Fracking On The Dotted Craton Line

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jerry diamond

Jan 14, 2015, 1:46:14 AM1/14/15
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb,, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor,, sherry shriner, hcp,,

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday night, I was watching dutchsinse videos with my son. 

another one with good background:


The thought came to both of us that if they have been, are, and continue to frack on the Craton edge, it is as if they are deliberately punching holes on the most delicate part of the North American Plate -the edge of the Craton. Hmmm....
The next morning, I was talking to my son in law and he said words almost to that effect; 
"Last night, I had the thought that fracking is being done to deliberately weaken 
the craton edge, and cause large parts of the country to be submerged."

This morning, I woke up to look for support for my long held idea that the reason for good plant growth, etc, on the "West Slope" -of Colorado, Montana, etc...
is at least partly because the Crust is very thin there -it is closer to the molten (hot) Mantle. The Craton, however, is over twice as thick as normal earth crust. 
West of the Continental Divide, it is thinner. Made sense to me.
I looked over past emails, and did new research online. Below is what I found so far.

If you read the links and quotes below and listen to some of the videos, yes, I was right:
The crust is thinner, weaker, less dense (earthquakes are absorbed / diluted compared to east of the Divide) and warmer west of the Continental Divide. 
That is the western edge of the Craton. 
In gardening, before they are put in the ground, seeds are 
germinated and plants propagated on warmer trays. 
I always wondered why Montrose, Delta, Colorado, 
and Flathead Valley had Bing Cherries the size of small lemons. 
Soil pH, sure, one reason, but warmer soil is another.

Please realize, this is several hours of work, stacked on the thousands of hours of other people's work, along with my other hundreds of hours. Soooo....please do not ask for a "Cliff Notes" version or a Synopsis unless you PayPal a sizable amount, or send the request by snail mail with a payment of several hundred dollars. This is getting that serious, folks. 
THIS IS  A READER'S DIGEST  version. DEAL. WITH. IT!!! !!! !!! Read it. Digest what you can.
Okay, you want a Nutshell version? The Craton, big as it is -Texas to Greenland...
is, geologically -for a hard cold fact -"Less Dense Than The Mantle." The Craton is floating. 
IT IS AN ARK. That is not true of the area outside of the Eastern / Western edges. 
They can, and large portions of them will, either be submerged by rising ocean levels, 
or will crack, crumble, and sink because they are heavier than the mantle.

 Once again, if you live -or if you have people that you care about 
-that live west of the Continental Divide, or East of the Mississippi
-do what you can to make a change in location.

With that....I repeat my intro to the post I sent out or about NOV 15, 2014; 

Dear Friends,

I wanted to preface this very serious article with some personal comments... 
I do this because of the extreme sense of foreboding based on the scientific studies 
I have been led to do regarding the geological construction 
of this land mass that we call the United States. 

I am going to state plainly that United States...
-are soon to be "Dis-United"...
-and I mean large parts of them physically disappeared, 
and separated. 
Geology is screaming this message. 
The Pacific Northwest, Cascadia, is completely unsafe 
anywhere west of the Continental Divide. 
That entire region is Volcano City. 
The crust is thin, unstable, and the future maps of the USA 
which you see online with much of the western US gone, 
and a coastline somewhere in Utah...
-are not too much pizza and wine dreams, 
or Occultist flights of fancy. 

They are just solid interpretations of the 
geology of the earth's crust there. 

Likewise, the opened up 30 to 100 mile wide Mississippi River Valley on the same maps 
-solid geological interpolation of the facts.

Both of these events -Earth Changes -will serve to protect the interior of the country 
-and the peoples gathered there.
When will this all happen? Sure, maybe we have another 20,000 years. 
However, I suspect it will be long before that -likely in our lifetimes. 
I would guess within the next five years.

I say all of these things, and what I have quoted and written below -before the article 
-is so that if you live west of the Continental Divide, or are East of the Mississippi, 
or have loved one -family and friends who do...
I strongly advise you to do all in your power to make a difference for those souls. 

This article below should be read in conjunction with my post titled 
The “Old Rules” No Longer Apply and...North America May Indeed Be Entering a 
Period of  Seismic Instability Unheard Of In Modern Times

Most of that can be read on whatever group you get this from, or write me and I will send it.

I will say readily that I am not a scientist -but had I gone into engineering at CU, 
instead of Bible College, I would have been. Instead, I took "The Path Less Traveled." 
As a result, I escaped institutional brainwashing, and was able to study 
any topic that caught my interest and imagination -to the nth degree. 
It eventually led me here to Missouri and a lifestyle that gave me the time and resources 
to engage in a disciplined and wide ranging research of hundreds of disciplines and subjects. 
In 2008, after talking to Galen Chadwick for about fifteen minutes, Galen -in an aside -said "Oh, You are a polymath." 
THAT one word explained my entire life when I discovered the definition......

The first two were given to me along with a tune. 
The last three are from Galen.  
Galen spoke of an Anthem for the Ozark Plateau.
This is simple, and will speak to people's hearts:  

"There will be a place, 

That is safe and warm,
With Healing, Water, 
Shelter from the storm.

There will be a place,
He made for His own,
With Healing Houses
You can call your own.

Fescue, Rocks, Mud, Mules!
This is Show-Me Land!
Where friends are quick 
With a helping hand!

Where cold springs flow 
Like silver fountains,
And time stands still in 
These ancient mountains.

Redeem the land 
Where we once belonged,
Restore this Island
Garden of the Gods!"

I have the tune in my head -but I am not a musician.

"And what made these rivers so unusual are 
the large springs which feed most of them. 
Springs so large, and from waters so deep 
that droughts leave them still flowing." 


The Three-foot Spoons     The Three-foot Spoons

When people only care about themselves,
nobody benefits. But, when they help each other, everyone comes away satisfied,
as we see in the parable of the three-foot spoons

By: Bracha Goetz   Publish date: 7/11/2009, 22:09 Print version    Add your comment  Email This Article  

Illustrated by Rebecca Shapiro
based on a parable attributed to the famous rabbi, Maharam Rottenberg
There once was a great rabbi,
Who had a dream one night.
And in the dream he got to see,
A most amazing sight.
The rabbi got the chance to see,
What we'd all like to know.
He found out where givers end up.
And where the selfish go.
First he was led into a room,
Where selfish folk are taken.
A great, big GORGEOUS banquet hall.
Said he, "Are you mistaken?"
The tables were set beautifully.
Great food was piled up high.
"But wait - no one is eating!"
The rabbi wondered, "Why?"
"Why are these people starving?"
He got his answer soon.
Strapped onto each of their arms:
A three-foot-long spoon!
So each one sat there, hungry.
Food in front of each nose.
But they could find no way to eat,
Without bending their elbows!
Then the rabbi was led out,
To the place where givers go.
But it looked just like the other place.
Cried the rabbi, "No way! No!"
A great, big GORGEOUS banquet hall.
Tables set so  beautifully.
But here, the people sitting down,
Looked happy as could be.
Three-foot spoons were strapped on,
In this hall - just like the other.
But in this place, each arm stretched out -
To reach the mouth of another!
"So that is it!" the rabbi laughed.
"To see this is a treat!
Here nobody goes hungry.
Here each one gets to eat!"
"They were so used to giving.
Not one minute ticked by.
Before these souls had figured out,
How to help the other guy!"
"In this banquet hall also,
Their elbows could not bend.
But that would not stop them,
From reaching out to help a friend."
"But oy! Those other fellows!
In the other banquet hall!
They're so used to being selfish
They can't think to give at all!"
"Givers get used to giving.
And selfish folk to taking.
But if they knew where they'd end up,
They'd fix the mistake they're making!"
The rabbi told about his dream.
A dream he was quick to share,
Because he felt it could help us,
To stretch ourselves, to care.
He found out where givers end up,
And where the selfish go.
The places aren't different,
But the people make it so.
And right here, right now
Each day that we are living,
Can really feel like Heaven,
If we spend our days giving!
Which table do you prefer?
(Bracha Goetz is the author of ten children's books, including Aliza in MitzvahLand,     The Invisible Book, and What Do You See at Home? To enjoy Bracha's presentations, you're welcome to email

The last line of the song, Sheep and Goats by Keith Green
"And my friends, the only difference between the sheep and the goats, 
according to this scripture,
is what they did, and didn't do!!!"


What you do with the spoon placed on your arm will 
absolutely determine how you survive what is coming. 
It may well also determine where 
you spend the time after you die."

As the Old Knight said to Indiana: 

-jeremiyah -PROENETES



5/27/2014 -- Colorado 4 MILE LONG Landslide @ FRACKING operation

A comment on dutchsinse sums this up:

"They do not like fracking to be blamed for earthquakes and landslides and holes 
because they r flipping fracking all along the Craton edge. 
Fracking is done for one reason, to induce earthquakes and instability. 
It is sheer nonsense that this is going on for gas or oil.
It's like taking a drill and drilling half mile holes all over ur backyard
and then forcefully injecting water into those drilled holes. 
What do u think ur backyard would become and ur house on top of it.  Sheer diabolical evil."

For those who don't understand, or those who are trying to deny the fracking connection to this huge landslide... let me explain a bit more.

First, no one can deny there is indeed a fracking operation at the landslide location. This is a fact.

