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jerry diamond

Nov 15, 2014, 2:13:29 AM11/15/14
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com, FoodWate...@yahoogroups.com

Dear Friends,

I wanted to preface this very serious article with some personal comments...
I do this because of the extreme sense of foreboding based on the scientific studies
I have been led to do regarding the geological construction of this land mass that we call the United States.

I am going to state plainly that they are soon to be "Dis-United" and I mean physically disappeared, and separated.
Geology is screaming this message. The Pacific Northwest, Cascadia, is completely unsafe anywhere west of the Continental Divide.
That entire region is Volcano City. The crust is thin, unstable and the future maps of the USA you see online with much of the western US gone,
and a coastline somewhere in Utah...are not too much pizza and wine dreams, or Occultist flights of fancy.
They are just solid interpretations of the geology of the earth's crust there.
Likewise, the opened up 30 to 100 mile wide Mississippi River Vally on the same maps -solid geological interpolation of the facts.

Both of these events -Earth Changes -will serve to protect the interior of the country -and the peoples gathered there.
When will this all happen? Sure, maybe we have another 20,000 years.
However, I suspect it will be long before that -likely in our lifetimes. I would guess within the next five years.

I say all of these things, and what I have quoted and written below -before the article
-is so that if you live west of the Continental Divide, or are East of the Mississippi, or have loved one -family and friends who do...
I strongly advise you to do all in your power to make a difference for those souls. 

This article below should be read in conjunction with my post titled
The “Old Rules” No Longer Apply and...North America May Indeed Be Entering a
Period of  Seismic Instability Unheard Of In Modern Times

Most of that can be read on whatever group you get this from, or write me and I will send it.

I will say readily that I am not a scientist -but had I gone into engineering at CU,
instead of Bible College, I would have been. Instead, I took "The Path Less Traveled."
As a result, I escaped institutional brainwashing, and was able to study
any topic that caught my interest and imagination -to the nth degree.
It eventually led me here to Missouri and a lifestyle that gave me the time and resources
to engage in a disciplined and wide ranging research of hundreds of disciplines and subjects.
In 2008, after talking to Galen Chadwick for about fifteen minutes, Galen -in an aside -said "Oh, You are a polymath."
THAT one word explained my entire life when I discovered the definition.

I summed up back in 2009;

  "As an introduction to me and my family, I should say a bit about me,
just so you can see why I am like I am, and what my ideas/beliefs/predictions are based upon.
What I am, is a polymath, a person who is "many-learned."
This is not claiming to be a super-genius, or smarter than everyone.
It is a growing condition i have had my whole life, and the following quote makes light of it,
but it has been many years in me figuring out what makes me tick, as it were;

from yahoo polymath group;
"I frequently get asked, 'Where did you LEARN all this stuff?' My
answer is this. I have a hitherto undescribed psychological
affliction, CLD. Compulsive Learning Disorder. It presents
sub-clinically in about 2% of the population. Clinical presentation
is rare, however the prognosis in these patients is poor.
Typically they suffer from career confusion and a general inability to
engage in appropriately inane conversations in social settings. These
symptoms can lead to chronic relationship difficulties."

--Oh WOW!! You mean I have been sick all these years?
Here I thought I was just a freak!! LOL(--me)

   So, what this means, is that the future, the reality which I "see" or "envision" is not a dream or vision based one,
but rather,  a Biblical,  historical, scientific, geographical, language, etc etc based "world view."
That does not mean it is inconsistent with those believers who have dreams and visions.
Far from it. I met a family who is living here, where the father and daughter have the same dreams regularly,
volcanic ash burying gardens, etc, but one of the first  I heard from them was that they have both been out
"in the woods evading military patrols while finding people, and bringing them in  to safety."
At one point I told them "I have been seeing that for years," and oh was the dad excited,
telling his daughter "come here, this man has had the same visions." 
I had to "burst his bubble," that my "visions" were only in my mind-
just logical extrapolations of the available data i have collected. 
But I have been preparing as best I can for Patrolling groups to be able to go out and lend first aid,
and comfort to travelers on foot, etc to get them here to safety."


From a forum I write on, Prepared Society;
I have read Saxon, (thanks for the allusion) and Mel Tappan, and "Uncle Ragnar"
and many others, and it is a mystery where the "Blinders On" mentality came from.
If anyone has some input there, I would appreciate it.
It is almost like almost every single "survivalist" is reading from the same sheet of music...
but the sheet has been run through a paper shredder and then pieced back together...
by an arthritic chimpanzee using a random mix of Elmer's Glue and Duct Tape...." (IMNSHO)

The first thing they A$$ume is that no major changes will take place in the structure and physics of this planet.
They do not care to study geology, (plate tectonics,) geography, astronomy, meteorology, etc, 
let alone meld them all together to get an ACCURATE BIG PICTURE.
The capability to look at these things from an "OUT OF THE BOX" PERSPECTIVE requires a totally different MINDSET.

