Why You Should Care and Keep an Eye on What's Happening in Ferguson, MO

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jerry diamond

Nov 22, 2014, 2:30:39 AM11/22/14
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Why You Should Care and Keep an Eye on What's Happe...
The Ferguson, MO situation is at the top of the headlines again. And in my opinion, Ferguson headlines will soon dominate the media nationwide. This reality…
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Why You Should Care and Keep an Eye on What's Happening in Ferguson, MO

The Ferguson, MO situation is at the top of the headlines again. And in my opinion, Ferguson headlines will soon dominate the media nationwide. This reality probably annoys patriots and liberty movement activists. I know it annoys me. 
But here's the thing. Many patriots believe it's all by design and just a distraction. This is partially true. The "by design" part is 100% accurate. Unfortunately, I believe the Ferguson scenario is far more important for Obama's radical agenda than to serve as merely a distraction. 
Let's be honest. Obama no longer needs distractions. Obama does whatever he wants, and he doesn't care what the media says about it. Do you honestly believe Obama is worried about public opinion, outcry over scandals or outrage over his radical decisions? 
Ferguson is a distraction, yes, but the fact that it's a distraction is simply a bonus. The real and dangerous possibility is that Obama's government has been developing this perfect storm for the better part of 2014. And once this perfect storm hits, the people of St Louis may very well beg the federal government to step in and do whatever is necessary to restore order. Constitutional rights be damned. 
Let's look at the facts. 
NDAA, 1033 Program & Rex 84: ReadyChimp.com's (One of our websites) Sera Wilson recently published a damning report showing how the federal government has been working with multiple state and local agencies in Missouri to development a police force so mighty it could go to war in Iraq. Missouri state and local agencies are armed to the teeth, and not just for the enforcement of traffic laws and general crime response. In fact, as Sera pointed out, these agencies have been supplied with 13,000 restraint systems, biological weapon response vehicles, high grade firearms and ammunition, crowd control infrastructure and response systems... the list goes on, and on and on. 
The Ready Chimp report shows how this massive military force was designed and built in Missouri under the 1033 Program, REX 84 and the NDAA. 
Here's the shocker... the Missouri military build-up began in April of 2014, months before officer Wilson shot and killed a man who he claims was attacking him in Ferguson, MO.
One final note on NDAA, 1033 Program & Rex 84... these unconstitutional laws/regulations/orders essentially give Barack Obama full authority over state and local agencies in times of emergency or distress. 
Meaning, the federal government has built a military force in Missouri and also created legal language allowing the federal government to take command of said force in a time of emergency. 
Anonymous & Other CIA/Fed Tied Entities: Anyone who thinks the CIA hasn't infiltrated (if not fully designed from the ground up) the mysterious Anonymous is fooling themselves. Anonymous is the PERFECT vehicle for CIA operatives to call out, identify and track tens of thousands of people who oppose government without anyone ever knowing. And without any official ties leading back to the CIA. 
Think about this for a moment. A few weeks ago Anonymous called for tens of thousands of American patriots to march on federal buildings and demand government back down and pursue the will of the people or face revolutionary consequences. Again, all of these protests that happened across the country happened at federal buildings. Many of them were FBI buildings. If Anonymous is so brilliantly secret and wise, why would it call for members to show up at buildings surrounded by hundreds of high definition cameras and cellular data devices capable of identifying IP addresses, match them with an individual and began designing an information web on each and every person who showed up to protest and carried a phone with them. Does Anonymous not know there are now devices capable of acting like a cell phone tower for the purpose of breaking into cell phones and tracking everything that happens within them?
Expanding on that thought, several individuals with known ties to the intelligence community (they claim it's all just rumors) announced they were going to host, manage and broadcast all live feeds of these Anonymous live stream camera/video feeds of protests happening at federal buildings. So this magical Anonymous group also now knows who the leaders and instigators are too. They now know which individuals not only go to these kinds of protests, not only believe there should be revolution, but actually are in charge (or at least take the initiative) to document and publish what is happening around them.
