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Congressional Suicide/Pain Control

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Alan MacFarlane

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Hey Guys.

The House - well the flotsam left over from the Gingrich wake is gonna talk
about and maybe do something about medical care.

Like increase funding for nursing homes and hospice care - hey - get selfish
on this one Mr and Mrs America - you are next in line and regular care is
piss poor. 50 to 1 Nurse to Patient ratio is not good. Go visit a nursing
home for awhile and see what awaits you, at any adult age really.

Now for the hard stuff.


There are Americans who can not take normal pain opiate derive medication
that works on the neuroreceptor sites in the brain. These are the
Percodans, the Duragesic, Talwin, Codine, Cocaine - any 'ine' drug really.

Well, in there genetically tossed psychophysiology (these tend to be
sensitive people anyway) the pain med don't slow them down - it speeds them
up - diaherrea instead of constipation - and more pain.

For them - and the Congress of the United States - you have to bite a
bullet, that or take Asprine.

Brain surgery - car accident - broken leg - cancer death - I dont care what
the problem is - no pain meds - sorry.

No medical marijuana either = unless you live in a State that has it legally
and can be left unmolested by the Feds - or you get it illegally from the
black market like you have always done.

But Congress says if you are pain med allergic - can't take asprine or
tylenol as well, and well all know how well asprine works on tramatic
amputations - then you have to have the bullet to bite on.

It's Compassionate Conservatism for ya.

Also - - they are talking about assisted suicide on the one hand - but
aggressive pain management for people the DEA is gonna decide the intention
of the Doctor and toss his butt in jail for treating you.

This is some crazy stuff people.

It's your life - and if you want to live it suffering call Congress and let
them know the Republicians are doing a good job passing out bullets.

Nicotine Bullets, AK-47 Bullets, Nuclear Bullets - and da ones to bite on.

No medical marijuana to alleviate pain, especially if it works for you.

You see - its not an opiate - it's an herb, and it works on the endocrine
system, different receptor sites and different interactions of the pain
chemistry then opiates, alcohol and the like.

Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

It's that safe.

SumBuddie Said Dis

(PS - Marinol is another matter - its a petrochemical fake, nothing to do
with the herb - and in concentrated form of course - much more dangerous.
But Congess says its legal and General McCaffery wants to Doctor you that
way. It's military medicine, know it well - it sucks.)

Oct 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/27/99
Alan MacFarlane <> wrote:
> There are Americans who can not take normal pain opiate derive medication
> that works on the neuroreceptor sites in the brain. These are the
> Percodans, the Duragesic, Talwin, Codine, Cocaine - any 'ine' drug really.

incorrect. cocaine is not an opiate or opiate derived. It is
completely unrelated to the other drugs you mention.

as to pain killing medications that work 'on the neuroreceptor sites
in the brain', opiates and derivatives are by no means the only class of
pain killers that work that way.

> Well, in there genetically tossed psychophysiology (these tend to be
> sensitive people anyway) the pain med don't slow them down - it speeds them
> up - diaherrea instead of constipation - and more pain.

what do you base this generalization upon? Is this a medical fact
you're stating? What is this condition known as? I've never heard of
people experiencing diarrhea from opiates. diarrhea from other
chemicals the opiate may be 'cut' with (lactose, typically, in
commercial pharmaceuticals), but not from the opiate itself.

> You see - its not an opiate - it's an herb, and it works on the endocrine
> system, different receptor sites and different interactions of the pain
> chemistry then opiates, alcohol and the like.

marijuana's classification as an herb is a horticultural one, not a
pharmaceutical one. it does indeed work in a wholly different way from
the other chemicals you mention, but it's got nuttin' to do with its
being an 'herb'.

> Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

True, there's never been a recorded instance of death by overdose on
marijuana or hashish. It is one of the safest drugs on the planet,
with one of the longest histories of use as both a mind alterant and a
therapeutic medicine as well. Of course, all of the other dangers
inherent in use of a mind-alterant in a modern society obtain (getting
run over by a car when you step off the curb in a haze, or running
over a pedestrian while you drive around in a haze - though indeed,
you'd have to be genuinely and deeply stoned to have your driving

Paul Theodoropoulos Advanced TelCom Group, Inc.
Senior UNIX Systems Administrator Internet Services
Work: Play:
=Opinions are my own of course, not necessarily those of my employer=

Glenn Dalton

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99

>> Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

No - but you can OBVIOUSLEY burn off quite a few brain cells.

>True, there's never been a recorded instance of death by overdose on
>marijuana or hashish.

No but plenty of instances of people slaughtering other people in
their motor vehicles while intoxicated with it. Not to mention the
wasted resources used for people who over use/abuse pot and
subsequently become a burnt out burden on society. (not to mention a
pain in the ass to the internet).