"This is a massively huge topic that involves the entire construction of the Universe, all of human history, every science known to man, etc, etc.
I am a naturally gifted Polymath -not smarter than anybody in particular -but I read EVERYTHING.
I say this -EVERYTHING -every science, every bit of history, every military scenario, Everything says the same thing.
The OzArk Plateau is a unique and actually gigantic region (52,000 Sq Mi) designed as an End Time Fortress."

There are two ways people can come to a place of knowing enough to make the right choice on relocating here
(actually, three -one being the route that the Father has guided me on -but nobody has that ability (time-wise at least) anymore
-I am not a dummy, although I am "uneducated" but even so, it took me 34 years to figure all of this out.)
So, there are two routes -one being spiritually led to move here -and that has happened to thousands of people
(I went to sleep in Kansas, and woke up in Missouri, it seemed like -it happened so fast.)
The other is to study enough and to develop a trust for a leader who recommends it -Pastor Joe Fox of Viking Preparedness is such a leader. 
He moved his business and ministry to Shofar Mountain in the OzArks.
Pastor Joey Faust moved his entire Kingdom Baptist Church here from DFW.
They sold their entire properties, businesses, homes, etc and bought 400 plus acres in the OzArks. 
As Paul Harvey used to say "...and now, in our for what it's worth department,"
The information I have presented as best I can is very well developed
-the lecture on my channel is about 1/6 th of what the Almighty has shown me.
I hope to do pod-casts with the information fully laid out.
That might take a hundred, maybe two hundred short casts. 

The OzArk Plateau will prove to be a veritable 'Land of Goshen" in the midst of judgment. 
I have been signing off my You Tubes -with apologies to Christian Bale / John Connor in Terminator.
When I say listening, I mean Listening AND actually Hearing:
"This is Jerry Diamond. If you are listening to this, you are the Remnant."

Some people who have read my writings:
This is from a man who worked for Chubb Insurance in 130 nations:

"Thank you Jerry, So much for your work and dedication. 
You don't know this but your writings have been a lifeline for me and my family as we drift at sea in Spain.
It is like one of the guys you quote: "Be where you're at". 
We are still planning to relocate to the U.S.  My desire is to be in the Ozarks.

Excellent assessment about the Craton and hurricane alley moving East. 
I had been an commercial insurance underwriter living in Pittsburgh. 
Of course understanding windstorm and hurricane patterns was a big part of my job. 
The information you have shown helps to update what I was trained in.

Doug Brethower , was one of the top 15 Apple IT people in the nation.
He told me
that he could go back to Austin,
and make 10,000 times what he makes here.
He said he could not bring himself to do that;
that he could not leave the Ozarks. After he read my articles,
he now knows why his gut feeling held him back.

Jim, a former international banker said;
"Jerry, One of your emails is like attending a 5 day Mega-Conference on new ideas....
Talk about a fire-hose of information. It seems like each of your ideas requires an
unpacking and study that should be savored, treasured, meditated on, and most importantly, ACTED ON!"





My passion and vision is to lay a foundation in figuring out how to
house and feed the multitudes of people who will have little or no resources.
Amazingly, the bleaker things become, the more amazing and miraculous
things seem to be coming to the fore and are revealed to us.

Anyway, enough rambling.


"This is Jerry Diamond. If you're listening to this, You Are The Remnant."

10/22/2014 -“Global Surge” in Earthquakes from 2004-2014 -and implications for Cascadia admitted and discussed at Geological Society Meeting

Larger earthquakes, and multiple volcanic eruptions are the sign of it.  Tsunamis, injuries, damaged infrastructure, and human casualties are the result of it.
What is “it”?
“It” is Global seismic activity.  And “it” is picking up in pace.
Watch the video report here:

Researchers online have been calling it a “global unrest event” for the past 3 years or so… on the other hand, most “professionals”, and professional skeptics have been in denial, saying “everything is normal”, and that “earthquakes happen all the time”.
The average person on the street is most likely completely unaware that anything out of the ordinary is afoot, geologically / volcanically speaking that is to say. The amount of resistance I’ve personally been met with, when putting out earthquake + volcano posts saying there is an “uptick” or “global unrest” underway, has been phenomenal.
Now, we come to find out that the “professionals” are discussing what THEY are calling a “global surge” of earthquakes — the surge apparently began in 2004, and carries on to today.
Recent examples of the 8.0M+ earthquake “surge”:
8.0m alaskaa
Above: June 23, 2014 – 8.0M earthquake strikes Alaska
8.7 magnitude sumatra april 11 2012
Above: April 12, 2014 – 8.3M earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
8.0m earthquake chile april 1 2014
Above: April 1, 2014 – 8.0M earthquake strikes Chile
Above: February 2, 2013 – 8.0M earthquake strikes Santa Cruz islands
Above: May 23, 2013 – 8.3M earthquake strikes Sea of Oktusk Russia
Above: October 27, 2012 – 7.7M earthquake strikes British Columbia Canada
two megaquakes indonesia april 11 2012
Above: April 11, 2012 – TWO 8.0M+ earthquakes in Sumatra Indonesia along the Indo-Australia Ridge