Again, if Anonymous is truly intelligent, why would it so openly expose its followers on a national scale? Does it not realize that if the CIA gained access into its live stream servers, and if the CIA/FBI was watching, logging and listening to everything said, texted or socially shared during these protests, it would have been able to build a perfect picture showing who opposes government, who the leaders are, who the reporters are and what they all intend to do as a collective?
Come on now. Seriously. 
How does it all relate to Ferguson? Well, this magical all intelligent Anonymous just so happened to end up having a copy of the Wilson Grand Jury decision long before it actually came out. No kidding.
You mean documents and intelligence that only the DOJ and government intelligence agencies would have access to somehow appeared in the hands of the same group now playing a lead organizational role in planning massive riots and civil disobedience in Ferguson once the verdict is confirmed in public?
Oh and don't forget about Black Panthers, the DOJ, the FBI and the likes of Al Sharpton. The same Al Sharpton that was once an FBI informant and is now a race baiting thug propped up by Obama to create racial tension/division in America. Yeah, they're ALL there in Ferguson right now. Heck the FBI just sent 100 agents to Ferguson to... wait for it... monitor the police response to "protestors."
Why is any of this relevant and what is it all leading to?
Look, Obama's administration is telling the nation to brace. They know something is going down. Furthermore, they're acting like they want people who might get involved in such activity to also know something is going down. Something big enough for them to get involved in. 
And getting back to Anonymous and other groups organizing in Ferguson, they recently published a map showing what facilities rioters/protestors should target. For some reason, the map includes hospitals and places of business that have absolutely nothing to do with the Ferguson shooting. 
Why? A simple answer is that Obama has two years left and he's like a bull in a China shop. He promised fundamental transformation in America and a big part of this involves getting the American people to not just overlook the Constitution, but to actively call for an end to it. The Constitution, while violated each and every day, is still the last thing standing in the way of a dark dose of communism that seeks control of America. And the only way to truly break it down is to train We the People to beg for its collapse. 
What exactly do you think is going to happen if hospitals and businesses all over the St Louis area (not just Ferguson) suddenly find themselves being firebombed, looted, attacked and brought to a halt? 
I'll tell you what will happen. The people will beg the federal government to use whatever means necessary to bring order into an arena dominated by chaos. Rights be damned, the people will want peace. They'll want the riots squads and national guard out of their yard. They'll want businesses to open back up. They'll want schools to be safe again. They'll want to be able to watch Sunday football without the fear of a riot breaking out at half time. 
Oh, what's that? It will take Martial Law to bring back order? It will take a halt of Constitutional rights across a city as large as St Louis to bring about peace? Fine, make it happen. And do it quick. 
THAT is what will happen. 
And once the fed is able to do it in a city like St Louis, they can do it anywhere. And once America becomes comfortable with giving up all rights in exchange for a false sense of security, rights will exist no more. 
So keep a close eye on Ferguson. Maybe the verdict doesn't unfold like Obama's admin says it will. Maybe the nation's intelligence agencies are wrong and there won't be massive protests and riots. But if they do happen the way we think they will, watch what happens when people begin begging for a big government response. 
Whatever it takes, Obama. Just save us from this madness. Right?
God help us. 
Views: 565

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Comment by Peter Meis 6 minutes ago
The thugs and thieves are sitting there drooling, just waiting for a verdict of whatever kind, so that they can go on a rampage of looting and destruction, egged on by Reds and other professional agitators.
People in various cities where the destruction will be, that own businesses, should do like the Korean community did in Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots, and guard their businesses from the rooftops with rifles. Where that was done, most of the Koreans did not suffer much damage, as they made their presence known. They were also ready to shoot, if necessary.The Koreans had absolutely nothing to do with King, but, the criminals were out for whatever they could get, as the Korean stores were in the rough end of town.
