Fw: Ferguson Update

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jerry diamond

Nov 24, 2014, 12:29:27 AM11/24/14
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com, FoodWate...@yahoogroups.com

Michael Don Slack, CPRW
Certified Professional Resume Writer
More than 25 years experience, more than 20,000 happy, employed clients

November 23, 2014

To: Concerned Individuals

In Re: Ferguson Update

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One of my listeners forwarded the below note. I cannot vouch for it's authenticity.

Moving on from there:

Yesterday (Saturday 11/22) I met with a friend who is an elected office holder. He lives in Ferguson (about 4 blocks from the Ferguson City Hall). He has agreed to give daily updates live on my show, once the Grand Jury verdict goes public.  We haven't discussed if he wants anonymity. Regardless, I look forward to his first-hand reporting. He is a former U.S. Marine and will be evacuating his wife & children, while he remains to protect the family home & help his neighbors (half of whom are black) who want no protest, or violence either.

I received word early this AM that the verdict is now due Monday 11/24. Hey, I'll take another day!

While nearly all public discourse on this matter revolves around what the protesters may, or may not, do and the response of the police, there are other matters to consider i.e. the actions of common criminals and criminal street gangs. Be advised: every major city in the USA has gangs of criminals, Metro-St. Louis included.
These gangs of criminals could give a flying hoot about Michael Brown, Officer Darren Wilson, or any political agenda surrounding this matter.

While the average I.Q. of a street gang member may only be 75, they are more than bright enough to know that once no one can call 911, it will be a free-for-all.
Even those St. Louis residents who aren't news junkies are noticing the inordinate number of black males killing black males in the Metro-St. Louis area this year (well on the way to a new record). Keep in mind these revenge/score settling/turf war homicides are taking place while everything (including 911) is working normally.

Also keep in mind that 83+ cities are designated protest cities. While it's highly unlikely we would see violence in all 83 cities, the possibility of violence in  number of these cities is not out of the question.

For those who don't know, I've been interacting with, interviewing criminals as part of the legal defense team where I am the defense investigator for men and women charged with every crime one can imagine since 1973. I won't bore with my full bio, it's at my web site. Suffice to say, I know of what I speak from first-hand knowledge, not reading about criminals in a book. This is your heads up! There are powerful entities behind the scenes who in their heart-of-hearts want a full blown race war to commence in St. Louis MO & spread to other cities.

Once the killing starts, it will become an out-of-control wildfire. I hope and pray those in charge of the various police agencies for the Ferguson matter respond immediately with over-whelming force. The politically-correct response of the police in Ferguson in August does not bode well for this coming event.   It is now well understood that the initial police stand-down in the 1992 L.A. Riot's is one of the main reasons they got so bad, so quickly.

Standing by,

John Moore

Please feel free to forward this note, deleting all e-mails first.

Subject: FW: Ferguson Missouri GJ Announcement - Law Enforcement Sensitive
To: "dixie...@gmail.com" <dixie...@gmail.com>

For your law enforcement eyes only!
Do not share-document
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 5:00 PM
To: Police Intel
Subject: FW: Ferguson Missouri GJ Announcement - Law Enforcement Sensitive
FYI, Ferguson decision to come Sunday

, Master Sergeant,
Criminal Investigations Division/
Economic Crimes/Criminal Intelligence. 
1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Mission:  Prevent crime and enhance public safety.
Vision:  We aspire to be a world-class agency, which protects our diverse community and serves as a model for character, innovation and service to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Values: Professional, Accountable, Honest and Proud.

From: Southeast Florida Fusion Center [se...@mdpd.com]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 10:54 AM
Subject: Ferguson Missouri GJ Announcement - Law Enforcement Sensitive
Subject: Ferguson Missouri Grand Jury Announcement - Law Enforcement Sensitive
The Southeast Florida Fusion Center has received the following information:
The Florida Fusion Center (FFC) has received information through Fusion Center channels from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) that the findings of the Ferguson Grand Jury, Ferguson Missouri will be announced on Sunday, November 23, 2014, at a time yet to be determined.  The Grand Jury is to reconvene today (Friday).  The FFC has been engaged in information and intelligence collection for the past 10 days to 2 weeks and will continue to do so moving forward.  The Office of Statewide Intelligence/Florida Fusion Center will be standing up formalized 24-hour intelligence operations beginning Saturday 11/22/2014 at 0700 hours and continue operations until at least 1900 hours the day after the announcement for a 72 hour intelligence operations period.  The Watch Desk will be the primary point of contact during the overnight hours (1900 to 0700).
The FFC and the SEFFC will be monitoring the National HSIN Situation Awareness room hosted by Missouri, the HSIN FL Connect Situation Awareness room hosted by the FFC, the HSIN Cyber Sit Aware room (CINAware), social media monitoring, and open sources. If significant activity occurs the SEFFC will disseminate timely Situational Awareness Briefs.
The HSIN FL Connect Sit Aware room is being hosted by FFC and is currently up.  The Sit Aware room has been pre-populated with relevant information.  Additionally, a page has been established on the Florida Fusion Center Network “Ferguson” where documents may be housed for those who do not have or desire access to the HSIN FL room.  More information as to the specifics of operations in the Florida Fusion Center will be forthcoming as well as and specific protest site locations in Florida.
The attached document will be of assistance to those wanting to gain access to the HSIN FL Sit Aware Room as guests.  The document also provides assistance for those with Username/Password Access and other helpful tips.
Description: small copy
Southeast Florida Fusion Center
office: 305 470-3880

Think Green. Please only print this e-mail if you need to.

Miami-Dade County is a public entity subject to Florida Statutes Chapter 119, Public Records. E-mail messages are subject to public records disclosure, and with limited exceptions are not exempt from chapter 119.

"We live under a government that passes unconstitutional laws, then drags its feet when hauled before the Supreme Court to test that law's Constitutionality. But under Marbury v. Madison, the US Supreme Court ruled that any law that violates the Constitution is automatically void. And under John Bad Elk vs. United States, any citizen has a right to resist with lethal force any violation of their civil rights by the application of unconstitutional laws. .
Joe Biden's claim to a government right to determine what guns We The People may be allowed to own violates both the Second and Tenth Amendments, and under Marbury v. Madison, any laws passed to limit our Second Amendment rights are automatically null and void. "-M.Rivero  whatreallyhappened.com
It's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Suggestions !
The laws in the entirety of this nation are now employed to enforce corporate government control over the people rather than to administer true justice. Laws are piled upon laws; even un-elected bureaucrats are given the authority to write administrative decrees that have the force of law. We are completely under the rule of a corporate system, and subject to the whims and caprices of those in the judiciary and beyond of no accountability to the people.

"I am the hammer. I am the sword in His hand. I am the point of His spear. I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the end."-Death to Evil

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