Intel Boss' Warning On Cyber Attacks No Joke, Say Experts

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jerry diamond

Nov 22, 2014, 3:59:26 AM11/22/14
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb,, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor,, sherry shriner, hcp,, we go..another personal preface...
If you are out there -in a city larger than 1,000 people, the odds are that you have an ex-special forces of some kind or another in your local population. I have known many of them -I cultivated friendships with them to learn from them.
I say this to point out the fragility of the Grid and amenities and utilities that you take for granted. It will not take what you think of as a terrorist
to take your precious comfortable utilities away from you -Water, Power, Heating fuels, communications, sanitation, etc...

Here is my point:
My family lived with a Green Beret in Kansas in a town of only 200 people. Three tours in Nam. SF Reserves his whole life.
He told me things that I have never repeated to anyone -too gross.
He was a Mad Dog of sorts...De Oppressor Liber meant something to him. He waged a war game against an active duty military unit. He used 100% civilians. He won. That was his job, his life.

My point? sorry...In that town of 200 in rural Kansas, had anything happened on a large scale, and there happened to be sent there some MJTF group, there would have been no water, and no power in the region. He said the first thing he would do if an "event" occurred, was to drop the water tower. I asked why. 

"It keeps law enforcement busy,
and allows us to do what we have to -Wage War."

He passed away -from Cancer from Agent Orange
-as did thousands upon thousands of Vietnam Vets. 

But...there are ex-SF everywhere. That is why the current powers that be would like to get rid of them -in fact, so far as I know, he was the last of his A-Team. The others were suckered into going to hunt down and kill "Bin Laden" after 9-11. They bought the idiotic story of
box- cutter toting terrorists hook line and sinker.
I never heard that he ever heard from them again, anyway.
He stayed back to take care of his 95 yo Mother (and us.:o)

war is about to cut loose on this nation. If you do not believe that, you are a fool. You will pay dearly. Your family may pay with far more than loss of possessions and homes. Hell is about to erupt here in this nation -on our soil. If you are so besotted with comfort that you are not aware of that, I pity you -I truly do.
If you understand a smidgin of what I have said, and what this article states...along with Judge Jeanine Pirro on ISIS, etc, etc, etc
-then please do something about it -right now -within an hour of reading this missive. Make plans. Figure out where to go. Get what you need to get there. Get with someone you trust. Ask advice. Do something, for...
"He Who Hesitates Is Lost."....

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
"Why do you speak to them in parables?" 
He answered them, "To you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is not given to them. 
For whoever has, to him will be given,
and he will have abundance, but whoever doesn't have,
from him will be taken away even that which he has. 
Therefore I speak to them in parables,
because seeing they don't see, and hearing,
they don't hear, neither do they understand."

...Ever hear of the guy who says "the Lord will save me" to the patrol car warning him of the flood coming, right?
Passes up that, the boat, and the helicopter with the same words, and when he gets to heaven, complains;
"I told everyone you would save me." "Hey, I sent you a car, a boat, a chopper, what do you want...?"

   Same principle here. You can use three courses of action as believers; protest, flight, or fight. -In that order
Th e"fight" part will get bloody and deadly within seconds of a breakdown. It can be viewed as  just be killed - or martyred),
and I see a difference between the two. Martyrdom is the highest honor for a believer.
However, an invading army is not going to care what we believe before raping our women to death,
cutting off heads, sticking them on bayonets, and eating our children.
We can still protest, but it is pretty much too late, and the time for flight is almost gone also.
If one wishes not to take up arms, I would suggest being in an area where it will most likely not be necessary.
I see our biggest jobs here in the OzArk Plateau being to be raising food, building homes, and caring for the sick and wounded. We need massive amounts of help. On that I agree with Ken. HOWEVER, while I do not see any "armed camps" around here,
when "it happens" , there will be an absolute necessity to make the areas of refuge exactly that;
places of safety. Internal cancer is just as deadly as an external knife thrust.
There will be trash to be taken out.  That will become clear in time; to some sooner, to others later, but at a much higher cost.
The cost will be in the comfort, health, and lives of family, friends, and loved ones.
   "He who hesitates is lost," is another way of saying, do something, right or wrong, do not sit on the fence, do not be lukewarm, or as George Patton said;
"An imperfect battle  plan put into action today,
is better than a perfect one put into action tomorrow."
Plan on helping in some way, radio communication, nursing, gardening, or watching and praying; but act.
Act now; do not sit & fiddle while Rome burns.
    I am reminded of Jim Elliot's words as well in closing;

