On Wed, Jun 04, 2014 at 09:21:02PM +0400, Andrew Pashkin wrote:
> I've solved this by deleting migrations that need to be preserved
> from migrations history in DB, then migrating backwards and then
> restoring records from migrations history in DB.
> But thats kind of hacky, in a bad meaning.
Uhm, yeah. Guess it would work, but...
> On 04.06.2014 20:37, Andrew Pashkin wrote:
> >How to revert doubled migrations? =)
> >Say, I have this:
> >
> > 0028_a
> > 0028_b
> > 0029_a
> > 0029_b
> >
> >And migrations b comes from branch B and a from A.So I need to
> >revert b migrations, how to do that?
migrate (back) to 0028_a, remove the b migration files, migrate
forwards (to 0029_a). Assuming 0029_a works both forwards and
backwards and doesn't lose information. :-/
Not on the wealthy, who buy only what they want when they want it, was
the vast superstructure of industry founded and built up, but on those who,
aching for a luxury beyond their reach and for a leisure forever denied them,
could be bullied or wheedled into spending their few hardly won shillings
on whatever might give them, if only for a moment, a leisured and
luxurious illusion. -- Dorothy Sayers, _Murder Must Advertise_