Hi Dmitry!
I am very happy with sophia. It s fast and simple. We are write simple socket server witn memcached protocol support and with sophia engine inside - and all works, but memory consumation not predictable.. Sophia may use from 30Mb to 2Gb memory and i dont understand why and how limit it...
And version 2.2 looks not so introsting compare to 2.1 version(
In version 2.1 - sophia has many storage modes, like persistance cache
http://sophia.systems/v2.1/admin/cache.html , anti cache modes
Persistance cache - its totaly what i needed,and planed to write but this options looks like not working for 2.2 version? Am i right or it's some undocumented futhures?
And right now i am totaly dont understand how ram storage working.. Sophia may use from 30Mb to 2Gb of RAM, but i dont understand how configure it..
I see many options for this in 2.1 but no one in 2.2, may be i missing something?
Please explain how sophia gybrid storage work.. And why documentation for 2.2 so short compare to 2.1 version?
Sorry for my english.. May i write to you directly on russian in the future?