   "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
That is not just "giving up your life" as a martyr.
Instead, Try giving up your insurance, your worthless house...
-if you owe more than you can easily pay off very quickly, it is beyond worthless...
-it is a millstone around your neck. Give up your comforts, your pleasures. If you do not do this now, you (millions of Americans will, although you may escape) may well give up your life -willingly in defense of others...
-or unwillingly under extreme torture and agony that a million Americans could never imagine with their cumulative minds.  
Do something real. There are so many people here who have give up almost every comfort, just to be ready to help when "they" come -meaning refugees with the shirt on their back and nothing more than the skills they have in their hands and the knowledge they have in their minds...
I was at one community, talking to  Brother Thomas about getting bunches of camping tents, etc for people to live in year round, and he said, "Brother Jerry i don't know when they are going to come, but I know people will be living in tents"... I laughed and said; ""they" are here, hello? you are living in a tent." He said, I mean HAVE to live in a tent. He was so focused on "worrying" about the poor folks gonna have to live in a tent through the winter that, he  did not even think of the fact that he was doing that very thing. He and I have been waiting for ten years now for y'all to show up...
-There is a word for that; altruism; doing good for others, at your own expense.
Many of us have been doing that for 30 years now.
Brother Thomas  is waiting; I am waiting; someday soon, some good help will show up.   
Some of you won't make it. It will not be my fault -
We sent a car, a boat and a chopper.............  

"Let's just Make it count, Jed....."
This is Jerry Diamond. If you're listening to this, you are the Remnant.



                                                         “A good
                                               man draws a circle around
                                           himself and cares for those within
                                         – his woman, his children. Other men
                                        draw  a larger circle  and bring  within
                                       their brothers and sisters. But some men
                                       have a greater destiny. They must  draw
                                       around themselves a circle that  includes
                                        many, many more. Your father was one                          
                                          of  those  men.  You  must decide
                                             for yourself whether you  are 
                                                as well.”         -Tic Tic,
                                                      10,000  B.C.

Intel boss' warning on cyber attacks no joke, say expert...
Top cybersecurity experts echoed a dire warning from the NSA on the vulnerability of the U.S. power grid, with one telling that state-sponsored hackers ...
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Intel Boss' Warning On Cyber Attacks No Joke, Say Experts

By Malia Zimmerman
Experts say the U.S. power grid is vulnerable to an attack. (The Associated Press)
Top cybersecurity experts echoed a dire warning from a top intelligence chief on the vulnerability of the U.S. power grid, with one telling that state-sponsored hackers could send America’s nerve centers on an “uncontrollable, downward spiral.”
Admiral Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, told lawmakers Thursday that adversaries of the U.S. conduct regular electronic reconnaissance to reveal weaknesses in America’s industrial control systems, ranging from power plants to sewage facilities. The nation's entire power infrastructure could prove vulnerable to a crippling assault, should China or any of the other nations who sponsor such efforts find an Achilles' heel and move to exploit it, he said.
Rogers was not exaggerating, according to experts.
“Unlike the recent headline attacks, which result in significant loss of data, attacking a nation state’s critical infrastructure requires persistence and long term discipline of not being detected. The scale and techniques required to do this exist in the military and intelligence functions of various world governments,” said Ron Gula, CEO of Columbia, Md.,-based Tenable Network Security.
Rogers told members of the House Intelligence Committee China along with “one or two” other countries have the capability to mount devastating cyber-attacks, and merely remaining on the defensive is a “losing strategy.” The possibility of such cyberattacks by U.S. adversaries has been widely known, but never confirmed publicly by the nation's top cyber official.

