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MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 9/14/2021

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MS Reddy

Sep 14, 2021, 9:36:48 PM9/14/21
to, sonicproject, Michael Schill, Xin Liu (CLOUD)
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/14/2021.

Topics discussed.
ECMP Overlay BFD support -  Prince / MSFT
  1. Does this feature support BUM traffic ? No - Since Vnet routes are based on unicast routes, it supports Unicast only.
  2. Does the feature support control plan BFD / FRR BFD ? No, this BFD offload to ASIC
  3. What is the motivation/use case endpoint monitor ip is different from the actual endpoint running BFD ?  The use case is - There are devices support  data vs control plane on different ports for monitor purpose
  4. Can the design support query ASIC BFD capabilities before writing  the BFD session ? could be possible, will add into the HLD
  5. Can the control plan & hardware offload BFD coexists on the same device ? yes/No -  Need to brainstorm complexity - Will split the HLD into two, one dedicated to BFD to describe all the scenarios.
  6. What are the default BFD timers used for offload ? WIll be included into HLD
  7. Is there any global session bfd table for default values? No
  8. Community suggested to have BFD into a separate HLD ? Ex: coexistence may cause issues, need to discuss more in details
  9. How about end user CLI to control BFD session either hardware offload or FRR BFD ? Next phase
  10. Do you have a BFD state db schema mapped to the Rfc BFD schema ? Will be included in HLD
  11. How do handle or notify BFD sessions from HW? 
  12. Is it possible to remove BFD routes from the ECMP group ? yes, vNetOrch
  13. PR is out, please leave comments here -
General Comments
  • SUggest that use HLD PR as tracking PRs for related Code PRs. REference -  -
  • 202111 feature release Deadline - Oct 1st  
  • Some features will be delayed to next release - No list yet identified
  • Feature owners with HLD ready -  if you want to schedule the review - reach out 

    Yanzhao Zhang


On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 7:25 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/31/2021.

Topics discussed.
SHow Running Command Enhancement -  - EdgeCore/MaxChen
  1. What are the use cases of this feature ? Customers familiar with CISCO like CLI, goal is to make it more convenient or trivial to understand the current running command . 
  2. How does the design handle the maintainability of these improvements? 
  3. How does Yang show the running command ? 
  4. It looks like manual work, shouldn't it be duplicated to the sonic-mgmt-framework which is yang driven/auto generated? >> Not really!
  5. PR is out, please leave comments here -
Routed Subinterfaces Enhancement -  Preetham/BRCM
  1. What are the use cases of shorter sub interface naming ? 
  2. Why does it required to bring in the short names? >> Kernel naming limited to 15.
  3. Where do you store the mapping short to long name child to parent ?
  4.  Suggestion - for consistency reason keep vlan interface mandate.
  5. Is this config change only for routed subinterfaces ? How do they differentiate ? 
  6. There must be a short name convention in SONiC already, is this design considered that? 
  7. Why can't this short vs long name conversion hide in intrfaceMgrD? >> it looks like the changes are widespread 
  8. PR is out for review - please leave comments here -

On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 8:31 PM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/24/2021.

Topics discussed.
SAG - Static Anycast Gateway - EdgeCore/MaxChen

  1. Is the SAG feature enabled by default? >> No, the feature is default disabled.
  2. Why do I need a knob for SAG? >> Please list down in HLD sections, is there any implications for taking care in data path handling of SAG vs macvlan interfaces.
  3. Unless it's absolutely necessary, it's not required to have a global knob. A global knob will introduce a lot of complexity and cases to handle. >> So is it necessary to have a knob for SAG?? can the gateway & ip address list can't be sufficient ? >> It seems to be true. 
  4. SagMgrD is not required when we plan to use SVI instead of maxvlan interfaces. 
  5. Is there my hardware resource limit on SAG interfaces ? can it be referred to in CRM?
  6. Please list down what are the complexities when SAG is enabled along with SVI/macvlan interfaces in data path routing?
  7. CLI SAG command can be part of interface command.
  8. PR is out -
Show running enhancement - EdgeCore
General comments
1. Feature owners speed up as the deadline approaches 
2. Test quality is highest important for Community Features 


On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 9:45 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/17/2021.

Topics discussed.
PINS - P4 Integrated Network Stack  - Google/Intel/ONF
  1. Why don't the design leverage the existing Error DB framework for feedback loop? >> It seems the PINS team is closely working on the Error framework team to address the gaps.
  2. Is this design different from FlexSAI ? Using PINS, you can model the entire SAI pipeline, not the case with FlexSAI
  3. What are the advantages of exposing the entire SAI pipeline using PINS? >>> we can do Fuzzing, Automation testing the entire pipeline being exposed.
  4. What kind of intelligence does the design provide to the applications in terms of network/application/resource errors?  >> there is new HLD work in progress.
  5. What is the plan to support vendor SAI extensions? Can vendors SAI extension be added without recompiling libSAI? >> yes, HLD described it
  6. How does the design handle the missing redis pub/sub response path / notifications ? 
  7. How about the PINS migration plan in terms of software upgrades vs ASIC upgrades? >>>Please add a section in HLD.
  8. Can this design work on packet I/O performance improvement? >> So far, the numbers are promising, and will be looked into.
  9. Can admins run SONiC without P4RT? yes.
  10. PR is out for review, please provide comments offline -

On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 6:33 PM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/10/2021.