Full article below:

A global surge of great earthquakes from 2004-2014 and implications for Cascadia

21 October 2014
“The last ten years have been a remarkable time for great  earthquakes. 
Since December 2004 there have been no less than 18 quakes of Mw8.0 orgreater
– a rate of more than twice that seen from 1900 to mid-2004.
Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and massive damage has resulted from these great earthquakes.
But as devastating as such events can be, these recent great quakes have come with a silver lining:
They coincide with unprecedented advances in technological and scientific capacity for learning from them.
“We previously had very limited information about how ruptures grow into great earthquakes and interact with regions around them,” said seismologist Thorne Lay of the University of California at Santa Cruz.
“So we are using the recorded data for these recent events to guide our understanding of future earthquakes.
We’ve gained a new level of appreciation for how one earthquake can influence events in other zones.”
High on the list of areas ripe for a great quake is Cascadia, the Pacific Northwest,
where the risk for great quakes had long been under appreciated.
Evidence began surfacing about 20 years ago that there had been a great quake in the region in the year 1700.
Since then the view of the great quake risk in Cascadia has shifted dramatically.
“We don’t know many details about what happened in 1700,” said Lay.
There were no instruments back then to observe and record it.
And so the best way to try and understand the danger and what could
happen in Cascadia is to study the recent events elsewhere.
Over the last decade Lay and his colleagues have been able to gather fine details about these giant earthquakes
using data from an expanded global networks of seismometers, GPS stations, tsunami
gauges, and new satellite imaging capabilities such as GRACE, InSAR, and LandSAT interferometry.
Among the broader conclusions they have come to is that great quakes are very complicated and idiosyncratic.
Lay will be presenting some of those idiosyncrasies at the meeting of the Geological Society of America in Vancouver on Oct. 21.
“What we’ve seen is that we can have multiple faults activated,” said Lay.
“We’ve seen it off Sumatra and off Japan. Once earthquakes get
going they can activate faulting in areas that were thought not physically feasible.”
The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of Dec. 26, 2004, for instance, unzipped a 1,300 kilometer
long segment of the subduction zone and unleashed one of history’s most destructive, deadly tsunamis.
Much of the rupture was along a region with very limited plate convergence.
In Japan, the Kuril Islands, and the Solomon Islands,
great megathrust ruptures have ruptured portions of the subduction zones
that were thought too warm or weak to experience earthquakes.
“These earthquakes ruptured right through areas that had been considered to have low risk,” said Lay.
“We thought that would not happen. But it did, so we have to adjust our understanding.”
Perhaps the best recent analogy to Cascadia is offthe coast of Iquique, Chile, said Lay.
There had been a great quake in 1877, and a conspicuous gap in quakes ever since.
Like the 1700 Cascadia earthquake, there is little data for the 1877 event, which killed more than 2,500 people.
In both subduction zones, the converging plates are thought to be
accumulating strain which could be released in a very large and violent rupture.
On April 1 of this year, some of that strain was released offshore of Iquique.
There was a Mw8.1 rupture in the northern portion of the seismic gap.
But it involved slip over less than 20 percent of the region that
seismologists believe to have accumulated strain since 1877.
“We have no idea why only a portion of the 1877 zone ruptured,” said Lay.
“But clearly, 80 percent of that zone is still unruptured.
We don’t have a good basis for assessment of how the rest will fail. It’s the same for Cascadia.
We don’t know if it always goes all at once or sometimes in sequences of smaller events, with alternating pattern.
It is prudent to prepare for the worst case of failure of the entire region in a single event,
but it may not happen that way every time.”
What is certain is that studying these recent big earthquakes has given geophysicists the best information
ever about how they work and point to new ways to begin understanding what could be in Cascadia’s future.

More information: A GLOBAL SURGE OF
Session No. 178. P4. Great Earthquakes, the
Cascadia Subduction Zone, and Society I

jerry diamond

Nov 15, 2014, 2:22:39 AM11/15/14
to sustainable CEDAR, sw mocr, htgb, midwest-...@yahoogroups.com, YLDS, YPNA, PBNA PBNA, YPCU, hc, Discover Well Fed Neighbor, preparedsurvi...@yahoogroups.com, sherry shriner, hcp, City-of-Refu...@yahoogroups.com, FoodWate...@yahoogroups.com
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