Multiple Heat outputs

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Andrew Liske

Feb 12, 2017, 10:29:08 PM2/12/17
to souliss

The project I have started is to control all of the heating in my home from Souliss app.  I have successfully programmed 3 ESP8266 12E with DHT22's as Temp/Humidity sensors.  All of the zone heating control valves are in the basement of my 2 story home. I would like to create 1 or 2 "output modules" in the basement to control the 15 heat outpus and 6 cool outputs.  I can't wrap my head around the coding to create the output module, all of the outputs are on/off.

The peer/gateway info in the wiki took me awhile, but I think I have that handled, I have no background in programming so this was a steep step.

Is it better to try and put as many outputs as possible into the ESP and use other software like openhab to run the "thermostat logic" or load all of the thermostat logic onto each sensor board and somehow mirror the outputs via the MaCaCo into the output module?

Di Maio, Dario

Feb 13, 2017, 1:48:42 AM2/13/17

Hi Andrew,

you can use either the logic running in the node as well in openHAB. If you want to follow the first option, use T31 (thermostat) for each zone otherwise with option two use T11 (simple on/off) logic in the node and then control the output from openHAB.

Unfortunately if you haven't a programming background it wouldn't be easy to get your nodes running Souliss.


From Mobile.

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Andrew Liske

Feb 13, 2017, 4:10:55 PM2/13/17
to souliss

Thanks for the quick response! I have a basic understanding of the typicals and their use in their node, but how would I use the output from the thermostat node on another node as an input?

Could you help me with a very simple sample code, for example if Node0 has the T31, but I want to run the Souliss_T3n_HeatingOn on Node3?

Flavio P.

Feb 13, 2017, 4:34:10 PM2/13/17
Hi Andrew,
You can take a look @ SST code, the example use publish&subscribe function, to turn on a relay on a remote node.


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Andrew Liske

Feb 13, 2017, 4:42:02 PM2/13/17
to souliss
Wow, you guys are awesome! I will give it a read, thanks
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