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Call for nominations for Sound Studies Section co-chair

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Sarah Politz

Feb 4, 2023, 8:40:18 PM2/4/23
to Sound Studies

Greetings all,

The SEM Sound Studies Section is accepting nominations for the position of co-chair. Please send nominations (including self-nominations) to the current co-chairs, Sarah Politz (outgoing, and Rujing Stacy Huang (

The role of the co-chair is to

Prepare, Convene, and run the annual meeting at the SEM conference

Appoint members to standing committees

Prepare annual reports for SEM Board in coordination with the Secretary

Prepare agenda for annual meeting in coordination with the Secretary


The term of the co-chair is two years. Please be in touch with any questions. The deadline for nominations is Monday, February 20, 2023.


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