Introduction: Dan Reedy

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Daniel Reedy

May 23, 2013, 8:49:41 PM5/23/13
Allow me to get the ball rolling with the introductions. I'm Dan Reedy and have been in the area since 2000, when I came to SIU for undergrad. I've worked at SIU since coming down for the University Housing department. I'm now the IT Director and oversee everything from tech support to server administration to application development.

I'm extremely passionate about web technologies and spend much of my "free time" with both paid and unpaid projects related to the web. I run a freelance business called Sekkeizu Studio where I'm the sole developer, am starting Eyrie Studios with a local front-end dev, Skyler Taylor, and sometimes work with Splattered Ink on projects. I'm also working on my first native iOS application (using RubyMotion). On occasion I am a technical reviewer for the Pragmatic Bookshelf (

I primarily develop on a web stack consisting of
- Ruby
- Rails 3 and 4
- JavaScript (other with the jQuery framework)

I also have experience with python, perl, objective-c, and PHP.

You can find me on twitter @reedy or online at

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