People should start preparing NOW for whatever is coming down the pike. It won't be pretty. Beware.
Comment by phylmike34 7 minutes ago
I never thought I would live to see such a messed up world.
Comment by GOD-FEARING-AMERICAN 2 hours ago
Comment by Larry Holland 2 hours ago
The part about the MO military force being put together the first of this year, my opinion it began in 2009 nationwide when Janet "gym teacher" Napolitano of DHS sent a bulletin to all Law
Enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for Tea Partiers and bitter clingers and Ron Paul
supporters and even returning Vets were the real Terrorists. About a year after that she bought
2800 armored tanks for the US, better than what our soldiers had in Iraq at the time. This was
the plan from the get go and Obozo was the madman to do it.
Comment by Ted Kornblum 2 hours ago
Every parent lock your kids in the house and they can watch everything on 
the TV in the safety of your home. Tell them about Kent State, This is not
going to be a smash and trash, High School prom night,  First firecracker
and its lock and load. Parents, keep them out of it.  If Al Sharpton wants to
lead the march. Stay two blocks away
hor hoigh scool
Comment by Frankmusic 3 hours ago
Comment by Karol Hancock 3 hours ago
Would have never put this all together without Eric.  I received a message yesterday from a friend and though it seemed strange, I did not add 2 and 2.  In the information there was 83 cities listed, all of them have received the same kind of training and set up.  I will post the information just below this.  If you know anyone in the area's listed, please give them a quick call and spread the word and hopefully you will reach them in time to contact the people in their area and convenience them to stay in the house.  This is the take over of America starting.  We must be smarter than they are!!!  And re-post this anywhere you can.
Anyone else get the sense that this whole thing has been co-opted? Think about it.
When you’re mad about something that’s wrong with the system, what do you do if you want to protest it? You pull out a black marker, get a poster board, call up your friends, maybe send out a few Tweets or Facebook messages, then you find a corner and start protesting.
You don’t get so angry with the system that you first a) write a proposed rules of engagement list, b) start fundraising campaigns, c) set up highly coordinated protests in 83 cities, d) coordinate mass informational meetings and finally e) hold direct action trainings then get ready to protest.
What average, random person has the time and money to pull off all that off properly?
Sure people have been protesting this for months now, but still. What monster has Ferguson now mutated into? Who is ultimately behind itdriving the agenda?
Many of the people who showed up to protest in Ferguson from the beginning were coming from out of town. There were definite provocateurs among the crowds trying to incite violence.
At this point, people are apparently quitting their jobs and flocking to Ferguson to devote all their time and energy to this.
A little over a week ago, The Washington Post ran an article titled, “Ferguson protest organizers: ‘I sleep, eat and breathe this.’”
Here’s an excerpt:
But a common thread runs through some of the most influential organizers. They are black, relatively new to civil rights activism and technologically savvy, masters of social media. Using Twitter, Vine and Instagram, they mobilize their peers, document every twist and turn, and annotate history in real time.
New to activism, huh? And yet, wow, they just so happen to be influential, savvy tech masters of social media who know how to mobilize everyone? No, that doesn’t stink of George Soros-funded phony color revolution stuff at all... (That was sarcasm, of course.)
On the same day as the WP article came out, The Daily Sheeple published an article about the fact that cops kill an average of THREE PEOPLE EVERY DAY in this country.
Three people a day!
Where’s the outrage from all Americans on all sides, all races, colors and creeds, on the bigger police state growing all around all of us EVERY SINGLE DAY in America? Where are the organized protests for all those who have died at the hands of an ever-increasing, ratcheted up tyrannical system enslaving us all?
There is a highly organized, scripted, funded, targeted agenda playing out in Ferguson, and people are basically falling for it.
The list of cities set for these “planned responses” to the Darren Wilson grand jury decision is below. If you live near one of these things, heads up.