In order to explain why this 4 mile landslide occurred at the fracking operation,
you must first understand how the plate is moving currently,
and how the weak spots are showing excessive movement.

Current examples of the weak spot / craton edge movement...

The earthquake swarms in Idaho near Red Butte (western portion of the Yellowstone magma chamber) ,
and swarms at Yellowstone park itself, all swarms happening over the past 2 months....

Also, the huge landslide in Washington State (preceded by an earthquake)...
the other landslide in Jackson Hole Wyoming at a dormant volcanic Butte...
the earthquake swarms at the fracking operations in Oklahoma + Texas + South Colorado,
the odd earthquakes in Utah, Nevada and California at the dormant volcanic sites,
the larger earthquakes off the coast of California and Oregon at the fresh lavic fields....
the announcement that magma chambers in the Pacific Northwest at Mount Saint Helens and Yellowstone are "recharging"......

Finally, the confirmation that Yellowstone has raised FOUR inches, and moved 1inch Southeast since NEW YEARS . 
Yellowstone located along the edge of the craton, proves the edge is being moved SOUTHEAST.......
add in the earthquakes along the Southern + Eastern edges of the craton , movement in Virginia, Quebec Canada, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee.

Put it all together.... the craton edge is being displaced. 
The weak spots, such as dormant volcanic chains, new lavic fields,
and FRACKING operations are showing heavy movement . 
This is due to the entire edge of the North American craton being displaced
(as evidenced by the earthquake activity occurring directly upon the edge of it).

Fracking operations contain hundreds (in some cases thousands) of drill sites. 
Each drilled out shaft is nothing more than a man made "tube" in the ground. 
Similar to what mother nature would produce in a volcanic chain. 
Multiple fractures out of hollow tubes in the ground. 
Earthquakes occur naturally at the weak points....
like a perforation in a box makes it easy to bend,
the perforations in the crust provide a point for pressure release.

Officials are quick to jump to "flooding" in these landslide events.
Normally, I would not disagree, however the location of this huge collapse in Colorado , screams out to me as being tectonic related.  

Flooding was the "reason" used in Washington State, also in Jackson Hole Wyoming. 
A week or so after Jackson Hole actually split in half, the main stream media acknowledged
it was a BUTTE which split, not due to flooding. 
The Washington state landslide was hushed up very quickly after the announcement
that a SEISMIC EVENT (1.0M to 2.0M) occurred about an hour before the landslide.

This Colorado landslide appears to be more rock and sand than any "water".
Don't see flooding waters, no running streams, not even much "mud" in any of the shots.

My best informed guess on this, is that craton pressure caused a fracture at the fracking operation. 
Possibly an underground aquifer, mixed with frack sand pumped in under high pressure for several years is what caused this massive "flow".

Not seeing the WATER that could have caused this... anyone have ANY PROOF of water? 
All I'm seeing is rock and sand mixed with trees knocked over at HIGH SPEED .. like a lahar flow, not a mud slide.

Speaking of Lahar flows, Dotsero volcano is just 50 miles Northeast,
Colorado's only well known volcano which is located of I-70.....
also due North are the Hot Springs, and just North of the Hot Springs is Jackson Hole which had its own collapse.

We can expect more movement (earthquake wise)
along the edge of the craton,
which means we can expect future
large collapses like this in the future.

(collapse isn't the right term, at this point, I'd call this an "eruption" of debris coming from a mix of an aquifer
with a fracking operation under high pressure all being released at once due to a larger plate movement issue)


Why was the East Coast earthquake felt so far from the e...
Today's earthquake in Virginia was felt from South Carolina to Canada. We …
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"On the East Coast, the continental crust is older, colder, and denser.
Contrast that with the West Coast, which is still tectonically active today, from the San Andreas Fault in Southern California to the subduction zone in the Pacific Northwest. West of the Rockies, the continent has been undergoing extension for the past 17 million years or so.
That has stretched the crust, making it thinner and bringing
hot mantle rock closer to the surface, which has warmed things up.
Because of these differences, shaking can be transmitted much farther
(about three times the distance) through the colder, denser eastern crust."


Fracking Quakes Shake the Shale Gas Industry | MIT Tech...
Well shutdowns prompted by fracking-induced seismicity may inspire technology tweaks.
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A second source of shaking from shale gas operations is common to many oil and gas fields:
the subsurface disposal of waste-water and of naturally occurring brines that surface with the desired hydrocarbons.
Deep-injection disposal wells were probably behind a string of quakes in Arkansas that began in 2010,
as well as more recent tremors around Youngstown, Ohio, that culminated in a magnitude 4.0 shake this New Year’s Eve.
“There’s no doubt that those Youngstown earthquakes are directly
associated with the disposal well there,” says Arthur McGarr, a
geophysicist and induced-seismicity expert with the U.S. Geological Survey.

McGarr at USGS says an early warning system is a good idea, and one in keeping with the
seismic risk assessment protocol for well-blasting operations employed by geothermal-energy producers.
He is less sanguine, however, about estimates of the maximum severity that earthquakes triggered by fracking and injection wells can reach,
saying this question needs more science.
That means the risk of anthropogenically (Manmade) inducing large,
deadly quakes cannot be ruled out.


Fracking Earthquakes Move Across State Lines — From O...
(N.Morgan) The earthquake phenomenon caused by fracking is circulating all over the country at the present time. It is becoming more apparent that fracking could be...
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37.069°N 97.790°W depth=9.9km (6.1mi)

Kansas, not normally prone to seismic activity, can expect to see more of these events, and certainly expect larger earthquakes to come. Over the past 2 years, we’ve seen a large increase in the number of earthquakes occurring at the fracking operations in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, the Dakotas, and New York. 

All these aforementioned fracking earthquake locations

reside along the edge of the North American Craton.


Fracking Across the United States
Join our community of 1 million supporters and receive critical action alerts and learn more about our work..
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Fracking Across the United States

The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented oil and gas drilling
rush—brought on by a controversial technology called hydraulic fracturing, 
or fracking. Along with this fracking-enabled rush have come
troubling reports of poisoned drinking water, polluted air,
mysterious animal deaths, industrial disasters and explosions.
We call them Fraccidents.

Frack Targets & Resources

Learn about shale targets and water resources at risk in some of the states affected by fracking:



CERI :: Recent Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern U....
 Click on an earthquake on the above map to zoom in. DISCLAIMER
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Inline image

(Original Content) Massive Explosive Potential in Louisi...
 by: Freedomrox A horrible scenario is shaping up in the Gulf of Mexico, which could easily allow a chain of events to unfold, which may quickly become an ext…
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"Hydraulic Fracturing is occurring all along the
North American Craton Plate. What is a craton?"

 by: Freedomrox
A horrible scenario is shaping up in the Gulf of Mexico, which could easily allow a chain of events to unfold, which may quickly become an extinction level disaster. This article will attempt to explain and link together all the aspects and events that have led up to this point. The subjects involved are numerous, including the usage of Hydraulic Fracturing, and where it’s gases are stored once recovered, and it's connection to the Louisiana sinkhole; how the ‘fracking” is de-stabilizing the North American craton plate, and how all of it is connected to the recent BP Gulf Oil Spill. Bear with me, while we go on a journey of discovery that will leave you chilled to the bone about the future of not only the Gulf of Mexico, but of the United States and beyond.
“Slick water hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is a technology used to extract natural gas, and oil, that lies within a shale rock formation thousands of feet beneath the earth’s surface.
Combined with another technique called “horizontal drilling,” natural gas companies are able to drill previously untapped reserves.
Industry says the process is safe and does not pollute drinking water supplies. But a growing movement of environmentalists, scientists and residents worry that the chemicals used in the fracking process will leak into aquifers. Wastewater from the process returns to the surface contaminated with some of those chemicals, as well as buried salts and naturally occurring radioactive material. That wastewater needs to be treated, or buried deep in the earth using underground injection wells.”
More info and interactive map about “Fracking” available at:
Hydraulic Fracturing is occurring all along the North American Craton Plate. What is a craton?
North America’s saga began over four billion years ago, when fragments of continental crust first formed. Some of these fragments coalesced into microcontinents, which later collided to assemble the craton — the heart of North America. Plate tectonics has since enlarged this craton, and sediment has blanketed much of it, obscuring its eventful origins.”
Since so much and so many gases are recovered by “Fracking”, and so as to not glut the markets, they are then stored in the Gulf Coastal Salt Domes. Billions of tonnes of flammable gases, such as butane, methane, natural gas, benzene, and in some reports, possibly radioactive spent fuel rods from nuclear power plants.
 Everywhere ‘Fracking” occurs there are also earthquakes of varying strengths.  All known 'INTERIOR QUAKES' that are taking place in the U.S. recently, are all occurring along the North American Craton Plate, which if you look at a map of “fracking sites”, coincidentally are located at the edges of the North American craton and where the quakes are being reported by USGS.
The craton is moving South and West. This craton plate is under incredible pressure by the Pacific Plate moving roughly East-Northward, and the Southern Plates as evidenced by its last hard movement or ‘slip’, which took place in 1811 and 1812. This was the largest earthquake ever to hit this continent in modern times, an 8.9 or 9.8 magnitude, (depending upon the source), along the New Madrid Fault Zone. So powerful it was, a sink hole was created from subsidence soils, which dammed up the Mississippi River that then flowed backwards to fill it, to create Reelfoot Lake in North West Tennessee, and was of such power that it rang Church bells in Boston. These quakes lasted for five months of constant after shocks.
Everywhere Fracking takes place, a loss of gas occurs and liquid is pumped back in, and that is along the edges of the North American craton plate, essentially acting as a lubricant underneath the plate. This greatly increases the chances of another great ‘Slip’ dramatically. Salt Brine and the laundry list of surfactants gives credence to this claim as explained in Part II.
Keep this information in the back of your mind, as I attempt to explain the next Act in this Sordid Saga.
Everyone remembers the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf which occurred on April 20th, 2010, also known as the “Deepwater Horizon” incident that killed 11 platform workers. As bad as this was, it was truly a continuing problem that dated as far back as the 1940’s.
“There are more than 27,000 abandoned oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico from a host of companies including BP, according to an investigation by Associated Press, which describes the area as 'an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades'. Some of them date back to the 1940s. State officials estimate that tens of thousands of them are badly sealed.”
Abandoned oil wells make Gulf of Mexico 'environmental minefield'
Although the evidence is circumstantial, in the least, Exxon Mobil has provided us with the proof that the Methane seeps and propagation zones extend from the Macondo Wellhead blow out sites as well as the other wellheads that have shown 10,000 to 100,000 times the amount of Methane saturation in the Gulf since the Macondo blowout in 2010 leads straight to the Napoleonville Salt Dome through the Miocene shale layer in a horizontal fashion.

