Latest News!!! And Videos From Jerry Diamond

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jerry diamond

Feb 20, 2018, 5:38:17 PM2/20/18
to YPNA, YPCU, Sustainable CEDAR, Htgb, Sw Mocr, jerry diamond, jerry diamond

 Dear friends,

Below is a sweet letter from a You Tube Subscriber. 

I wanted to send it out,  along with an update on my ministry and saga.

Kathi, another You Tuber, and I closed on a small farm on the 7th.

I came directly here and have been here since then.  I will go for another load at the end of the month,  possibly after Kathi gets here...if the polar vortex,  winter bomb storms let up north of the "Armageddon Line," (Global Warming always precedes a Mini Ice Age,  so if you are not up to speed on the Grand Solar Minimum,  you might check it out.  This is a guy,  goes by just the name Diamond, who covers it well;

MINI ICE AGE IS COMING - Global Unrest, Famine, Mass Migration, Increased Vulcanism, Flooding

Sheesh, now they are making winter storms!!!  
I think Kathi said that Oliver is up next. 
I have had time to make more videos, and videos on more topics. 

It is looking like there will be a huge number of families moving here this spring,  so please be in prayer.  Many of them are buying bare land and going to be roughing it off grid. They will be hard pressed to be ready for next winter, even with great advice and loads of help. 

Here is a video tour of the farm;

Why I've Been Gone: I Bought The Farm!!!

A recent series.  I am welding on two others,  one on things people will need who leave in time to Drive here,  then another geared toward those who will be forced to WALK here. 
When I first began saying Drive Now Or Walk Later,  I knew it sounded crazy even though I KNEW that day would come.  
MILLIONS of folks from Texas, Florida amd California,  who were once wealthy,  now are homeless.  They have bicycles, and their own feet to travel here with...
IF they know to do so. It does not sound crazy anymore!!!

Brains Over Brawn: Moving Big Loads With Wheels & Levers 1

Maps Of The OzArk Plateau Refugium: How To Get To Goshen - YouTube

I started a series on Alternative Health you might look at. 

And here is the latest update:

"We Interrupt This Program..." For A Word For Our Sponsors, er, Patrons


And the letter that follows is from a very sweet sister planning to come soon. 

Please be in prayer for people like her.  There are many!!!



Hello Jerry Diamond,

I am Teri S.  (You recently subscribed to my YouTube channel although I only have playlists of others’ videos.)  I found you on YouTube a couple of years ago and liked the videos I saw and subscribed to your channel.  I’m not sure what happened because even though I was subscribed I didn’t see any of your videos for a very long time. 


Anyway, a couple of years ago the Lord revealed to me that America is Mystery Babylon in the Bible and I am actually working on a book about it.  That is about the time I first found you on YouTube.  So until about 3 weeks ago I have been thinking I need to move out of the Country and had my mind on Ecuador.  Of course I have been waiting on God to direct me.  In the meantime, none of my family have considered leaving with me.  I am single with 6 grown children and 9 grandchildren and came to the conclusion that I could not leave them behind.  I started looking for land up in Missouri because I found a company that would do owner financing and I loved the beauty of the land up there. (I am from Texas.) 


So, one night I was on YouTube looking at videos from and all of the sudden I said out loud, “I’m moving to the Ozarks!”  I wasn’t really sure why at that moment except I loved what I saw.  Then within 5 minutes I noticed one of your videos about finding Goshen in the suggested videos to the side.  I was like, “Wow…that’s that ‘Get out of Babylon guy’ and he’s talking about finding Goshen”!  That really caught my attention because from the beginning of this revelation about the USA I started asking the Lord, “Isn’t there a Goshen for Your people?”  I was definitely interested to say the least!  After watching quite a few of your recent videos I began to get more and more excited and knew in my spirit that the Lord is sending me to the Ozarks.  I am not convinced that the Ozark Plateau is a total safe zone for Christians in the end because the Bible says Mystery Babylon will be totally destroyed without inhabitant… but leaving everyone I love behind is not an option.  Plus, I feel certain that the Lord is gathering many of His people to the Ozark plateau for His reasons and I am one of them.  You never know, He could gather us there and then supernaturally transport all of us to another place before the end.  I just don’t put God in a box.  (I call Him Yahveh.) 


After a bit of research, I know without a doubt that I will buy property up there.  I have been looking more in Northern Arkansas because it is a little closer to home and just as beautiful…and of course still in the Ozark Plateau!  This is what is on my heart.  In the beginning, purchase maybe 10 acres (enough for immediate family) and get busy learning homesteading…preparing for what is coming.  Then, buy at least 100 acres or more a bit later (ideally right next to the original tract of land) so that more family members and others will come.  Also, as more people begin to wake up, God will send them and they will need a place to live.  If they have money, they can buy an acre or so…if not then I would just give it to them and they can be a part of a small community of believers.  I want to be a part of the solution and I’ve known for many years that God would use me in a mighty way.  I believe this is a big part of it. 


I see that this is getting to be a bit long of an email.  So sorry…obviously I would love to have a chat with you!  Thank you so much for what you do!!!  I can see that you have put a whole lot of time into research and getting things done!  So, I am reaching out to you because you have an awesome vision, a ton of knowledge, are awake and a very possible Divine connection.  If you can give me any guidance it would be much appreciated.  I am coming to make a difference.  I am not sure how but God does! 

I was wondering if you have a copy of that map with the counties in the Ozark plateau…the one that has the circle drawn where the boundary is that the Lord showed you.  I would love for you to send it to me if you would / could!  I will definitely get a place within that circle but it is a bit blurry looking at it on your videos.  Also, what are your thoughts on getting a place kind of close to the edge?  I guess I need to watch more of your videos …a few at a time.  I will have to start out small and with owner financing but I know the Lord will make a way!  So far, I have the faith, the vision, the desire, three or four thousand for a down payment and lots of beans and rice…and grew up on a farm my first ten years!  😊

Thank you Jerry for taking the time to read this! 

From fellow believer and flat earther too!


P.S.  Congratulations on your upcoming marriage to Jersey!

  Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me!  Somehow I missed this email…and your phone number.  I appreciate the great advice.  I would love to talk some more after I get home or whenever is good for us both. 

I meant to tell you that when I first looked at Google maps to see the plateau, as you suggested, that the first thing I noticed was that it looks, to me, like a slice of bread.  That is what I see every time I look at it.  Reminds me of the “Bread of Life”.  Sort of tells me that that’s where He will provide for us.

When I get back home I would like to sow a little seed into your ministry.  Do you have a PayPal or a way I could do that.  Don’t get too excited…will just be a little seed for now.  😊

Well, I hope you get some rest.  I am about to go watch some of your fireside chat videos.

Thanks again!


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