Certain search terms produce no results when they clearly should

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Mar 27, 2018, 9:41:13 PM3/27/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Just some examples, if you search for "lady gaga" or "p!nk", there are zero results.  These are clearly popular artists, what are the odds that there are no files shared with those words in the name?

My only question is, is this some kind of deliberate function of Soulseek (a compromise with the RIAA) or has the soulseek server been compromised by a hacker acting on behalf of both of these two artists?

Would someone be so kind as to look into this?


Mar 28, 2018, 9:55:32 PM3/28/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
It must be something on your client end, as when I search for 'pink' there are hundreds of results. In fact I'm sharing one Pink item, and it hits when I search from another account - "pink truth about love mkv" matches on me (rockman). BTW you really need to download that :)


Mar 28, 2018, 10:04:43 PM3/28/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Update - I did search for 'lady gaga' and it's not getting results, whereas 'lady' or 'gaga' by itself gets hits. Weirdness...

Keir Hardie

Mar 30, 2018, 5:42:05 AM3/30/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
It's deliberate that some search terms are excluded, Nir has confirmed this. Although he doesn't want to or is unable to give further details it's logical to guess that the reason is something like it the behaviour having been requested by specific artists or their representatives, or offered as an achievable compromise to a less practical 'make sure none of my music is available' request.


Apr 1, 2018, 11:09:57 AM4/1/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
workaround by searching the album name or using the filter box, enter "lady" in search box and enter "Gaga" in filter returns lost of hits


Apr 1, 2018, 7:00:28 PM4/1/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
thanks.  pretty much what I thought.  Panarchy's workaround is pretty much what I did, seems to work well enough, you just have to get creative. 


Apr 1, 2018, 10:20:17 PM4/1/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
would be nice to get a list of search terms that produce no hits. thankfully nothing I search for has had this issue so far, but knowing about it will obviously help in the future... I did re run this and switched the terms around and searched for "gaga" and put lady in the filter... turned out searching for gaga was enough.

Keir Hardie

Apr 2, 2018, 2:33:23 AM4/2/18
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
We're not going to get a list, but there's no need for it, every case seems to be one where it's obvious that there should be results.


Jun 20, 2024, 9:23:33 PM (12 days ago) Jun 20
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Yep!! Same here! If I search "Depeche Mode" or "New Order" - NOTHING! When I USED to get infinite hits before. If I also typed in certain albums - ALSO NOTHING. But Typing part of the name sometimes helps. Even typing in the actual song brings NO HITS. EG: If I type in "Ghosts Again" - NOTHING. I DO get hits by typing a partial name, but the hits are poorly filtered because I cannot get specific and they're not particularly what I'm searching for. 
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