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Jim C

Feb 2, 2024, 9:35:27 AMFeb 2
to SonoBus Users
Hi ,

Thanks for a Great & Superb app, just a quick question please, 

When you block someone it blocks their ip-address which is a great idea especially when the end user comes back in, under different created names, but if the end user just pops in the room quickly and back out if doesn't give you enough time to click on their assumed name and block them, is it possible to add a block list tab where as,  you can type in their name or ip-address and add them to a block list manually?

Thank you very much!

Jesse Chappell

Feb 5, 2024, 1:45:47 PMFeb 5
to Jim C, SonoBus Users
Adding a way to manually edit the block list is a good idea. However I don't know how it will help you unless I also added in a detailed event log of peer activity (with IP addresses) in any group you are using. The chat log has that I guess... so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to enable blocking from that interface too. There are some other priorities that will come well above that, though!


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AndyMc Producer

Feb 12, 2024, 10:03:28 AMFeb 12
to SonoBus Users
You'd be better muting them and it auto remuting them. As with nuisense calls they advice to simply put the phone down on the side and get on with your day. 
When they get no reaction they give up and don't bother no more.

So best is not to be hostile then there s no retaliation from others or if you just being trolled for no reason don't reply.

Maybe it saying Other side has you Muted, maybe with  a little yellow i icon to click which then says somit like 'The other side has you muted, this coudl be for many reason, you signal was/or is too high, you audio is glitching for them or maybe they have been offended by something you've said or done. Try have a kind conversation with them to remedy and bad feelings.'
Then when they mute someone it tell them 'You have muted this user, this can lead to problems in a jam. Are you sure you want to do this?'

Also when volume is max down it act same as muted.

It is always better to try sort things or lower someone's volume rather than aggressive actions as it's very easy to bypass and ip block and name block.
Things get very quick out of hand and then it's friends vs friends and it just becomes a prehistoric witch hunt.

Young people need to be mindful or older people and older people need to be mindful of younger people. If someone has an ego, let them have it, it doesn't hurt you in anyway.
Maybe they earned it maybe they haven't but getting angry or annoyed for such reasons only hurts the jam and all in it.

I've gone in some jams before and been rude cos someone gets rude and thinks they can talk crap and tell you what to do because they feel superior.
This is similar to someone having an EGO, it's fine just don't use it to bash users and don't expect users to heed to your commands. The Jams are P2P and public so no one owns them really.
If you want to make it non public create a private and invite people, but with that you can alienate others not invited.
So lowering volume is best way around it but Other side has you muted as last resort. Blocking ip's will cause more issues and create resident trollers.
Sometimes there will be a need to mute someone, but it shouldn't stay muted for ever, only maybe that date or day or session.
Could even possibly allow for a reason to be put in so when another user clicks the i button to find out more the person reason could be there.
'Hi sorry for blocking you but your audio is breaking up for me, if you fix it, please let me know and ill unmute you.'

Also I don't mean you were any of this I'm just showing examples.

Dimitri Pappas

May 1, 2024, 12:41:42 PMMay 1
to SonoBus Users
So it's not possible to unblock a user using the GUI?
There definitely needs to be a way to manage the block list. I accidentally blocked someone and am practically flabbergasted that there is no apparent way to undo this...? The word "block" doesn't even show up in the User Guide @
I vote in favour of having management control over the blocklist within the gui somewhere.  In the meanwhile, is there some other safe way of doing this manually?

Dimitri Pappas

May 1, 2024, 12:45:59 PMMay 1
to SonoBus Users
Alright I rejoined the channel now see an unblock button over the user's name. When I first blocked them, they vanished from the channel so I assumed the app was hiding them from view.
I still think it would be ideal to be able to see a list of blocked users and manage those somewhere within the app though, unless I'm missing something here :)

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