I Believe in and Advocate One Central Safe Region in the CONUS: The OzArk Plateau

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jerry diamond

Feb 19, 2015, 1:57:41 AM2/19/15
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com, FoodWate...@yahoogroups.com, ne...@areawidenews.com, wpq...@centurytel.net, ne...@kkountry.com, edi...@myspringriver.com, jessi...@missouristate.edu, randys...@missouristate.edu, newsa...@ky3.com, ne...@kolr10.com, edi...@howellcountynews.com, Hometo...@centurytel.net, ne...@ozarkradionetwork.com, cri...@kkountry.com, tra...@kkountry.com, paces...@centurytel.net, ri...@areawidenews.com, v...@centurytel.net, mi...@americasvoicenow.org, di...@americasvoicenow.org, animalw...@gmail.com, donea...@gmail.com

I Believe in and Advocate One Central Safe Region in the CONUS: The OzArk Plateau

"Mornin Jerry, man cave, I'm picturing you with a shovel diggin out the side of a hill, lol. 
Yeah, my "man cave" at the moment is a "B" van with the buddy heater doin its thing,
no snow, but, purty chili here in the S.E. 
"Hoping Someone Will Show Up" -What area of the Country?"

Okay guys & gals....
I been busy...
all of you across the nation who are mobile, can camp out, and want to be free...
there will be no better place to head than the OzArk Plateau.
Listen to my Ozark Refuge video and as many others as you can stand.
Sorry I am not more eloquent, interesting, or better looking.
Speaking of looking...I am still waiting for that winter tipi heating method that Dandelion uses. I thought I found one...Oh well, next time...

As you read my articles -if you find them (trying to remedy that with a blog site, 
BUT i CAN SEND YOU LINKS VIA EMAIL)...and my book -free at
and listen to my lectures (links below), my interviews etc...
you will understand that I believe in and advocate one central safe region in the CONUS. All others may well be temporary,
as is precisely foreseen in vision in the book There Is No Death (TIND).
I want to start to read that on one of my upcoming Diamond Times...
or make it a series on its own...an Audiobook. 
The author had a Near Death Experience (NDE) and in the 4th chapter,
she could have mentioned Galen Chadwick's name, 
my name, Jerry Diamond, and certainly the OzArk Plateau.

She was just not given that info, but she knew that EVERYONE from the 20 or so safe "cities of light" around the nation -would all gather to ONE place. 
ALL of those places of gathering would be temporary. 
That One place to which they will all gather...
-from the West and from the East, from the North and the South...
-is here -the OzArk Plateau.
It is 500 miles from the Mexican border.
It is 500 miles from the Canadian border.
It is 500 miles from the (future) East Coast, ie, the Appalachians.
It is 500 miles from the (future) West Coast, ie, the Continental Divide.
It will be the only place to head that will be capable of taking in millions of refugees. You all that are mobile and knowledgeable in winter survival will be desperately needed to train people in survival.
Come now and you will be able to be a part of the solution...
or come later and maybe be forced to be a part of the problem.




The OzArk Refuge one is the briefest summary of my overall perspective...
-kind of a rant that I already had practice on -from the 3rd and 4th Interview segments Interview for Beyond Of Grid Documentary.
I will list the videos that cover the concept of why someone would want to relocate their families and businesses to the OzArk Plateau.


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Part 3 of 4 Listen at 21:32 for OzArk Plateau Rant that the Producer titled Diamond's Thoughts:

The last 4 minutes of Part 3, Combined with this 4th part totals about 21 Minutes:
 This chapter of a Near Death Experience precisely corroborates what I have seen for many years. It even recounts an Ebola like Plague, a "Zombie Apocalypse" and a massive Earthquake with the Miss River being opened up to the Great Lakes.

This is 1.5 Hours...and it is basically just an introduction to The importance of the Very Thick, Very Solid,
Very Stable and Very Safe  Floating Craton and the heart of it being the OzArk Plateau:

Half of my book is on audio:

These videos are various aspects of and reasoning which support the thinking behind my  OzArk Plateau Message:





This short movie from the book Mockingjay -of the Hunger Games Trilogy
-beautifully crystallizes the entire trilogy as well as what I see coming in our country and around the world
-People kept in bondage by a make believe barrier when outside of the controlling situation there is freedom, food, weapons, etc.
Some of us plan on living outside:

Chapters 17 to 26 of 1632 -Ring Of Fire
This passage is about choosing life -rather than death. Instead of focusing on Death, and having as our primary Standard Operation Procedure -ie, planning to deal out death to protect our food supply, etc, we can focus on being 
Choosers of the Living... Instead of being Valkyrian Choosers of the Dead.


Feb 19, 2015, 9:25:07 AM2/19/15
to southwest-mo-co...@googlegroups.com
there is one reason not to go...   you will be under the control of http://www.ozarksfirst.com/story/d/story/what-is-going-on-inside-pensmore-castle/33815/CTwBv4-e4kG-F-hmFe0-nQ   I for one would NOT like to be a medieval serf...