  If you will scroll to page 28 of the following PDF, then you shall see the Miocene migration zone that terminates roughly 10 miles North of Bayou Corne.

...........................LOOOONG PART OMITTED........................................

But, that's not the worst... Let’s not forget about the Craton Plate. Remember it is half floating now due to the ‘Fracking’. So if a mega-explosion happens at the base of the New Madrid Fault boundary which travels up the main fault, thereby triggering all of the secondary faults until they meet at the Eastern Craton Boundary, also known as New Madrid, Mo., which also has a confluence of several other lesser known Major Fault Lines, and you have a shift of the Craton Plate. A major shift, relieving the pressure that is constantly put upon it by the Pacific Plate, and nudged by the North Atlantic Plate, (which has caused all of the recent "Ground Noises and booms" in the upper Midwest).
We are talking about an earthquake such as the world has never known. If this does happen, computer models close to a 12 magnitude are postulated. I cannot imagine a 12 magnitude quake on subsidence soils. A quake that large would set off every fault line in the US, Mexico, Canada, New York, to some degree, and most certainly would set off the major San Andreas Fault out west that everyone in California and Oregon have feared for ages.
An earthquake of such magnitude would certainly impact the earth entire. What would such an event do to the rotation of our planet? How many volcanoes would also be set off worldwide?
 Sound impossible? Willing to stake your life on it? I do not want to create a panic, and it shouldn't, for that is not my intention, but while you have the time to do so, I do suggest contacting everyone you know and let's get some action going to find out the answers to these very real and dangerous questions.
Just the idea of hydraulic fracturing and poisoning of the US water table and aquifers is enough for me to be concerned, and the lubrication of the North American craton plate is frightening, but throw into the mix, the Salt Domes full of natural, butane, methane gases, even atomic waste, sinkholes venting… Well, all of this together is just terrifying.
If this is the best that politicians and scientists can come up with, then I'd say we have either some very retarded people in those positions, or they know of the danger and are covering up for the corporations. A worse idea comes to mind that it may even be intentional. Now that is an even scarier thought.

 Act now, and let’s begin to get some answers and solutions, before it’s too late.

Stay Tuned.... More coming updates to follow.


Fracking Across the United States
N. American Craton Quakes


ENVIRONMENT AMERICA - Breakthroughs Video on Fracking - 7 min.


11/18/2013 -- USGS acknowledges the Oklahoma Frackin...
This past week, the last 7 days up to November 18 2013.... the Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado fracking / injection well operations are still experiencing a series of...
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West Coast quakes vs. East Coast quakes
The colder denser crust east of the Rockies
allows shaking to ring like a bell over a wider area.


North American Craton Plate | The Louisiana Sinkhole Bug...
Posts about North American Craton Plate written by flyingcuttlefish
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Reader Keith M. says it looks to be on the eastern edge of the North American craton.

2.3 quake in Ridgely, Tennessee
Something is happening down below worldwide and it has to do with magma.
And Texas Brine thinks they can ‘fix’ their entry to He11 with some gravel and a backhoe.


Craton Plate movement update.
“Summed up, we need to be alert to the possibility of further movement along the edge of the craton in the near term future.  No movement yet in the Northeast (Virginia to Quebec / Ontario), this is now something we might need to watch out for — quite simply put, we need to watch the rest of “silent” portion of the craton edge for compensation movement , due to the PREVIOUS displacement over the past week.”



Fracking earthquakes ........ Know what's amazes me more than a 5.6 mag fracking earthquake?
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To find out, I hold a finger in the breeze.

!!!!!! 11/30/2012 -- Sinkholes, Explosions, and Earthqua...
Published on Nov 30, 2012 Four options ... 1. All the recent explosions are a series of coincidental 'accidents'... Or 2. The explosions could be natural but a new ...
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"The OzArk Plateau is central to the areas -East & West Coasts that will be the worst affected by what is coming. 
The Pacific Northwest is the most vulnerable and place on the CONUS due to the extreme fragility and thinness of the crust west of the edge of the Craton. The western edge of the Craton is the Continental Divide."



   A.   This may seem strange to some, but in the bible, twice it speaks of the four corners of the earth
Isa 11:12  And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
In the second one, it includes a connection to four angels:
Rev 7:1  And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.   This will happen;  if it happens as described below, there will be no safe coastline in America. A couple hundred miles, and 800 feet elevation might be advisable.
Hmmm...something like a really large Plateau which used to be an island?

I have a question; Do you believe that you believe the Bible?
Twice in scripture, a phrase is used; "the four corners of the earth."

What is a corner?  Kanaph (hebrew)> Kanphe? >Kanape?>
Kanapy? >Kanopy? >Canopy? 
Cornucopia? Cornice?  A MOUNDED, OR RAISED AREA...

The Bible describes the most sacred part of the altar, these were the four horns on the corners which symbolized God's power and might which pointed to the four corners of the earth (Exodus 27:2. God was clear that his salvation is for everyone, providing that the approach his way.

Quoting from the prophecy found in the Bible Book of Revelation 7:1-3 we read the following: “After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.”
Man’s limited understanding causes him to be skeptical of this prophecy by immediately questioning the statement about the angels standing at “the four corners of the earth.” But God’s truth is always greater than the limited understanding of men as is proven by this article from the June 19, 1965 edition of Science Newsletter (#87:390) which is titled, “Earth Has Four Corners.”
Quoting from this article, which was recovered from microfilm at the Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak Library, we read the following: “The Earth has four corners, measurements made of earth-circling satellites have shown…The four-cornered, or pyramid-like, design was found by calculating the changes in the orbits of globe-girdling satellites. At the center of the high points, the satellites were pulled downward a few hundred feet by the unexpectedly high gravity…The new figure for earth was found by scientists at John Hopkin’s Applied Physics Laboratory in Silver Spring, Md., working under a contract for the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Naval Weapons.”
The report included a world map that shows all four of the Earth’s high corners are located in the Earth’s oceans and that there are also four low spots, which are additionally found in the vast oceans. Each of the high spots covers several thousand square miles of ocean and were a staggering 220 feet “higher” than what the equalized average depth of the ocean should be in that area. The low points on the other hand are apx. 253 feet “below” [what should be] the stabilized oceans average.
The perplexing question is, “What is holding back these seething mountains of water from rushing to fill the low spots?”
The basic understanding of gravity demands that these elevated waters respond to its downward pull.
The scientifically supported answer is found revealed clearly in God’s Word. Quoting from Rev. Ch. 7:1 we once more read the following prophecy: “After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree.”
According to David Ebaugh, an Electronics Engineer who worked with the very first satellites to discover the 4 ocean high points, it was determined that prevailing winds are producing surface friction upon the water, which in turn causes these thousands of square miles of ocean to mass up to such great heights.
Four major jetstreams were not only found to be the cause of the high spots as they curve upward, but that they also cause the low spots where the winds blow downward, pushing the water away.
The obvious question of paramount importance is, “What will happen when the 4 angels of God stop these winds from blowing?”
Reading in the latter part of verse 2 of Rev. 7 we find the answer to this question, “And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea.” These words are more incredible proof that the only true God is warning a rebellious world of things to come.
When the winds stop blowing as prophesied, all of the oceans will seek their own level. Tidal waves of truly monstrous proportions will form as thousands upon thousands of square miles of ocean race with incredible building momentum towards the low spots. When the tremendous accumulated kinetic energy from these tidal waves crash against and over the low lying continents and islands, vast areas of land will suddenly disappear.
Landmasses averaging just over 200 ft. above sea level will suddenly become oceans, seas and great salt lakes.
Crustal changes will take place upon the earth under the great pressures
and violent redistribution of the earth’s waters.
Land will suddenly appear where it has not been seen since the great flood of Noah’s day as presently heightened ocean locations retreat to new areas.
Most certainly the earth will be harmed in that day, but then what of the sea?
As the waters cover the landmasses, inconceivable pollution of the Oceans will take place as toxic waste dumps,
nuclear plants, chemical factories and sewage plants are suddenly submerged under water.
After the energy of the tidal waves is exhausted and the waters retreat to ocean average, the injury will continue as
arable lands, lakes, streams and aquifers remain contaminated by toxic pollutants, decaying animals and of course, salt.
To our knowledge no calculations are presently available as to how large of tidal waves will be produced by this devastating
judgment from God, nor how far inland the initial momentum of the raging waters will invade affected continents.
As may have been realized by now, the critical factor of who will receive the brunt of these cataclysms is determined by
where a land mass is found in relationship to where the low spots of the Oceans are located.

