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Too many open files

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Pavel Nevezhin

Aug 22, 2016, 2:19:57 AM8/22/16
to Sophia database
I tested performance and got this error.
error: sophia/index/si_node.c:158 db file '_test/test/00000000000000009000.00000000000000009002.db.incomplete' create error: Too many 
It's look like it tried to open files more than my system limit during a compaction. Is that correct?
I didn't find any configuration in documentation for this case. Can you tell how to avoid such situations?

Dmitry Simonenko

Aug 22, 2016, 4:47:52 AM8/22/16
to Sophia database
Hi, Sorry i haven't yet came up to write a section about it.

Basically, the limit can be set by "ulimit -n 100000" and by editing /etc/security/limit.conf (man limit.conf)

Here what Basho suggests to do:

Pavel Nevezhin

Aug 22, 2016, 6:07:55 AM8/22/16
to Sophia database
Thanks. I think it would be enough.

понедельник, 22 августа 2016 г., 11:47:52 UTC+3 пользователь Dmitry Simonenko написал:
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