Topics discussed.
SONiC_SFP_refactoring HLD - Arista/MSFT
  1. How does the design support backward compatibility of existing sfp modules ? 
  2. What are the guidelines for Vendors to implement the common sfp refactor packages? Please list out few examples for vendors to embrace it
  3. Can the design provide sfp data as Dict including all the sfp fields? 
  4. PR is out for review please leave comments here -
What next: 



On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 1:19 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/03/2021.

Topics discussed.
  1. How does any SONiC user consume this feature? What is the plan? How to enable this feature 
  2. Is the regularSONiC release not enabled by default? yes Tom please confirm
  3. It doesn't provide any CLI and asks users directly to play around with app_db tables. What is the guidance? Please list down the instructions in the HLD section
  4. Shouldn't the design be limited to the number of FC ? platform specific 
  5. Can it be the DSCP values more than FC values right? Yes, it is 
  6. Can the design expose the DSCP/EXP values to applications? yes
  7. Is there any plan to introduce click commands / CLI ? >>> Tom 
  8. A separate table for DSCP_to_FC, and refer to those table names in CLASS_BASED_NEXT_HOP_GROUP_TABLE ?

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 5:02 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  7/27/2021.

Topics discussed.
  1. Tech support dump improvements - Nvidia (Vivek) - Please share the HLD here
  2.  Q & A - How does it handle if the device end up with continuous coredumps? Is there way to ship the core files external?
  3. 202111 release plan (HLD & Code PR's reviewers)- will be posted shortly by Yanzhao Zhang
  4. July 23 - call for Paper OCP / OCP website to submit abstract - Select Networking Track -
  5. OCP Updates for call for papers.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 8:58 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  7/13/2021.

Topics discussed.
  1. 202111 release plan (HLD & Code PR's reviewers)- will be posted shortly by Yanzhao Zhang
  2. July 23 - call for Paper OCP / OCP website to submit abstract - Select Networking Track -
  3. Paper Selection - Aug 

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 8:59 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  6/22/2021.

Topics discussed.
  1. 202106 release status & discussed code & PR status 
  2. Wiki will be posted shortly.
  3. 202106 release cut - 06/30

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 8:55 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:

  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  6/15/2021.

Topics discussed.
CMIS-C-CMIS [Coherent - Common Management Interface]  - Chuan Qin/MSFT
  1. What is the goal of CMIS? >>>It is to configure and monitor optics/ transceivers.
  2. Why do need a special daemon, shouldn't be used xrvd or transceiver? .>> It is extending the xrvd
  3. How does SONiC consume these interfaces? Is it REst interface or CLI? will be discussed
  4. What are the plans to integrate with SONIC, need more detailed steps w.r.t CMIS interfaces as well as CMD firmware upgrades?
  5. It would be very helpful if there would be a list of APIs which need to be implemented by vendors and how these are used. We are looking to understand which daemons are using it, CLI, etc.

General updates

202106 release updates

202111 release planning 

Few timelines

  • 202111 feature contribution submission end by 6/25/2021
  • 202111 feature roadmap review in community on 7/6/2021
  • 202111 release roadmap finalization 7/15/2021


On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 8:42 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  6/01/2021.

Topics discussed.
SAI Failure Handling - Shi-su

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 8:41 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  5/18/2021.

Topics discussed.
Sonic Dump Utility - Vivek from NVDA

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 5:41 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  5/11/2021.

Topics discussed.
SRv6 HLD - Houdi from Alibaba + Intel
  • How did you arrive at this requirement ex: SRv6 sidList per Policy = 4 ? Is this specific to Alibaba deployment? 

  • How deep can transit nodes be ? Why is this limited to 3 in HLD? - Again, deployment specific - more headers results in SRH header compression.

  • How does the design support tying up the policy with routes? right now it supports policy tie up with prefixes. can be enhanced.

  • The workflow diagram is a little confusing, needs an update and should discuss it once again - pl focus on w.r.t ownership of the route data and who does what modifications + in terms of consumers/producers.

  • Alibaba/Intel will share the PR for review...

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 6:52 PM Madhu Pal <> wrote:
Hi Srinadh, 
Please find answers line:


On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 1:27 PM <> wrote:
I would like to understand more about "Don't overload stateDB for events & alarms? It should be advised to use separate redis DB for events & alarms?"  comment. Appreciate some responses from the community. I hope I am using the right channel.