When this all goes down, it’s not going to be pretty...which is exactly the way the people ultimately engineering this situation want it. Can you say “martial law?”
  1. Albany, NY
  2. Albuquerque, NM
  3. Atlanta, GA
  4. Austin, TX
  5. Baltimore, MD
  6. Bangor, ME
  7. Beavercreek, OH
  8. Blacksburg, VA
  9. Boston, MA
  10. Buffalo, NY
  11. Carbondale, IL
  12. Chapel Hill, NC
  13. Chattanooga, TN
  14. Chicago, IL
  15. Cleveland, OH
  16. Columbia, MO
  17. Columbus, OH
  18. Dallas, TX
  19. Denver, CO
  20. Des Moines, IA
  21. Detroit, MI
  22. Durham, NC
  23. Ferguson, MO
  24. Gainesville, FL
  25. Grand Rapids, MI
  26. Greensboro, NC
  27. Greenville, NC
  28. Grinnell, IA
  29. Houston, TX
  30. Indianapolis, IN
  31. Iowa City, IA
  32. Jackson, MI
  33. Kansas City, MO
  34. Kennesaw, GA
  35. Lawrence, KS
  36. Lexington, KY
  37. Longview, TX
  38. Los Angeles, CA
  39. Louisville, KY
  40. Meadville, PA
  41. Memphis, TN
  42. Milwaukee, WI
  43. Minneapolis, MN
  44. Mobile, AL
  45. Monpelier, VT
  46. Monroeville, OH
  47. Nashville, TN
  48. New London, CT
  49. New Orleans, LA
  50. Newark, NJ
  51. Northampton, MA
  52. NYC, NY
  53. Oak Ridge, TN
  54. Oakland, CA
  55. Olympia, WA
  56. Oshkosh, WI
  57. Phoenix, AZ
  58. Philadelphia, PA
  59. Pittsburgh, PA
  60. Portland, OR
  61. Providence, RI
  62. Raleigh, NC
  63. Rochester, NY
  64. Rocky Mount, NC
  65. San Diego, CA
  66. Santa Barbara, CA
  67. Seattle, WA
  68. South Hadley, MA
  69. Spring Valley, NY
  70. Springfield, MA
  71. St. Paul, MN
  72. St. Petersburg, FL
  73. Stroudsberg, PA
  74. Tallahassee, FL
  75. Tampa, FL
  76. Toledo, OH
  77. Toronto, Canada
  78. Tucson, AZ
  79. Washington, D.C.
  80. West Hartford, CT
  81. West Palm Beach, FL
  82. Williamsburg, VA
  83. Worcester, MA
(H/T Craig Wood)
Check out this page to see how 'community organized' these thugs are:   “Ferguson National Response Network”
Comment by Constance Hingert 3 hours ago
Sera Wilson:
thank you so much, so glad to see that I am not the only one who get the burned out feeling once in a while.
Comment by Zeropoint 3 hours ago
One man... Apparently that's all it takes to create such havoc... Doesn't anybody see that we are being fed bait? Stop, look and listen... This is exactly the response THIS government administration is hoping for cuz it will give them what they want .. A reason for martial law, a reason to arm, a reason to take our guns... The list goes on... Choose your battles wisely...
Comment by Larry Brown 3 hours ago
Communities across the nation like Ferguson, whose populations are predominantly Black and that lack internal Black leadership, have a proven propensity to riot, plllage, and destroy, especially when incidents occur therein that involve Black and White protagonists. The President and Attorney General of the U.S. who were joined by their 'homie' and convicted felonious loudmouth, Al Sharpton, whose racist rhetoric only tended to increase the vitriol of the rioting mob. Obummer and company's racist reaction to the Ferguson riot that ensued in the aftermath of the self-defense shooting of a teenage street punk strong-arm robbery suspect by a police officer, will be yet another nail in the coffin of the 'legacy' coffin of the Divider-in-chief.
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