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99
Glenn Dalton <> wrote:
>>> Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

> No - but you can OBVIOUSLEY burn off quite a few brain cells.

No, there's no significant evidence that marijuana causes any damage
to brain cells. Why is it "OBVIOUSLEY"[sic] so? Have you consulted any
of the hundreds of studies done on the physiological effects of
marijuana, or are you just guessing? Perhaps you're going by one of
those old reruns of "Dragnet", from say 1967, when they would make up
just about any horror story imaginable to 'keep the kids off the

>>True, there's never been a recorded instance of death by overdose on
>>marijuana or hashish.

> No but plenty of instances of people slaughtering other people in
> their motor vehicles while intoxicated with it. Not to mention the

No, not really. There are a few cases of people getting into accidents
while high on pot, but not very many, relatively speaking (relative to
the literally tens of thousands killed by people intoxicated on that
fully legal and sanctioned mind-alterant, ethyl alcohol).

Needless to say, operating *any* powerful machinery while intoxicated
on *any* mind altering substance is a bad idea, no matter how
relatively benign the effects may be.

> wasted resources used for people who over use/abuse pot and
> subsequently become a burnt out burden on society. (not to mention a
> pain in the ass to the internet).

A lot of people become wasted burnouts who are a burden to society,
but damned few of them are or were pot smokers.

An old friend of mine many years ago worked as a high school science
teacher. he was very highly respected and regarded by colleagues and
students alike. he eventually went back to graduate school, getting a
masters degree in veterinary research medicine, and is now a professor
of same (i believe he's still doing that, not sure, it's been many
years since we've had any contact). For that whole interval that I
knew him - perhaps fifteen years - he smoked pot regularly, perhaps
even frequently. No change in his mental faculties at all.

yeah, he's a terrible burden on society!

That marijuana isn't legally available to anyone over 18 is absurd. If
you can buy a bottle of booze and getting stoned, you should have the
privilege of buying a chunk of hashish and getting stoned.

I don't use the stuff myself, but I see no good reason for others to
be denied it (or imprisoned for it!).

Paul Grammens

Oct 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/28/99

<> wrote in message

> A lot of people become wasted burnouts who are a burden to society,
> but damned few of them are or were pot smokers.

Hmmmnnn....I dunno about that, but your points on the evils of alcohol are
certainly accurate. No question it's harder on your body and your ability to
drive, and a greater problem to society.

Alan MacFarlane

Oct 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/30/99
Hi Paul.

When ever you can make a complete statement, like the one before you now;
for example - instead of this gramatical quisenart style you have (which to
me is not understandable) that has a point which eludes me. Cocaine in most
people numbs pain depending on the route of adminstration and gender.
Cocaine is a pain killer to most people. That's my point in the trip you
got going in the below - I don't know what you are talking about. However,
if you are an educated asshole and this is your effort to shed light into
tight dark places - then keep up the good work.


sumbuddie said dis


>> Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

> True, there's never been a recorded instance of death by overdose on

> marijuana or hashish. It is one of the safest drugs on the planet,
> with one of the longest histories of use as both a mind alterant and a
> therapeutic medicine as well. Of course, all of the other dangers
> inherent in use of a mind-alterant in a modern society obtain (getting
> run over by a car when you step off the curb in a haze, or running
> over a pedestrian while you drive around in a haze - though indeed,
> you'd have to be genuinely and deeply stoned to have your driving
> impaired).

Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99
Alan MacFarlane <> wrote:
> Hi Paul.

> When ever you can make a complete statement, like the one before you now;
> for example - instead of this gramatical quisenart style you have (which to
> me is not understandable) that has a point which eludes me. Cocaine in most
> people numbs pain depending on the route of adminstration and gender.
> Cocaine is a pain killer to most people. That's my point in the trip you
> got going in the below - I don't know what you are talking about. However,
> if you are an educated asshole and this is your effort to shed light into
> tight dark places - then keep up the good work.

> Hooooo-rrrrrahhhhh!!!!

> sumbuddie said dis

"Gramatical[sic[ quisenart[sic] style". I like it!

I think i'll update my .sig. Of course, being the educated asshole
that I am, I'm going to take the liberty of using correct grammar in
my usurpation of it.

Alan, you always remind me of Sheckley's _Cordle to Onion to Carrot_.

Blessing upon you, oh beast of armaggedon 666!

Paul Theodoropoulos Advanced TelCom Group, Inc.

Senior Grammatical Cuisinart Stylist Internet Services

Paul Grammens

Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99

David Cranford <> wrote in message
> I hate to put words in his mouth, but maybe Paul T. would agree that

> "A lot of people become wasted burnouts who are a burden to society,
> but damned few of them are burdens because they are or were pot
> smokers."