The Ocean’s high spots are located off of
Ireland, Peru, Madagascar and the Philippines.

The first two low points are found off of India and Antarctica.

The last two are found off of the East and West coasts
of North America by California and Florida.

Consider the following examples for what lies in store for the United States:
California is 74 ft. below what will be future ocean average, Florida is 187 ft. below and Washington is 212 ft. below.
In Rev. 7:1 God also made mention that the winds will not blow “on any tree.”
Keep this in mind when considering the complications which will arise with crop pollination.


The Ozark Plateau, depending on where you determine the "Borders" are, encompasses between 32,000 to 90,000 square miles. Nobody is going to make a few tunnels and take over a geographic region that large. The Navy, Special Forces, The Pentagon, and others, have been telling people to retire here for decades. So what? It means that there are some really good people here.

    "In event of a total breakdown, there has to be enough of a homogeneous
(like minded, or unified) population base to care for itself.
You must have water, food production, favorable terrain, and many other things.
Not too many areas of the country qualify as such."

This is an aside, a huge parentheses:

((My original estimation of 100 Miles has been "stretched" a bit by my daughter's challenge the other night.
We were having birthday for my 7 yo grandson, and we watched my Ozark Refuge interview with Pastor Joe Fox on You Tube; Ozark Refuge

  That turned into a science class when my grand daughter asked me about the Craton, etc.
I had shown them the two facing 120 Degree Angles of the Ozark Plateau. I told them about the Artificial Plateaus like Turtle Mountain in North Dakota and the others at the center of the five continents. They are 1/3 of a pie -120 Degrees, .333. 120 Degrees, and the number 333 means refuge, safety, ARC, ARK. Now, if you draw two opposed and facing 120 degree angles...You draw a DIAMOND -whether the size is a few inches, or 400 miles -as the Ozark Plateau is.

I told them how the Craton is stable geologically, and that outside of it, the crust is thin. It is unstable.
It is dangerous from a geological viewpoint -Earthquakes and volcanoes are the electrically balancing factors -whereas inside the Craton the electrical balancing means that we have Tornadoes. BUT!!!
My granddaughter was right with me, and she took over; "look, grandpa,
INSIDE THE CRATON, it is mostly TORNADOES that balance the electricity.
On THE EDGE OF THE CRATON, it is mostly EARTHQUAKES that balance the electricity.

The main point is that our Craton is geologically stable.
It is less dense than the Mantle of the Earth: It floats. It is an Ark.
It is called The Shield by geologists. The word is from the Greek. KRATOS means "Strength."
When I got to the 'Sphere of Influence" / "Sphere of Operation" (S.O. as opposed to A.O.)
and told them how after speaking in faith of a 100 mile Sphere, even though the crust is typically only 60 miles thick, that I found out about two weeks later about the huge depth that the 2.5 BILLION gallons of water come from in the Springs, and that the entire region has freshwater AQUIFERS under it.
The about two years later I found out that the earth's crust was indeed actually 120 miles thick through the North American Craton. daughter Anna very forcefully told me that the number 120 has great significance in the bible, and that the Sphere I speak of so often is 120 Miles Radius.
It was an awesome time with my family!!!))

A few comment in general;
There are no DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) east of the Mississippi.
There are likely very good reasons for that.

East of the river there are far more nuclear plants than you can shake a stick at.

There are gas pipelines, etc, running everywhere.

Ocean levels may change, etc. There are hundreds of Russian Christians here who have multiple prophecies that ocean levels will rise, so they came to the Ozarks. One man told me that personally, then I heard the sam ething from a friend who knows some in Springfield.
I will only say that the Mississippi may change in width and become a bit bigger in its connection from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Nuff said on that point.

There is the highest concentration of population of the US;
58% of the total Population on 1/3 of the land mass.
Those are not good things when you look at surviving what is coming. Think "Rats on a Sinking Ship," because no matter WHAT happens, that is the description of the eastern US.
"As of 2011, the estimated population of the 26 states east of the Mississippi (not including the small portions of Minnesota and Louisiana that are east of the river) plus Washington, D.C. totals 179,948,346 out of 308,745,358 in the whole nation or 58.28% of the U.S. population."

Back to Cumberland vs Ozark; funny you should ask. A couple came out to visit from the East Coast.
The husband had read EVERYTHING I sent him -and I sent him EVERYTHING -and understood it.
In spite of that, they had decided the same thing as you did... -and they had a well marked copy of that bad book you speak of, "the book whose name I do not like to mention."
Anyway...They had decided on the CP instead of the OP.
Skousen probably had a huge part in their decision. I was utterly Floored.
He requested that I do a strategic comparison of the Ozark and Cumberland Plateaus.
I groused. I delayed. I never really got to it...but, without further ado...for what it's is
what I sent him as a preliminary study...


“The crust is full of fluids and looking for an excuse to break,” said Costain.
The New York-Alabama Lineament is one more place where that can happen.

I have not gotten to the Plateau comparison. Have you studied them as to comparison?
Like I said, in my opinion, it would be a move in the right direction,
so long as you understand it will likely involve a second move under far more stress,
less financial resources, etc.
I encourage people to use resources wisely and move once,
under the best circumstances possible,
rather than a second time in addition to the first...
the second being under the worst circumstances possible.

I guess that sums up my position on the matter fairly succinctly.:o)

The Cumberland Plateau (taken as a whole unit, which is the case) has none of the Ozark Plateau's criteria -US Interior Highlands / separate bio-region / demographics, terrain populated by like minded / ethnically similar people, interior (Heart) of the Laurentian Craton, etc

The Cumberland Plateau (CP) and the Appalachians are the eastern edge of the Craton.
If we were ignorant enough to assume that all things will remain equal (see note below on Ceteris Paribus,) it might not be a bad place.

Compare maps of the CP and the many Eastern Coast / Craton Fault lines.
Compare it to volcanically subject unstable regions.
The Rockies and the Appalachians were created by tectonic plate shifting.
Those life changing phenomena will happen again in the end times.
We are in the end times.

Considering all of the diverse and major factors indicating a catastrophic
-even Extinction Level Event of some sort -asteroid strike in the Atlantic,  Earthquake and Tsunami from the Canary Islands, high east coast population, global economic collapse, martial law, etc etc etc,
bets placed on the Cumberland Plateau, with your lives as the stakes, will not be just a game...and may not turn out  to give you a positive ROI.
The Cumberland Plateau will be a small lifeboat which may or not remain afloat for long -literally, as it is on the edge of the Craton and subject to earthquake, volcano, rising or sinking, and at the very least, huge populations driven inland by tsunamis, invasions, etc.

(note; "Ceteris a Latin phrase meaning
"with other things the same" or
"all other things being equal or held constant."

San Andreas-like fault found in eastern U.S.

Fault, from New York to Alabama, may be 500 million years old

Image: Eastern fault line
For 30 years geologists have been puzzled by a remarkably straight magnetic line that runs between New York and Alabama along the Appalachians.
A more recent aerial magnetic survey of the Alabama end of the line suggests that it's probably a 500-million-year-old San Andreas-style fault that appears to have slipped 137 miles to the right in the distant past.
If so, it's no surprise that the most dangerous part of the eastern Tennessee seismic zone is right next to part of this magnetic line and has the second-highest earthquake frequency in the eastern United States.
"It's most likely a strike-slip fault," said Mark Steltenpohl of the University of Alabama at Auburn. “But it's all buried.”
The fault is invisible from the surface and there is very little information about it because no one has actually drilled down through it to investigate, Steltenpohl told Discovery News.
That would, in fact, be pretty hard to do, since the fault zone is very narrow and it would be hard to find with a drill using just magnetic maps to set up a drill rig.
“It's almost a needle in a haystack,” said Steltenpohl.
Both steep and deep
The New York-Alabama Lineament, as geologists call it, was first revealed by aerial magnetic mapping in 1978. Since then people have looked at smaller sections of it to try and understand it, with little success. Seismic surveys across the feature indicated it is very steep and runs very deep.
“It's been sort of enigmatic,” said U.S. Geological Survey geologist Wright Horton, a co-author with Steltenpohl on a paper in the June issue of the journal Geology about the fault.
The key to seeing it as a strike-slip fault is detecting features that are cut off by the fault and offset. Those sorts of offsets were finally found in maps from a 2002 aerial magnetic survey of the Alabama part of the lineament, said Horton.
“Once we got the south end of it pinned down, the rest of it fell into place,” Horton said.
Likely not active
The fact that the fault has not cut through the layers of earth above it and shown itself on the Earth's present surface suggests it's not active and so people can probably rest easy.
However, the fault and fractures related to it — like the probably similarly-ancient faults of eastern Tennessee — are not incapable of quakes.
In fact they are perfect places for stresses in the crust to be released, so long as they are weakened by water,
explained geophysicist John Costain of Virginia Tech.
“If the lineament is there, then you're sure to get earthquakes more than otherwise,” said Costain.
That's because faults, however ancient can serve as conduits for water that weakens fault zones and can cause regional stresses in the crust to be relieved as an earthquake.
This is, in fact, the likely secret to how all big and small mid-continent quakes can happen, so far from the more active and obvious zones where tectonic plates are smashing together, he explained.
“The crust is full of fluids and looking for an excuse to break,” said Costain.
The New York-Alabama Lineament is one more place where that can happen.
Map, Location of the Appalachians



"Cratons and Earthquakes and Plumes, Oh My!!!"



