize and follow them.
We are called sheep for good reasons; we are dumb, and we are by inclination timid, and we need protection of a Shepherd, and...
-did I mention we are stupid like sheep as well? -we need someone to tell us what to do, where to go, how to live.
Admit it before it is too late and trust Providence to lead you to the right leader for you.
Follow them. Help them. Pray for them. Protect them.
It is high time to lead, follow -or get the hell out of the way!!!

Very soon, it will be manifestly clear that we need to change the way we are living.
Women will know they need coverture.
People will understand the need for strong leadership.
The video games, the sports, the entertainment will soon be seen by many more people for what they really are:
"Panem et Circenses," Bread and Circuses; Boil the frogs slowly....
Inline image

This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100). In context, the Latin panem et circenses Bread and Circuses identifies the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of contemporary Romans.[5]
Roman politicians passed laws in 140 B.C. to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole:
giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", became the most effective way to rise to power.

… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties;
for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions
— everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses[6]

Juvenal here makes reference to the Roman practice of providing free wheat ((Today, it is EBT, Medicare, etc))
to Roman citizens as well as costlycircus games and other forms of entertainment as a means of gaining political power.



Panem et Circenses

It was not until the third book of the Hunger Games trilogy that you find out
(if you had not figured it out before then) that the CAPITOL,
the Tyrannical government which would burn men women and children to death in Katniss's home town, is short for Panem et Circenses.
The Hunger Games are the dystopian entertainment -Gladiators fighting to the death in Arenas.
More depraved than the Romans, they force children to kill each other
in an arena each year, to hold the masses under -by fear and intimidation.

What the Capitol pretend to provide -was free for the taking -outside of the system.
Watch this 11 minute movie -it encapsulates all three books in seed form...
-and it is a prophecy for us today.
We need to "Go outside the fence" and find freedom, food, and weapons -and with them build a refuge, an Ark, and a way of life and for ourselves and for our families and for our posterity.

What can you do about incidents like the Tasing of a 68 year old farmer who is hard of hearing?
Read the books above. Build or find a safe place for your family.
Be ready for changes -for 999 out of 1000 of you reading this -this will entail UNIMAGINABLE CHANGES!!!
Things are about to change forever in America and there will be no going back. 
If you want a preview of things to come, listen to me read I SEE THE FUTURE -Chapter 4 of There Is No Death.
What this woman saw in her Near Death Experience perfectly dovetails with what
I have been burdened with for these many long lonely years. She describes horrors unimaginable.
It can be described as hell on earth -and it can be called Divine Judgement, because that is precisely what it is.

You are the proverbial frogs in the pot of water.
The enemy has been turning up the heat just a little bit...
-just a little bit -until they cook you anyhow!!! Jump out.
Go outside the fence as in the Hunger Games / The Hanging Tree short movie.
Learn to hunt, to grow your own food, to build your own house, to protect your family.
As Ferfal said "If you want to protect your family, protect as large of an area  around them as possible."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  A good 
.  .  .  .  .  . man draws a circle around 
.  .  .  .  himself and cares for those within 
.  .  .  .hiswoman, hischildren. Othermen 
.  .  . drawalargercircleandbring. within 
.  .  .theirbrothersand sistersBut some men 
.  .  have. agreaterdestiny...They .must .draw 
.  .  .aroundthemselvesacirclethat includes 
.  .  .  many, many more. Your father was 
.  .  .  . of  those  men.  You  must  decide 
.  .  .  .  .
for yourself whether you are as 
. . . . . . . . .well.-Tic Tic 
to D'Leh in .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 B.C.



Lights Out Links:

PDF]Lights Out by HalfFast --- www.frugalsquirrels.com - Meetup

Lights Out by HalfFast --- www.frugalsquirrels.com. Page 2. This novel has been written over the course of three years on the www.frugalsquir- rels.com fiction ...

Unintended Consequences - DOWNLOAD PDF, MOBI, OR AZW File of book

02-20-2013 • Accurate Press

Unintended Consequences PDF

The next printing is going to be softcover and will probably be priced at $28.95 and $6 shipping.
A modern novel of liberty to rival Rand's Atlas Shrugged...a masterwork.” -- Vin Suprynowicz, Las Vegas Review-Journal.
"What Harriet Beecher Stowe did in 1853 [showing the horrors of slavery in Uncle Tom's Cabin] John Ross has done for today's struggle for individual freedom...Read it!"
--Aaron Zelman, Executive Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
"The most important work of fiction I have read in over a decade."
-- Dr. Edgar Suter, Chairman of Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research
After the repeal of Prohibition, Congress passes an obscure federal gun law, written to promote massive noncompliance and thus give idled Prohibition agents something to do. Three decades later, a boy born into a well-to-do family becomes immersed in shooting sports, and firearms become his lifelong passion. An expert with rifle and pistol who gives free personal protection classes to women, Henry Bowman is just one of the millions of people who comprise America's "gun culture." Because of his upbringing, Henry is sensitized to government's capacity to abuse its power. As years pass, Henry watches continued federal assaults on the gun culture with growing alarm. Concurrently, Henry's adult life intersects with the lives of two very different people: Cindy, a woman whose instincts for self-preservation help her survive virtual slavery inside an organized crime syndicate, and Ray, a lawyer who left the U.S. in 1963 and returns thirty years later. Now near middle age, Henry is alone at a friend's house one night. He uses his skills to thwart an armed break-in only to discover that the assault was not a burglary but a raid. Henry's victims are not street criminals but federal agents, and with mounting horror he listens to the captive survivors describe the operation they were carrying out. With the Ruby Ridge killings and the Waco massacre burned into his memory, Henry knows he has just given himself a death sentence. He faces the law enforcement assets of the entire U.S. Government as the country's future hangs in the balance. Despite the odds, Henry has no intention of becoming a martyr. Henry Bowman is a resourceful man with money, intelligence, and motivation, and he has history on his side.
John Ross,October, 2001
John Ross (shown above in Denver, October 20, 2001) is an investment broker and financial adviser in St. Louis, Missouri. He has degrees in English and Economics from Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Mr. Ross is a certified personal protection instructor, and the author of Self-Defense Laws and Violent Crime Rates in the United States, which was the first published work to empirically assess the effect of concealed-carry laws on violent crime in America. He has authored several firearms-related technical articles for Precision Shooting magazine and Machine Gun News. Since the age of eight, Mr. Ross has been an avid participant in many aspects of the shooting sports. He fires upwards of 20,000 rounds of ammunition per year and is, by his own admission, a member of the gun culture.

Unintended Consequences Available on Amazon Now - CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

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“Unintended Consequences,” by John Ross

by suburban on July 7, 2010 · 0 comments
Found this online, I’ll probably drop it into the Kindle for a read:  Unintended Consequences. 
It is over 700 pages long and the PDF is well over 1.5MB… Enjoy.
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Galen Chadwick

Feb 4, 2015, 1:09:40 PM2/4/15
to southwest-mo-co...@googlegroups.com
Bob and I had breakfast together that morning.
I'll be in Springfield Friday morning/ maybe Saturday morning also
for the Mo organic growers assoc.

My number is 417 712-3835

I've got some important printed materials to give you for near-futre distribution.
Please give a call and we can set up a rendevous.

All for Good,    

Galen Chadwick
PO box 434
Theodosia Mo


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