720 channel wav files with Matlab's audiowrite()

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Jun 20, 2017, 11:24:32 AM6/20/17
to SoundScape Renderer
Hey guys,

I just realised that it is no longer possible to export 720 channel wav files with Matlab's audiowrite function (as it was with wavwrite). On R2017a wavwrite seems to be no longer available, so what are your workarounds to create files for the SSR?

Kind regards


Jens Ahrens

Jun 20, 2017, 11:46:15 AM6/20/17
to ridgerider, SoundScape Renderer
Hi Jan,

You can either use the wavwrite script from an older version of Matlab (type which wavwrite.m in the Matlab command line to locate the script) or write a short script that saves 720 single-channel files and calls sox (http://sox.sourceforge.net/) to assemble them to one 720-channel file. Search the sox documentation for "Merge".


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