If you really look into it, the cost of chemical weapons for use on a large area is extremely cost prohibitive. Biologics you just can't control - it would make the areas probably more dangerous that radioactivity. Humans tracking into a radioactive area, doesn't increase the level of radioactivity, but one infected human can bring heaps of trouble to an uninfected area. EMPs also have a lot less range than you would was a hot topic in the 80's and a has become exaggerated. If you wanted to take over an area for resources , you have to do it the old fashion way - occupation.

Right!!! If you wanted to take over an area for resources , you have to do it the old fashion way - occupation.

This should be a dissertation; troops on the ground, town by town, door to door is required to OCCUPY a town, a county, a city, a nation. Now evaluate this nation in light of just that One Single parameter...let alone twenty to forty others. Eliminate all flat ground. Make sure BOL, etc is in, or headed toward terrain that is high ground of some kind -for enemy invasion, for high water, etc -if it turns out that Plan A goes to hell, Plan B, Plan C, etc.

1. Look at population density in the region you are in if things GTHIAHB.

You have 1. Adirondacks & White Mtns in NE...2. Appalachians E / SE.
3. Rockies West. 4. West Coast Mtns.
Ozarks in The Center.
However, on the first four, Caveat Empor; look at instability of the tectonic plate,
thin crust, earthquake and volcano activity,
and take that into consideration when formulating an overall strategy for relocation / evacuation.

From: jerry diamond <>
To: sustainable CEDAR <>; sw mocr <>; htgb <>; "" <>; "" <>; YLDS <>; YPNA <>; PBNA PBNA <>; YPCU <>; hc <>; Discover Well Fed Neighbor <>; "" <>; "" <>; sherry shriner <>; hcp <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 12:55 AM
Subject: “Global Surge” in Earthquakes from 2004-2014 and implications for Cascadia admitted and discussed at Geological Society Meeting -10/22/2014

On Nov 15, 2014, at 1:22 AM, jerry diamond wrote

Dear Friends,

I wanted to preface this very serious article with some personal comments...
I do this because of the extreme sense of foreboding based on the scientific studies
I have been led to do regarding the geological construction of this land mass that we call the United States.

I am going to state plainly that they are soon to be "Dis-United"
and I mean physically disappeared, and separated.
Geology is screaming this message.
The Pacific Northwest, Cascadia, is completely unsafe
anywhere west of the Continental Divide.
That entire region is Volcano City.
The crust is thin, unstable and the future maps of the USA
you see online with much of the western US gone,
and a coastline somewhere in Utah...are not too much pizza and wine dreams,
or Occultist flights of fancy.
They are just solid interpretations of the geology of the earth's crust there.
Likewise, the opened up 30 to 100 mile wide Mississippi River Vally on the same maps -solid geological interpolation of the facts.

Both of these events -Earth Changes -will serve to protect the interior of the country -and the peoples gathered there.
When will this all happen? Sure, maybe we have another 20,000 years.
However, I suspect it will be long before that -likely in our lifetimes. I would guess within the next five years.

I say all of these things, and what I have quoted and written below -before the article
-is so that if you live west of the Continental Divide, or are East of the Mississippi, or have loved one -family and friends who do...
I strongly advise you to do all in your power to make a difference for those souls. 

This article below should be read in conjunction with my post titled
The “Old Rules” No Longer Apply and...North America May Indeed Be Entering a
Period of  Seismic Instability Unheard Of In Modern Times



5/27/2014 -- Colorado 4 MILE LONG Landslide @ FRACKING operation

A comment on dutchsinse sums this up:

"Overall, I would have to say, this drew a lot of troll traffic. 
They do not like fracking to be blamed for earthquakes and landslides and holes
because they r flipping fracking all along the Craton edge. 
Fracking is done for one reason, to induce earthquakes and instability. 
It is sheer nonsense that this is going on for gas or oil.
It's like taking a drill and drilling half mile holes all over ur backyard
and then forcefully injecting water into those drilled holes. 
What do u think ur backyard would become and ur house on top of it.  Sheer diabolical evil."

For those who don't understand, or those who are trying to deny the fracking connection to this huge landslide... let me explain a bit more.

First, no one can deny there is indeed a fracking operation at the landslide location. This is a fact.

In order to explain why this 4 mile landslide occurred at the fracking operation,
you must first understand how the plate is moving currently,
and how the weak spots are showing excessive movement.

Current examples of the weak spot / craton edge movement...

The earthquake swarms in Idaho near Red Butte (western portion of the Yellowstone magma chamber) ,
and swarms at Yellowstone park itself, all swarms happening over the past 2 months....

Also, the huge landslide in Washington State (preceded by an earthquake)...
the other landslide in Jackson Hole Wyoming at a dormant volcanic Butte...
the earthquake swarms at the fracking operations in Oklahoma + Texas + South Colorado,
the odd earthquakes in Utah, Nevada and California at the dormant volcanic sites,
the larger earthquakes off the coast of California and Oregon at the fresh lavic fields....
the announcement that magma chambers in the Pacific Northwest at Mount Saint Helens and Yellowstone are "recharging"......

Finally, the confirmation that Yellowstone has raised FOUR inches, and moved 1inch Southeast since NEW YEARS . 
Yellowstone located along the edge of the craton, proves the edge is being moved SOUTHEAST.......
add in the earthquakes along the Southern + Eastern edges of the craton , movement in Virginia, Quebec Canada, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee.

Put it all together.... the craton edge is being displaced. 
The weak spots, such as dormant volcanic chains, new lavic fields,
and FRACKING operations are showing heavy movement . 
This is due to the entire edge of the North American craton being displaced
(as evidenced by the earthquake activity occurring directly upon the edge of it).

Fracking operations contain hundreds (in some cases thousands) of drill sites. 
Each drilled out shaft is nothing more than a man made "tube" in the ground. 
Similar to what mother nature would produce in a volcanic chain. 
Multiple fractures out of hollow tubes in the ground. 
Earthquakes occur naturally at the weak points....
like a perforation in a box makes it easy to bend,
the perforations in the crust provide a point for pressure release.

Officials are quick to jump to "flooding" in these landslide events.
Normally, I would not disagree, however the location of this huge collapse in Colorado , screams out to me as being tectonic related.  

Flooding was the "reason" used in Washington State, also in Jackson Hole Wyoming. 
A week or so after Jackson Hole actually split in half, the main stream media acknowledged
it was a BUTTE which split, not due to flooding. 
The Washington state landslide was hushed up very quickly after the announcement
that a SEISMIC EVENT (1.0M to 2.0M) occurred about an hour before the landslide.

This Colorado landslide appears to be more rock and sand than any "water".
Don't see flooding waters, no running streams, not even much "mud" in any of the shots.

My best informed guess on this, is that craton pressure caused a fracture at the fracking operation. 
Possibly an underground aquifer, mixed with frack sand pumped in under high pressure for several years is what caused this massive "flow".

Not seeing the WATER that could have caused this... anyone have ANY PROOF of water? 
All I'm seeing is rock and sand mixed with trees knocked over at HIGH SPEED .. like a lahar flow, not a mud slide.

Speaking of Lahar flows, Dotsero volcano is just 50 miles Northeast,
Colorado's only well known volcano which is located of I-70.....
also due North are the Hot Springs, and just North of the Hot Springs is Jackson Hole which had its own collapse.

We can expect more movement (earthquake wise)
along the edge of the craton,
which means we can expect future
large collapses like this in the future.

(collapse isn't the right term, at this point, I'd call this an "eruption" of debris coming from a mix of an aquifer
with a fracking operation under high pressure all being released at once due to a larger plate movement issue)


Why was the East Coast earthquake felt so far from the e...
Today's earthquake in Virginia was felt from South Carolina to Canada. We …
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"On the East Coast, the continental crust is older, colder, and denser.
Contrast that with the West Coast, which is still tectonically active today, from the San Andreas Fault in Southern California to the subduction zone in the Pacific Northwest. West of the Rockies, the continent has been undergoing extension for the past 17 million years or so.
That has stretched the crust, making it thinner and bringing
hot mantle rock closer to the surface, which has warmed things up.
Because of these differences, shaking can be transmitted much farther
(about three times the distance) through the colder, denser eastern crust."


Fracking Quakes Shake the Shale Gas Industry | MIT Tech...
Well shutdowns prompted by fracking-induced seismicity may inspire technology tweaks.
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A second source of shaking from shale gas operations is common to many oil and gas fields:
the subsurface disposal of waste-water and of naturally occurring brines that surface with the desired hydrocarbons.
Deep-injection disposal wells were probably behind a string of quakes in Arkansas that began in 2010,
as well as more recent tremors around Youngstown, Ohio, that culminated in a magnitude 4.0 shake this New Year’s Eve.
“There’s no doubt that those Youngstown earthquakes are directly
associated with the disposal well there,” says Arthur McGarr, a
geophysicist and induced-seismicity expert with the U.S. Geological Survey.