Cause and effect is difficult to measure in those cases, especially since
those people commonly have multiple substance abuses. I have personally
known people who's lives were blighted by excessive dope smoking, though, so
I'm not too sure about the "damned few" assertion. However, I'd have to say
I've seen a lot more (and a lot worse) problems due to alcohol abuse.

Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99
Paul Grammens <> wrote:

> David Cranford <> wrote in message
>> I hate to put words in his mouth, but maybe Paul T. would agree that
>> "A lot of people become wasted burnouts who are a burden to society,
>> but damned few of them are burdens because they are or were pot
>> smokers."

> Cause and effect is difficult to measure in those cases, especially since
> those people commonly have multiple substance abuses. I have personally
> known people who's lives were blighted by excessive dope smoking, though, so
> I'm not too sure about the "damned few" assertion. However, I'd have to say

And you determined 'cause and effect' in what manner? How do you know
that they weren't already leading a blighted life, and perhaps the
excessive pot smoking was merely a way of dulling the pain and
emptiness? Perhaps they were predisposed to ennui? Regardless, I
believe the issue at hand is whether they were a burden upon society -
was that the case? They lived off welfare or social security or what
have you, when they could have been productive members of society, and
the pot smoking was responsible? I believe my own earlier counterpoint
example, coupled with yours, cancels any assertion either way.

> I've seen a lot more (and a lot worse) problems due to alcohol abuse.
> -Paul

indeed, i agree. several orders of magnitude. in terms of social
priorities, putting a person behind bars for twenty years for
possessing some pot is sheer madness, and a massive drain on society.

Paul Theodoropoulos Advanced TelCom Group, Inc.

Senior UNIX Systems Administrator Internet Services


Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99
to wrote:

> That marijuana isn't legally available to anyone over 18 is absurd.

I heartily agree with your opinion there, but...

> If you can buy a bottle of booze and getting stoned, you should have the
> privilege of buying a chunk of hashish and getting stoned.

This may well be counter-productive logic to use in a discussion about
the relative dangers of MJ & booze. MJ should be legalized for use by
consenting adults on the merit of the extensive evidence which
illustrates that it is virtually harmless, and that most likely is
actually helpful in many situations. It shouldn't be legalized just
because alcohol, an addictive, poisonous, and societally destructive
drug, is already legalized. Same principal involves comparison of MJ to
tobacco. That argument lumps the highly-differing drugs too close
together. Best to keep them as separated as possible in concept &

My 1/50th of a buck: Personal use of all drugs should be
de-criminalized; a drug's legal status apparently has minimal effect on
usage or availability. Selling drugs illegally, or using drugs for the
commission of crimes, or crimes committed under the influence of drugs
should be penalized harshly.

----* - ray[@] *----


Oct 31, 1999, 2:00:00 AM10/31/99
Paul Grammens wrote:

> I have personally known people who's lives were blighted by excessive
> dope smoking,

Hmm...I've known many MJ smokers in my life. I can't think of one whose
life was negatively impacted simply because they smoke it. I've got a
hunch that this is mis-placing the blame. Now, I've experienced many
messed up people who smoke MJ. They also use caffeine, sugar, tobacco
steroids, alcohol, TV, etc. In fact, in most of these cases, I could
make an argument that MJ was actually a positive influence. They're
stoned alla time & can't keep a job/relationship going? They'd most
likely have to change several aspects of their intake patterns to enable
them to follow a straight lifestyle. Even then they might find that it
was actually an underlying emotional problem, and everything else was
just a symptom.

Blaming a wasted life on any one factor is most likely too simplistic.

Glenn Dalton

Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99
On Sun, 31 Oct 1999 14:21:30 -0800, RRiddle <> wrote:

>Blaming a wasted life on any one factor is most likely too simplistic.

So your saying its possible that loosers smoke lots of pot as opposed
to smoking lots of pot makes you a looser? I'll buy that.


Nov 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/1/99
Glenn Dalton wrote:

> So your saying its possible that loosers smoke lots of pot as opposed
> to smoking lots of pot makes you a looser? I'll buy that.

Yep, smoking lots of pot definitely makes one looser. Wish more
congressfolks would indulge more often; the world'd be a lot less

Bill Pitz

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
Meanwhile, at the home office in Wahoo, NE, RRiddle <> wrote:
> Glenn Dalton wrote:

> > So your saying its possible that loosers smoke lots of pot as opposed
> > to smoking lots of pot makes you a looser? I'll buy that.

> Yep, smoking lots of pot definitely makes one looser. Wish more
> congressfolks would indulge more often; the world'd be a lot less
> uptight.

Grammar/spelling police! :) I believe Glenn wanted to say single-O loser,
whereas you are in fact using the word "looser" in context.


