I have renamed fields in South migrations several times when I wanted to retain the data (changing the add and delete fields to rename_column). Always worked fine.
But now I am renaming a foreign key field for the first time, and also changing the related name, and am confused. (And ran a test, which failed.)
I notice that when South creates an auto migration which adds a foreign key field, it also adds information about the related name, for example (from a previous migration):
self.gf('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(default=1, related_name='cached_events', to=orm['valueaccounting.EventType']),
So what do I need to do when renaming both the foreign key field and the related name?
Do the rename_column differently?
Do the rename_column first and then change the related name in a separate migration?
Can't do it at all?
Or what?
Thanks a bunch, we love South and are glad it is becoming part of Django (in a version beyond our current one...)