McGarr at USGS says an early warning system is a good idea, and one in keeping with the
seismic risk assessment protocol for well-blasting operations employed by geothermal-energy producers.
He is less sanguine, however, about estimates of the maximum severity that earthquakes triggered by fracking and injection wells can reach,
saying this question needs more science.
That means the risk of anthropogenically (Manmade) inducing large,
deadly quakes cannot be ruled out.


Fracking Earthquakes Move Across State Lines — From O...
(N.Morgan) The earthquake phenomenon caused by fracking is circulating all over the country at the present time. It is becoming more apparent that fracking could be...
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37.069°N 97.790°W depth=9.9km (6.1mi)

Kansas, not normally prone to seismic activity, can expect to see more of these events, and certainly expect larger earthquakes to come. Over the past 2 years, we’ve seen a large increase in the number of earthquakes occurring at the fracking operations in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, the Dakotas, and New York. 

All these aforementioned fracking earthquake locations

reside along the edge of the North American Craton.


Fracking Across the United States
Join our community of 1 million supporters and receive critical action alerts and learn more about our work..
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Fracking Across the United States

The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented oil and gas drilling
rush—brought on by a controversial technology called hydraulic fracturing, 
or fracking. Along with this fracking-enabled rush have come
troubling reports of poisoned drinking water, polluted air,
mysterious animal deaths, industrial disasters and explosions.
We call them Fraccidents.

Frack Targets & Resources

Learn about shale targets and water resources at risk in some of the states affected by fracking:



CERI :: Recent Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern U....
 Click on an earthquake on the above map to zoom in. DISCLAIMER
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Inline image

(Original Content) Massive Explosive Potential in Louisi...
 by: Freedomrox A horrible scenario is shaping up in the Gulf of Mexico, which could easily allow a chain of events to unfold, which may quickly become an ext…
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"Hydraulic Fracturing is occurring all along the
North American Craton Plate. What is a craton?"

 by: Freedomrox
A horrible scenario is shaping up in the Gulf of Mexico, which could easily allow a chain of events to unfold, which may quickly become an extinction level disaster. This article will attempt to explain and link together all the aspects and events that have led up to this point. The subjects involved are numerous, including the usage of Hydraulic Fracturing, and where it’s gases are stored once recovered, and it's connection to the Louisiana sinkhole; how the ‘fracking” is de-stabilizing the North American craton plate, and how all of it is connected to the recent BP Gulf Oil Spill. Bear with me, while we go on a journey of discovery that will leave you chilled to the bone about the future of not only the Gulf of Mexico, but of the United States and beyond.
“Slick water hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is a technology used to extract natural gas, and oil, that lies within a shale rock formation thousands of feet beneath the earth’s surface.
Combined with another technique called “horizontal drilling,” natural gas companies are able to drill previously untapped reserves.
Industry says the process is safe and does not pollute drinking water supplies. But a growing movement of environmentalists, scientists and residents worry that the chemicals used in the fracking process will leak into aquifers. Wastewater from the process returns to the surface contaminated with some of those chemicals, as well as buried salts and naturally occurring radioactive material. That wastewater needs to be treated, or buried deep in the earth using underground injection wells.”
More info and interactive map about “Fracking” available at:
Hydraulic Fracturing is occurring all along the North American Craton Plate. What is a craton?
North America’s saga began over four billion years ago, when fragments of continental crust first formed. Some of these fragments coalesced into microcontinents, which later collided to assemble the craton — the heart of North America. Plate tectonics has since enlarged this craton, and sediment has blanketed much of it, obscuring its eventful origins.”
Since so much and so many gases are recovered by “Fracking”, and so as to not glut the markets, they are then stored in the Gulf Coastal Salt Domes. Billions of tonnes of flammable gases, such as butane, methane, natural gas, benzene, and in some reports, possibly radioactive spent fuel rods from nuclear power plants.
 Everywhere ‘Fracking” occurs there are also earthquakes of varying strengths.  All known 'INTERIOR QUAKES' that are taking place in the U.S. recently, are all occurring along the North American Craton Plate, which if you look at a map of “fracking sites”, coincidentally are located at the edges of the North American craton and where the quakes are being reported by USGS.
The craton is moving South and West. This craton plate is under incredible pressure by the Pacific Plate moving roughly East-Northward, and the Southern Plates as evidenced by its last hard movement or ‘slip’, which took place in 1811 and 1812. This was the largest earthquake ever to hit this continent in modern times, an 8.9 or 9.8 magnitude, (depending upon the source), along the New Madrid Fault Zone. So powerful it was, a sink hole was created from subsidence soils, which dammed up the Mississippi River that then flowed backwards to fill it, to create Reelfoot Lake in North West Tennessee, and was of such power that it rang Church bells in Boston. These quakes lasted for five months of constant after shocks.
Everywhere Fracking takes place, a loss of gas occurs and liquid is pumped back in, and that is along the edges of the North American craton plate, essentially acting as a lubricant underneath the plate. This greatly increases the chances of another great ‘Slip’ dramatically. Salt Brine and the laundry list of surfactants gives credence to this claim as explained in Part II.
Keep this information in the back of your mind, as I attempt to explain the next Act in this Sordid Saga.
Everyone remembers the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf which occurred on April 20th, 2010, also known as the “Deepwater Horizon” incident that killed 11 platform workers. As bad as this was, it was truly a continuing problem that dated as far back as the 1940’s.
“There are more than 27,000 abandoned oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico from a host of companies including BP, according to an investigation by Associated Press, which describes the area as 'an environmental minefield that has been ignored for decades'. Some of them date back to the 1940s. State officials estimate that tens of thousands of them are badly sealed.”
Abandoned oil wells make Gulf of Mexico 'environmental minefield'
Although the evidence is circumstantial, in the least, Exxon Mobil has provided us with the proof that the Methane seeps and propagation zones extend from the Macondo Wellhead blow out sites as well as the other wellheads that have shown 10,000 to 100,000 times the amount of Methane saturation in the Gulf since the Macondo blowout in 2010 leads straight to the Napoleonville Salt Dome through the Miocene shale layer in a horizontal fashion.

  If you will scroll to page 28 of the following PDF, then you shall see the Miocene migration zone that terminates roughly 10 miles North of Bayou Corne.

...........................LOOOONG PART OMITTED........................................

But, that's not the worst... Let’s not forget about the Craton Plate. Remember it is half floating now due to the ‘Fracking’. So if a mega-explosion happens at the base of the New Madrid Fault boundary which travels up the main fault, thereby triggering all of the secondary faults until they meet at the Eastern Craton Boundary, also known as New Madrid, Mo., which also has a confluence of several other lesser known Major Fault Lines, and you have a shift of the Craton Plate. A major shift, relieving the pressure that is constantly put upon it by the Pacific Plate, and nudged by the North Atlantic Plate, (which has caused all of the recent "Ground Noises and booms" in the upper Midwest).
We are talking about an earthquake such as the world has never known. If this does happen, computer models close to a 12 magnitude are postulated. I cannot imagine a 12 magnitude quake on subsidence soils. A quake that large would set off every fault line in the US, Mexico, Canada, New York, to some degree, and most certainly would set off the major San Andreas Fault out west that everyone in California and Oregon have feared for ages.
An earthquake of such magnitude would certainly impact the earth entire. What would such an event do to the rotation of our planet? How many volcanoes would also be set off worldwide?
 Sound impossible? Willing to stake your life on it? I do not want to create a panic, and it shouldn't, for that is not my intention, but while you have the time to do so, I do suggest contacting everyone you know and let's get some action going to find out the answers to these very real and dangerous questions.
Just the idea of hydraulic fracturing and poisoning of the US water table and aquifers is enough for me to be concerned, and the lubrication of the North American craton plate is frightening, but throw into the mix, the Salt Domes full of natural, butane, methane gases, even atomic waste, sinkholes venting… Well, all of this together is just terrifying.
If this is the best that politicians and scientists can come up with, then I'd say we have either some very retarded people in those positions, or they know of the danger and are covering up for the corporations. A worse idea comes to mind that it may even be intentional. Now that is an even scarier thought.

 Act now, and let’s begin to get some answers and solutions, before it’s too late.

Stay Tuned.... More coming updates to follow.


Fracking Across the United States
N. American Craton Quakes


ENVIRONMENT AMERICA - Breakthroughs Video on Fracking - 7 min.


11/18/2013 -- USGS acknowledges the Oklahoma Frackin...
This past week, the last 7 days up to November 18 2013.... the Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado fracking / injection well operations are still experiencing a series of...
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West Coast quakes vs. East Coast quakes
The colder denser crust east of the Rockies
allows shaking to ring like a bell over a wider area.


North American Craton Plate | The Louisiana Sinkhole Bug...
Posts about North American Craton Plate written by flyingcuttlefish
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Reader Keith M. says it looks to be on the eastern edge of the North American craton.

2.3 quake in Ridgely, Tennessee
Something is happening down below worldwide and it has to do with magma.
And Texas Brine thinks they can ‘fix’ their entry to He11 with some gravel and a backhoe.