 Fix it once,  fix it right,  fix ANYTHING.
 Free Libre Open Source Software(FLOSS) advocate

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Don't mess with the penguin!

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert A. Heinlein


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jerry diamond

Feb 20, 2015, 1:23:10 AM2/20/15
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com

MATTHEW 24 in speaking of the future troubles Jesus says
9“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 
It will be easy to round all the Christians up when they are in the same place.

My answer:

Okay, let me try to draw a picture that will explain the real situation.
There are 3100 counties in the US.
Many of them have Sheriffs who will play ball with the Hegemony. Many will not. 
What percentages turn out to be will not be known until that time.
However, one thing is an absolute, very basic, and easy to understand truth:
The large cities, and in "Bad" counties where Sheriff have taken MRAPs etc, etc will be the easiest places to round up, impound and control / imprison, export, and execute, etc the largest numbers of the population.
Get out of the cities. Find out where your sheriff is going to come down on gun control. If eh is a Federal Sycophant, make plans to get the hell out of that county. Pretty simple stuff.
Follow Francis Schaeffer's sequence of remaining free:
Protest (too late)
Flight (still an available option)
Fight (always an option)
Most of "their" resources will be used up in those high population areas. 
Technology is expensive and is "removable" with cheap, effective and readily available materials. rest assured, much of that technology / assets will be exactly that "Used Up." This was the basis of the Star Wars missile defense under Reagan.
(And an aside, this is a damn good reason to read Sci-Fi authors such as Jerry Pournelle co-author of Lucifer's Hammer.
Pournelle was the co-author of The Strategy of Technology which is used in war colleges and was the basis of the Star Wars defense.) The idea is -got incoming missiles? Throw rocks at them -like a giant shotgun blast. Or, Kids with remote control cheap, stripped down fighter planes... predator drones anyone -and You thought those were new?

I suggest that instead of people making blithe, banal, off the cuff, vapid,
knee jerk  comments, they should first read a bit of history.
We are due to repeat quite a bit of it in this nation very soon.
It is going to be bloody. It is going to be horrifying.
It is going to be well nigh the end of the entire population base of this nation.
I have read history, and what I say I see coming, is based on everything
-scripture, science, history, etc, because it all agrees and it all says the same thing.
Ignore me at your own risk.
In an area six times larger than Switzerland, which is better provisioned by a factor of a magnitude or two,
what you are saying, "It will be easy to round all the Christians up when they are in the same place," will be highly unlikely to impossible.
"Consider all of these diverse factors that also line up with history,
ie the same escape route applies to every nation in every century when invaded,
as to where refugees go in time of invasion -the interior of the land mass, and high ground which is defensible
We are living in  a time when the cultural, historical, religious, racial, economic, and geographical study of regions / nations like Switzerland & Afghanistan become critical.
What do I mean? Afghanistan  is what is historically called >THE GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES.<
Why? If you are stupid enough, and proud enough, and over extended enough  to attack Afghanistan,
it means your empire is about to die. Russia failed. The Berlin Wall came down. The USSR broke up. We will fail. Period.
You cannot defeat and rule a nation of warriors when they own the high ground. Period.
Why did Hitler not invade Switzerland? He did confront them;
He asked them: >What if I invade with one million troops?<
Anybody know the Swiss Militia Credo???  No? It is:
Ein Schweizer, Sieben Deutsche. –(One Swiss, Seven Germans:o)

How did Russia fare when they invaded Finland In 1939 in what is known as
The Winter War???
Russia had superiority in tanks, airplanes, and troops up to 200 to one. 450,000 Soviet troops crossed the border. They were met by the small Finnish army which initially numbered only 180,000. The Finns were badly outnumbered in all areas during the conflict with the Soviets also possessing superiority in armor (6,541 to 30) and aircraft (3,800 to 130). http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/navalbattles1900today/p/winterwar.htm
The Finns had Skis and rifles, and knowledge of the terrain.
Who won? Stalin said that 1.5 million troops went to Finland,
one million stayed there...forever. The kill ratio was 40 to 1.
Four man teams on skies destroyed 2000 Russian tanks.

Why has Russia never messed with them again, even with a 1000 mile long common border?
Finland has 700,000 pairs of skis. You think ski & shoot at the Olympics is a game?
I have stated many times;
"It does not matter what you believe. It does not matter what you want.
It does not make a hill of beans difference what your favorite theologian or prophecy writer says.
The only determining factor is what the Most High God has determined from the foundation of the world
will come to pass in the end times, and what He has clearly been doing over the past several decades.
I am only looking at his work in history, in scripture, in the movements of hundreds of thousands
of families over the past decades, and in personal prophecies.
If you have a problem with the way He is handling things, please take that up with Him.
If you will humble yourself, and be willing to listen, He will freely shed light on the issue. 

The other option is; ignore what I say to your own demise, and that of others that you could have warned.
A Caveat is -of course the safest place for you is in the center of God's will. 
However, far too many people are going to die, because they thought that they were smart enough to think for themselves.
Millions of others will die because while they realized they were not smart enough to think for themselves,
they chose the wrong theologian, prophecy guru, or patriot leader to do their thinking for them."

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