pre-SEM annual meetings message

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D.J. Hatfield

Oct 24, 2021, 11:31:33 PM10/24/21

Members and Friends of the Sound Studies Section


SEM-Annual-Meetings-tide is fast approaching


With that in mind, we would like to remind everyone of the time of our section meeting, send out an agenda for the upcoming meeting, and our list of panels of interest (see attachment for agenda). If you have anything to add to the agenda, please contact either dj hatfield ( or Davindar Singh (


Our meeting will be on Thursday 28th October 8-10 pm EDT


We’ve also been instructed by SEM to remind everyone to update your membership—including of course, membership in this section


Two items of news deserve particular note


First, dj hatfield, who has served as co-chair of the special interest group and an interim chair as we transitioned to section status, has moved to National Taiwan University. While dj will continue to be an active member of the section, it is time for him to step down. Davindar, meanwhile, will begin South Asian fieldwork in two months. As a result, he will also have to let his co-chairperson position expire but will retain an active role from a distance


According to our bylaws, we also have a new official structure. For this reason, it is important that we begin the process of electing new officers. Please consider volunteering—or nominating the shy but willing


Second, if we are going to put together SoundingBoard for 2022, we should think of a theme and also begin to figure out who on the local arrangements committee can help secure a venue and such. The 2022 meetings are planned for New Orleans


This year’s meetings, although on-line, have several panels of interest for those of us in sound studies. We look forward to seeing you at our annual section meeting


Thursday 28th October at 8pm Eastern Daylight Time




DJ and Davindar, co-chairs

DJ W Hatfield / 施永德
Please Note: After 1 August 2021, I will be on the faculty of the Graduate Institute of Music, National Taiwan University 
Please direct your email to
Thank you! Aray!

michael trommer

Oct 31, 2021, 11:37:33 AM10/31/21
HI everyone,

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend Thursday's meeting. I would, however, still be interested in participating in the SoundingBoard committee.
Let me know if I can be of any help!


Michael Trommer

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