Craton Plate movement update.
“Summed up, we need to be alert to the possibility of further movement along the edge of the craton in the near term future.  No movement yet in the Northeast (Virginia to Quebec / Ontario), this is now something we might need to watch out for — quite simply put, we need to watch the rest of “silent” portion of the craton edge for compensation movement , due to the PREVIOUS displacement over the past week.”



Fracking earthquakes ........ Know what's amazes me more than a 5.6 mag fracking earthquake?
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To find out, I hold a finger in the breeze.

!!!!!! 11/30/2012 -- Sinkholes, Explosions, and Earthqua...
Published on Nov 30, 2012 Four options ... 1. All the recent explosions are a series of coincidental 'accidents'... Or 2. The explosions could be natural but a new ...
Preview by Yahoo


"The OzArk Plateau is central to the areas -East & West Coasts that will be the worst affected by what is coming. 
The Pacific Northwest is the most vulnerable and place on the CONUS due to the extreme fragility and thinness of the crust west of the edge of the Craton. The western edge of the Craton is the Continental Divide."



   A.   This may seem strange to some, but in the bible, twice it speaks of the four corners of the earth
Isa 11:12  And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
In the second one, it includes a connection to four angels:
Rev 7:1  And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.   This will happen;  if it happens as described below, there will be no safe coastline in America. A couple hundred miles, and 800 feet elevation might be advisable.
Hmmm...something like a really large Plateau which used to be an island?

I have a question; Do you believe that you believe the Bible?
Twice in scripture, a phrase is used; "the four corners of the earth."

What is a corner?  Kanaph (hebrew)> Kanphe? >Kanape?>
Kanapy? >Kanopy? >Canopy? 
Cornucopia? Cornice?  A MOUNDED, OR RAISED AREA...

The Bible describes the most sacred part of the altar, these were the four horns on the corners which symbolized God's power and might which pointed to the four corners of the earth (Exodus 27:2. God was clear that his salvation is for everyone, providing that the approach his way.

Quoting from the prophecy found in the Bible Book of Revelation 7:1-3 we read the following: “After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.”
Man’s limited understanding causes him to be skeptical of this prophecy by immediately questioning the statement about the angels standing at “the four corners of the earth.” But God’s truth is always greater than the limited understanding of men as is proven by this article from the June 19, 1965 edition of Science Newsletter (#87:390) which is titled, “Earth Has Four Corners.”
Quoting from this article, which was recovered from microfilm at the Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak Library, we read the following: “The Earth has four corners, measurements made of earth-circling satellites have shown…The four-cornered, or pyramid-like, design was found by calculating the changes in the orbits of globe-girdling satellites. At the center of the high points, the satellites were pulled downward a few hundred feet by the unexpectedly high gravity…The new figure for earth was found by scientists at John Hopkin’s Applied Physics Laboratory in Silver Spring, Md., working under a contract for the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Naval Weapons.”
The report included a world map that shows all four of the Earth’s high corners are located in the Earth’s oceans and that there are also four low spots, which are additionally found in the vast oceans. Each of the high spots covers several thousand square miles of ocean and were a staggering 220 feet “higher” than what the equalized average depth of the ocean should be in that area. The low points on the other hand are apx. 253 feet “below” [what should be] the stabilized oceans average.
The perplexing question is, “What is holding back these seething mountains of water from rushing to fill the low spots?”
The basic understanding of gravity demands that these elevated waters respond to its downward pull.
The scientifically supported answer is found revealed clearly in God’s Word. Quoting from Rev. Ch. 7:1 we once more read the following prophecy: “After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree.”
According to David Ebaugh, an Electronics Engineer who worked with the very first satellites to discover the 4 ocean high points, it was determined that prevailing winds are producing surface friction upon the water, which in turn causes these thousands of square miles of ocean to mass up to such great heights.
Four major jetstreams were not only found to be the cause of the high spots as they curve upward, but that they also cause the low spots where the winds blow downward, pushing the water away.
The obvious question of paramount importance is, “What will happen when the 4 angels of God stop these winds from blowing?”
Reading in the latter part of verse 2 of Rev. 7 we find the answer to this question, “And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea.” These words are more incredible proof that the only true God is warning a rebellious world of things to come.
When the winds stop blowing as prophesied, all of the oceans will seek their own level. Tidal waves of truly monstrous proportions will form as thousands upon thousands of square miles of ocean race with incredible building momentum towards the low spots. When the tremendous accumulated kinetic energy from these tidal waves crash against and over the low lying continents and islands, vast areas of land will suddenly disappear.
Landmasses averaging just over 200 ft. above sea level will suddenly become oceans, seas and great salt lakes.
Crustal changes will take place upon the earth under the great pressures
and violent redistribution of the earth’s waters.
Land will suddenly appear where it has not been seen since the great flood of Noah’s day as presently heightened ocean locations retreat to new areas.
Most certainly the earth will be harmed in that day, but then what of the sea?
As the waters cover the landmasses, inconceivable pollution of the Oceans will take place as toxic waste dumps,
nuclear plants, chemical factories and sewage plants are suddenly submerged under water.
After the energy of the tidal waves is exhausted and the waters retreat to ocean average, the injury will continue as
arable lands, lakes, streams and aquifers remain contaminated by toxic pollutants, decaying animals and of course, salt.
To our knowledge no calculations are presently available as to how large of tidal waves will be produced by this devastating
judgment from God, nor how far inland the initial momentum of the raging waters will invade affected continents.
As may have been realized by now, the critical factor of who will receive the brunt of these cataclysms is determined by
where a land mass is found in relationship to where the low spots of the Oceans are located.

The Ocean’s high spots are located off of
Ireland, Peru, Madagascar and the Philippines.

The first two low points are found off of India and Antarctica.

The last two are found off of the East and West coasts
of North America by California and Florida.

Consider the following examples for what lies in store for the United States:
California is 74 ft. below what will be future ocean average, Florida is 187 ft. below and Washington is 212 ft. below.
In Rev. 7:1 God also made mention that the winds will not blow “on any tree.”
Keep this in mind when considering the complications which will arise with crop pollination.


The Ozark Plateau, depending on where you determine the "Borders" are, encompasses between 32,000 to 90,000 square miles. Nobody is going to make a few tunnels and take over a geographic region that large. The Navy, Special Forces, The Pentagon, and others, have been telling people to retire here for decades. So what? It means that there are some really good people here.

    "In event of a total breakdown, there has to be enough of a homogeneous
(like minded, or unified) population base to care for itself.
You must have water, food production, favorable terrain, and many other things.
Not too many areas of the country qualify as such."

This is an aside, a huge parentheses:

((My original estimation of 100 Miles has been "stretched" a bit by my daughter's challenge the other night.
We were having birthday for my 7 yo grandson, and we watched my Ozark Refuge interview with Pastor Joe Fox on You Tube; Ozark Refuge

  That turned into a science class when my grand daughter asked me about the Craton, etc.
I had shown them the two facing 120 Degree Angles of the Ozark Plateau. I told them about the Artificial Plateaus like Turtle Mountain in North Dakota and the others at the center of the five continents. They are 1/3 of a pie -120 Degrees, .333. 120 Degrees, and the number 333 means refuge, safety, ARC, ARK. Now, if you draw two opposed and facing 120 degree angles...You draw a DIAMOND -whether the size is a few inches, or 400 miles -as the Ozark Plateau is.

I told them how the Craton is stable geologically, and that outside of it, the crust is thin. It is unstable.
It is dangerous from a geological viewpoint -Earthquakes and volcanoes are the electrically balancing factors -whereas inside the Craton the electrical balancing means that we have Tornadoes. BUT!!!
My granddaughter was right with me, and she took over; "look, grandpa,
INSIDE THE CRATON, it is mostly TORNADOES that balance the electricity.
On THE EDGE OF THE CRATON, it is mostly EARTHQUAKES that balance the electricity.

The main point is that our Craton is geologically stable.
It is less dense than the Mantle of the Earth: It floats. It is an Ark.
It is called The Shield by geologists. The word is from the Greek. KRATOS means "Strength."
When I got to the 'Sphere of Influence" / "Sphere of Operation" (S.O. as opposed to A.O.)
and told them how after speaking in faith of a 100 mile Sphere, even though the crust is typically only 60 miles thick, that I found out about two weeks later about the huge depth that the 2.5 BILLION gallons of water come from in the Springs, and that the entire region has freshwater AQUIFERS under it.
The about two years later I found out that the earth's crust was indeed actually 120 miles thick through the North American Craton. daughter Anna very forcefully told me that the number 120 has great significance in the bible, and that the Sphere I speak of so often is 120 Miles Radius.
It was an awesome time with my family!!!))

A few comment in general;
There are no DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) east of the Mississippi.
There are likely very good reasons for that.

East of the river there are far more nuclear plants than you can shake a stick at.

There are gas pipelines, etc, running everywhere.

Ocean levels may change, etc. There are hundreds of Russian Christians here who have multiple prophecies that ocean levels will rise, so they came to the Ozarks. One man told me that personally, then I heard the sam ething from a friend who knows some in Springfield.
I will only say that the Mississippi may change in width and become a bit bigger in its connection from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Nuff said on that point.

