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Problem with automatic activation of privileges

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Nir Arbel

Jul 30, 2017, 12:26:48 AM7/30/17
Hey guys,

It looks like in the last couple of days some of the Paypal IPN notifications for your donations did not include the Soulseek username you provided. This has never happened before, and is probably a pretty serious problem on their end. We did run into a similar issue a couple of weeks ago where the username was sent as a differently named field in the IPN notification (which also never happened before), but we were able to adapt to it on our side. 

We tried calling them but there doesn't appear to be anyone there who can help us right now, so we're going to keep at it until they can resolve the issue. Until then, we'll be manually activating privileges for affected donations by hand, so we appreciate your patience as there's a chance you won't receive them right away. We're hugely sorry for this inconvenience, and as always we greatly appreciate your support! If a day has gone by and you still haven't received your privileges, please post about it here and we'll take care of it ASAP.

Roz and Nir Arbel

Nir Arbel

Aug 5, 2017, 6:52:00 PM8/5/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
The issue is fixed! We received word from Paypal that the engineering issue was resolved on their end, and there have been no unactivated donations for the last 2+ days. Thank you for your patience and support!
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Sep 7, 2017, 2:28:03 PM9/7/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi I donated $10 on 4th September and it hasn't been credited to my account.

Username: Aspirations


Jan 20, 2018, 10:07:36 AM1/20/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I bought $10 in privileges under davidmmusic on 01/19/2018 but they have not yet been credited. Please advise. Thanks

Feb 9, 2018, 4:02:58 PM2/9/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi l Donated $10 Today and  it hasn´t been credited to my account.
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