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Admiral Michael Rogers, who heads the NSA, warned lawmakers that the U.S. must go on the offensive to avoid a crippling cyber-attack.
Brian Ingram, cyber security investigator and owner of Consulting Investigation Services, headquartered in Dallas, called the assessment “dead on accurate.”
“China has, for years, participated in massive electronic probing of networks in the U.S.,” Ingram said. “The ability to conduct these network scans is not new, the sophistication of the newer methodologies is growing exponentially and our defenses, from the little made public or known to those in the industry, has not kept pace.”
There is a "huge risk" that America's own power utilities could be turned into a weapon used against U.S. citizens and controlled from another land, said Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute.
“While security has improved substantially, there is no way, none at all, to prevent an attack.”
- Paul Rosenzweig, Heritage Foundation
“We could lose the ability to control our power systems," said Ponemon, whose organization is based in Traverse City, Mich. "If this happens with a nuclear power facility, the attack could cause a melt down or explosions, cause considerable damage for people at or near the plant, and put it out of commission for many, many months.”
The U.S. and Israel are believed to have mounted just such an attack on Iran's nuclear weapons program, Ponemon noted, referring to the engineered computer virus known as Stuxnet that was discovered in 2010. The attack, delivered by an infected thumb drive, targeted Iran's Natanz nuclear facility, and is believed to have shut down some one-fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. The virus was used to obtain information on the nuclear facility and put pressure on centrifuges, causing them to spin out of control.
Paul Rosenzweig, visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said experts have known for a long time that an even more devastating and costly attack could be mounted on the U.S., where the power grid is a vast complex of public and private infrastructure.
“While security has improved substantially, there is no way, none at all, to prevent an attack,” Rosenzweig said.
The private sector has cooperated with the U.S. government for years to share information and increase the ability to defend itself from cyber attacks, Gula said. However, this is a growing challenge.
“The problem is the attack surface is so large that we are constantly reacting to moves made by our potential adversaries,” Gula says.
Network security is much like airline or automobile safety, Gula explained. Government regulations, technology breakthroughs from industry and development of best practices will minimize the threat to the energy infrastructure, but there is no one entity responsible for this, he said.

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A cyber attack on Iran's nuclear program proved devastating in 2010. (Fox News)
“Private industries should be expected to defend themselves from less skilled hackers, corporate espionage and maintain a network compliant with their industry’s regulations. They should also expect to work with the various U.S. government groups to share information and respond to nation-state attacks,” Gula said.
For now, the best protection the U.S. has is its economic ties to China - and the fact that America could answer an attack with one of its own - the strategy known in the Cold War as "mutually assured destruction."
“What would China would gain from turning off Los Angeles and why would China do that in light of its investment in the U.S. and the possibility that the U.S. could reciprocally turning off Beijing?” Rosenzweig asked, before cautioning that America’s vulnerability would become relevant if there was a major conflict with China.
There is a general sense the U.S. faces more of a threat from irrational actors, such as smaller nations and independent terrorist groups, who probably don’t have capabilities now, but could at some point in the future, Rosenzweig said.
If and when committed enemies of the U.S. gain the ability to strike, America's dependence on its power grid could prove to be a fatal weakness..
“Can you plan anything in the electronic age if you can’t rely on the power grid?" Ingram asked. "Financial exchanges, eCommerce, banking, medical records, postal/mail delivery, trucking, railways…all of them are interconnected in our society and the ability to protect that, to ensure that our way of life is not dependent on a foreign power’s benevolence is vital to have a thriving and prosperous U.S.”

jerry diamond

Nov 22, 2014, 3:59:40 AM11/22/14
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb,, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor,, sherry shriner, hcp,,
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