There is the highest concentration of population of the US;
58% of the total Population on 1/3 of the land mass.
Those are not good things when you look at surviving what is coming. Think "Rats on a Sinking Ship," because no matter WHAT happens, that is the description of the eastern US.
"As of 2011, the estimated population of the 26 states east of the Mississippi (not including the small portions of Minnesota and Louisiana that are east of the river) plus Washington, D.C. totals 179,948,346 out of 308,745,358 in the whole nation or 58.28% of the U.S. population."

Back to Cumberland vs Ozark; funny you should ask. A couple came out to visit from the East Coast.
The husband had read EVERYTHING I sent him -and I sent him EVERYTHING -and understood it.
In spite of that, they had decided the same thing as you did... -and they had a well marked copy of that bad book you speak of, "the book whose name I do not like to mention."
Anyway...They had decided on the CP instead of the OP.
Skousen probably had a huge part in their decision. I was utterly Floored.
He requested that I do a strategic comparison of the Ozark and Cumberland Plateaus.
I groused. I delayed. I never really got to it...but, without further ado...for what it's is
what I sent him as a preliminary study...


“The crust is full of fluids and looking for an excuse to break,” said Costain.
The New York-Alabama Lineament is one more place where that can happen.

I have not gotten to the Plateau comparison. Have you studied them as to comparison?
Like I said, in my opinion, it would be a move in the right direction,
so long as you understand it will likely involve a second move under far more stress,
less financial resources, etc.
I encourage people to use resources wisely and move once,
under the best circumstances possible,
rather than a second time in addition to the first...
the second being under the worst circumstances possible.

I guess that sums up my position on the matter fairly succinctly.:o)

The Cumberland Plateau (taken as a whole unit, which is the case) has none of the Ozark Plateau's criteria -US Interior Highlands / separate bio-region / demographics, terrain populated by like minded / ethnically similar people, interior (Heart) of the Laurentian Craton, etc

The Cumberland Plateau (CP) and the Appalachians are the eastern edge of the Craton.
If we were ignorant enough to assume that all things will remain equal (see note below on Ceteris Paribus,) it might not be a bad place.

Compare maps of the CP and the many Eastern Coast / Craton Fault lines.
Compare it to volcanically subject unstable regions.
The Rockies and the Appalachians were created by tectonic plate shifting.
Those life changing phenomena will happen again in the end times.
We are in the end times.

Considering all of the diverse and major factors indicating a catastrophic
-even Extinction Level Event of some sort -asteroid strike in the Atlantic,  Earthquake and Tsunami from the Canary Islands, high east coast population, global economic collapse, martial law, etc etc etc,
bets placed on the Cumberland Plateau, with your lives as the stakes, will not be just a game...and may not turn out  to give you a positive ROI.
The Cumberland Plateau will be a small lifeboat which may or not remain afloat for long -literally, as it is on the edge of the Craton and subject to earthquake, volcano, rising or sinking, and at the very least, huge populations driven inland by tsunamis, invasions, etc.

(note; "Ceteris a Latin phrase meaning
"with other things the same" or
"all other things being equal or held constant."

San Andreas-like fault found in eastern U.S.

Fault, from New York to Alabama, may be 500 million years old

Image: Eastern fault line
For 30 years geologists have been puzzled by a remarkably straight magnetic line that runs between New York and Alabama along the Appalachians.
A more recent aerial magnetic survey of the Alabama end of the line suggests that it's probably a 500-million-year-old San Andreas-style fault that appears to have slipped 137 miles to the right in the distant past.
If so, it's no surprise that the most dangerous part of the eastern Tennessee seismic zone is right next to part of this magnetic line and has the second-highest earthquake frequency in the eastern United States.
"It's most likely a strike-slip fault," said Mark Steltenpohl of the University of Alabama at Auburn. “But it's all buried.”
The fault is invisible from the surface and there is very little information about it because no one has actually drilled down through it to investigate, Steltenpohl told Discovery News.
That would, in fact, be pretty hard to do, since the fault zone is very narrow and it would be hard to find with a drill using just magnetic maps to set up a drill rig.
“It's almost a needle in a haystack,” said Steltenpohl.
Both steep and deep
The New York-Alabama Lineament, as geologists call it, was first revealed by aerial magnetic mapping in 1978. Since then people have looked at smaller sections of it to try and understand it, with little success. Seismic surveys across the feature indicated it is very steep and runs very deep.
“It's been sort of enigmatic,” said U.S. Geological Survey geologist Wright Horton, a co-author with Steltenpohl on a paper in the June issue of the journal Geology about the fault.
The key to seeing it as a strike-slip fault is detecting features that are cut off by the fault and offset. Those sorts of offsets were finally found in maps from a 2002 aerial magnetic survey of the Alabama part of the lineament, said Horton.
“Once we got the south end of it pinned down, the rest of it fell into place,” Horton said.
Likely not active
The fact that the fault has not cut through the layers of earth above it and shown itself on the Earth's present surface suggests it's not active and so people can probably rest easy.
However, the fault and fractures related to it — like the probably similarly-ancient faults of eastern Tennessee — are not incapable of quakes.
In fact they are perfect places for stresses in the crust to be released, so long as they are weakened by water,
explained geophysicist John Costain of Virginia Tech.
“If the lineament is there, then you're sure to get earthquakes more than otherwise,” said Costain.
That's because faults, however ancient can serve as conduits for water that weakens fault zones and can cause regional stresses in the crust to be relieved as an earthquake.
This is, in fact, the likely secret to how all big and small mid-continent quakes can happen, so far from the more active and obvious zones where tectonic plates are smashing together, he explained.
“The crust is full of fluids and looking for an excuse to break,” said Costain.
The New York-Alabama Lineament is one more place where that can happen.
Map, Location of the Appalachians



"Cratons and Earthquakes and Plumes, Oh My!!!"



If you really look into it, the cost of chemical weapons for use on a large area is extremely cost prohibitive. Biologics you just can't control - it would make the areas probably more dangerous that radioactivity. Humans tracking into a radioactive area, doesn't increase the level of radioactivity, but one infected human can bring heaps of trouble to an uninfected area. EMPs also have a lot less range than you would was a hot topic in the 80's and a has become exaggerated. If you wanted to take over an area for resources , you have to do it the old fashion way - occupation.

Right!!! If you wanted to take over an area for resources , you have to do it the old fashion way - occupation.

This should be a dissertation; troops on the ground, town by town, door to door is required to OCCUPY a town, a county, a city, a nation. Now evaluate this nation in light of just that One Single parameter...let alone twenty to forty others. Eliminate all flat ground. Make sure BOL, etc is in, or headed toward terrain that is high ground of some kind -for enemy invasion, for high water, etc -if it turns out that Plan A goes to hell, Plan B, Plan C, etc.

1. Look at population density in the region you are in if things GTHIAHB.

You have 1. Adirondacks & White Mtns in NE...2. Appalachians E / SE.
3. Rockies West. 4. West Coast Mtns.
Ozarks in The Center.
However, on the first four, Caveat Empor; look at instability of the tectonic plate,
thin crust, earthquake and volcano activity,
and take that into consideration when formulating an overall strategy for relocation / evacuation.

From: jerry diamond <>
To: sustainable CEDAR <>; sw mocr <>; htgb <>; "" <>; "" <>; YLDS <>; YPNA <>; PBNA PBNA <>; YPCU <>; hc <>; Discover Well Fed Neighbor <>; "" <>; "" <>; sherry shriner <>; hcp <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 12:55 AM
Subject: “Global Surge” in Earthquakes from 2004-2014 and implications for Cascadia admitted and discussed at Geological Society Meeting -10/22/2014

On Nov 15, 2014, at 1:22 AM, jerry diamond wrote

Dear Friends,

I wanted to preface this very serious article with some personal comments...
I do this because of the extreme sense of foreboding based on the scientific studies
I have been led to do regarding the geological construction of this land mass that we call the United States.

I am going to state plainly that they are soon to be "Dis-United"
and I mean physically disappeared, and separated.
Geology is screaming this message.
The Pacific Northwest, Cascadia, is completely unsafe
anywhere west of the Continental Divide.
That entire region is Volcano City.
The crust is thin, unstable and the future maps of the USA
you see online with much of the western US gone,
and a coastline somewhere in Utah...are not too much pizza and wine dreams,
or Occultist flights of fancy.
They are just solid interpretations of the geology of the earth's crust there.
Likewise, the opened up 30 to 100 mile wide Mississippi River Vally on the same maps -solid geological interpolation of the facts.

Both of these events -Earth Changes -will serve to protect the interior of the country -and the peoples gathered there.
When will this all happen? Sure, maybe we have another 20,000 years.
However, I suspect it will be long before that -likely in our lifetimes. I would guess within the next five years.

I say all of these things, and what I have quoted and written below -before the article
-is so that if you live west of the Continental Divide, or are East of the Mississippi, or have loved one -family and friends who do...
I strongly advise you to do all in your power to make a difference for those souls. 

This article below should be read in conjunction with my post titled
The “Old Rules” No Longer Apply and...North America May Indeed Be Entering a
Period of  Seismic Instability Unheard Of In Modern Times


jerry diamond

Jan 14, 2015, 1:50:22 AM1/14/15
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb,, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor,, sherry shriner, hcp,,


5/27/2014 -- Colorado 4 MILE LONG Landslide @ FRACKING operation

A comment on dutchsinse sums this up:

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