Sonic VS on EVE-NG - instructions

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Jan 15, 2021, 8:00:00 AM1/15/21



On github there are files to use Sonic-VS in GNS3. I’ve made it to work in EVE-NG also. Here are my instructions, hope it helps.


-        Copy mssonic.yml file into “/opt/unetlab/html/templates/intel” or “/opt/unetlab/html/templates/amd” based on your cpu.

-        Create a folder under “opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/” with name “mssonic-version/” like “mssonic-202012”

-        Download sonic-vs.img   and move it to this folder.

o --> under readme select a build to test and click “vs” --> “last successful artifacts” -->target --> sonic-vs.img.gz

-        Rename sonic-vs.img to virtioa.qcow2 (just rename,  no convert)

-        The order of the EVE-NG ethernet and sonic ethernet is misaligned somehow. 10 interfaces are configured under yml file but only 9 are up in sonic. So :

o   eve-ng ethernet 1 == sonic ethernet0 (in below picture you need to configure ethernet0 in Sonic)  





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Dave Houser

Jun 18, 2021, 3:17:19 PM6/18/21
to sonicproject

I am trying to get SONiC deployed on GNS3.
I tried following your instructions but this part is not clear:

"Download sonic-vs.img   and move it to this folder.

o --> under readme select a build to test and click “vs” --> “last successful artifacts” -->target --> sonic-vs.img.gz"

What do you mean "under read me select a build to test and click "vs""? There is nothing to click that is "last successful artifacts" that I see.
Can you be more specific on where you found sonic-vs.img.gz? Or how you built it?
I am trying to build from source now, it takes forever to do. Rather just download an image if possible. 

Dave Houser

Jun 21, 2021, 10:15:35 AM6/21/21
to sonicproject
nm, I found where I can just download the image.
Trying to build SONiC images takes forever...
Here is the link to the one I downloaded. 
I was able to build the gns3a image easily and import the appliance. 

Iordanidis Orestis

Dec 12, 2022, 2:16:38 PM12/12/22
to sonicproject

 for EVE-NG i have done the following:
 - created a folder in /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/linux-<mssonic>-<version>
 - copy the sonic.img file in this new folder
 - rename the sonic.img to virtioa.qcow2
then insert a new node of type linux-mssonic-ver in a lab and use telnet to access it (change the nic type to e1000)

For both GNS3 - EVE-NG the below image file (GNS3 requires the gns3a file also) can be used: 
get latest versions for both files (img and gns3a) from:
(Try this download script provided:

Peter F de Boer

Feb 17, 2023, 12:36:11 PM2/17/23
to sonicproject
Trying to find a sonic release 4 or higher ready to be used on eve-ng. Note that in the eve community release you can put the images under sonicsw however make it 4096MB memory then they will boot, just login with admin/YourPaSsWoRd and apply sudo config ztp disable -y

Op maandag 12 december 2022 om 20:16:38 UTC+1 schreef Iordanidis Orestis:

Nimmaka Prasanna Kumar

Jun 11, 2024, 5:48:07 AMJun 11
to sonicproject
its not working in eve-ng . show no bootable device
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