Ron Gross

Nov 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/2/99
Thanks Bill, for clearing that up. Ron>>

Bill Pitz wrote:
> Grammar/spelling police! :) I believe Glenn wanted to say single-O loser,
> whereas you are in fact using the word "looser" in context.
> -Bill

Ron Gross ~ Santa Rosa, CA USA ~ ~ The Internet's Fine Art Marketplace
Hundreds of Fine Art and Fine Craft Works for Sale!

Jun 27, 2019, 10:51:23 AM6/27/19
On Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 1:00:00 AM UTC-6, Alan MacFarlane wrote:
> Hey Guys.
> The House - well the flotsam left over from the Gingrich wake is gonna talk
> about and maybe do something about medical care.
> Like increase funding for nursing homes and hospice care - hey - get selfish
> on this one Mr and Mrs America - you are next in line and regular care is
> piss poor. 50 to 1 Nurse to Patient ratio is not good. Go visit a nursing
> home for awhile and see what awaits you, at any adult age really.
> Now for the hard stuff.
> Pain.
> There are Americans who can not take normal pain opiate derive medication
> that works on the neuroreceptor sites in the brain. These are the
> Percodans, the Duragesic, Talwin, Codine, Cocaine - any 'ine' drug really.
> Well, in there genetically tossed psychophysiology (these tend to be
> sensitive people anyway) the pain med don't slow them down - it speeds them
> up - diaherrea instead of constipation - and more pain.
> For them - and the Congress of the United States - you have to bite a
> bullet, that or take Asprine.
> Brain surgery - car accident - broken leg - cancer death - I dont care what
> the problem is - no pain meds - sorry.
> No medical marijuana either = unless you live in a State that has it legally
> and can be left unmolested by the Feds - or you get it illegally from the
> black market like you have always done.
> But Congress says if you are pain med allergic - can't take asprine or
> tylenol as well, and well all know how well asprine works on tramatic
> amputations - then you have to have the bullet to bite on.
> It's Compassionate Conservatism for ya.
> Also - - they are talking about assisted suicide on the one hand - but
> aggressive pain management for people the DEA is gonna decide the intention
> of the Doctor and toss his butt in jail for treating you.
> This is some crazy stuff people.
> It's your life - and if you want to live it suffering call Congress and let
> them know the Republicians are doing a good job passing out bullets.
> Nicotine Bullets, AK-47 Bullets, Nuclear Bullets - and da ones to bite on.
> No medical marijuana to alleviate pain, especially if it works for you.
> You see - its not an opiate - it's an herb, and it works on the endocrine
> system, different receptor sites and different interactions of the pain
> chemistry then opiates, alcohol and the like.
> Thus one can never overdose and die on marijuana like you can asprine.

Jun 27, 2019, 10:51:56 AM6/27/19
Today's headline was “Suicide up 30%”, If you want to know the reason, simple go to the CDC report on pain in your internet. You will find that 10 of thousand if not 100 of people in pain who have been refused treatment because of the fake opiod crisis are forced by their providers to commit suicide. The CDC states clearly that not treating people is a mistake and every patient in chronic pain should be treated with opiods. The news media refuses to show this to the public. Of the thousand of dead, how many were reported on the news? NONE Who many were reported by the police? NONE. How many did the county corner register? NONE
IF you are considering suicide do not go quietly into the night !!
Do not go to the park are into your garage! Make your death so prominent that it has to be reported! If the bodies start pilling up in the waiting room of the VA, or your Dr office, you can bet someone will notice, and the next patient will know what to expect from that Dr when they are in need. Also they will have to cleanup the mess, not your spouse.
If we don't make our death count then they have won, and will continue killing people. Some Dr right here in town are enjoying torturing and killing people and have become very good at it. They continue getting away with it because the police don't won't to be bothered with the paperwork.

Contact me as lets get together and fight this.

Jul 16, 2019, 9:01:50 PM7/16/19

I am guessing as the VA is not big on bragging on this ... but about 70 people (Veterans) a day suicide out.

It is the Military drugs they give them (force them to take) ... many of the drugs are not in the REAL WORLD ... like at your pharmacy in the USA .. they are only given out in the Military.

The VA also has drugs that only the VA gives out.

The BIG reasons is that the VA just gives them more drugs after the miltary screwed them up on drugs.

This is White Man's Science ... White Mans' Medicine that is owned an doperated by the Slave Owners.

MEDICINE .. is MONEY ... where they cut- poison - burn by the Patient numbers.

If it do not have a patient number ... like Roses ... or Oranges .... or Marijuana .. it is not medicine as there is not a way to control the profits ...

UNLESS you get into the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Rauch vs Gonzales .. where the Federal Government came out in Court and said they are PROTECTING the Drug Lords and their Profits .

Now that you know the Slave Owner Billionairs are all raping children with Epstein ...

maybe you have more of a clue now.

Sumbuddie wear blind sea
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