Eventd is planning to use stateDB to house event history table, alarm table and stats tables. They get updated every time an event/alarm is raised.
These tables are of fixed size: event history table size is customizable with maximum size being 40k or time limit of 30 days - at which time, eventd deletes older records. Stats table is of fixed size with a handful of records. Alarm table only contains a record when an alarm is raised and record is removed when the alarm is cleared.

How does stateDB gets overloaded? 
Madhu>> As the operational data stored in state db today, by adding events, alarms and stats (frequent data) into it makes state db easily out of limits. In addition to that a software (eventD open source)/design flaw makes it worse.  Unlike APP_DB, State DB is more read friendly, more writes/updates due to events/alarms/stats become performane issues? Btw, do you get a chance to estiamte on  state DB with new data / what is plan to mesure performance of state db with ne data writes?
Is it because of db writes? OR 40k for history table is too much in a DB? 
Madhu>> Today each redis instansce setup with multile redis db's ex: APP_DB, STATE_DB etc.. Not 100% sure REDIS memory limits and how does it set for each redis db  or any redis profile?? MSFT team can help on this.
Using serparate redis DB means, I need to create a new redis instance and create a DB with that insance? OR create a DB off existing redis, redis2, redis3 instances? 
Madhu>>I'd suggest to use new redis db similar to state db ex: event db or altogether new redis instance (redis1, redis2 - ) ex: 

On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 09:15:18 PM PDT, MS Reddy <> wrote:

  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  4/27/2021.

Topics discussed.
Event & Alarm Framework HLD- Srinath - Dell
Generalizing config.bcm support all brcm platforms - BRCM


On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:42 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  4/20/2021.

Topics discussed.
Event & Alarm Framework HLD- Srinath - Dell
  • Is this HLD supports SONiC CLi? No, It is supported by mgmt-framework.
  • Why can't current syslog be utilized or enhanced? 
  • What is the motivation choosing eventD?
  • How does this HLD integrate with Thermal design HLD which has similar eventing.
  • How does this design handle event re-ordering? What suggestions if the events are out of order? 
  • Don't overload stateDB for events & alarms? It should be advised to use separate redis DB for events & alarms?
  • How does the design handle the life cycle of an event/alarm? What are the eviction policies enforced on to the DB? 
  • Advised to use dynamic json event profile instead of using a static map? 
  • PR is out for review -
  • Review will be continued..

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 9:15 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  4/13/2021.

Topics discussed.
Policy based Hashing - Nvidia
  • How does the design calculate hash resources ? There is no SAI API to calculate this. Please add a comment in the HLD. 
  • How does CRM resources handled with PbH? 
  • When port is part of the LAG, how does PbH rules PhB table - User/Orch agent should pass LAG to ASIC. - Validation should be taken care of in application.
  • Add data flow sequence diagram explains the precedence or out of order handling of hash vs rule ?
  • What is the behaviour if PBH table/resources is full ? there is no API - currently raise syslog/error to user and fallback to no PBH - hash will not be created
  • Does SONiC track any thresholds ? Currently the ACL thresholds are being tracked but not the scarce resource like ALU / mirror sessions / no thresholds being tracked
  • Hashing will be calculated only on inner frames . based on type ipv4 or ipv6 or vxlan user defined 
  • what are the fields expected to be configured for NVGRE? There is a reference  example in HLD
  • The PbH data model should be yang complaint? yes there is a section below. 
  • Is there any way to track ASIC hash resources today? No SOniC Infra support yet.
  • PR is out for review -

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 9:09 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  4/06/2021.

Topics discussed.
SONiC BUM control support - Mohan S
  • How does the design calculate CBR, as there is no support  for user to configure? >> It is internally calculated by the application - BRCM
  • How do you handle unknown multicast & unknown unicast storm control as there are no separate SAI policers? - Mohan will look into it
  • Are there any statistics for drop counters due to storm control for each category - Not supported 
  • How does user stop storm control - By delete storm control config.
  • Do you query strom control capability on asic ? How does the application know ASIC has this capability ? mgmt framework would support this feature ?? Mohan will check it 
  • Is there a sonic_yang support for storm control ? yes 
  • Share code PRs and Sonic Yang to the community for review - Mohan
  • PR out for Review -
SONiC Mgmt framework - ''show techsupport dump" - Kerry
  • Can the design support flexibility of what content needs to be added to the tech support dump ? - yes
  • can the design support download the tech support tarBall to clients? - Not yet, will be supported
  • PR is out for review -

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 9:18 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  3/30/2021.

Topics discussed.
Recycle Port support for VOQ Chassis - Eshwaran
  • Are these special ports supported by SAI? 
  • How does the recycle port be discovered and enabled for forwarding? 
  • Do you have any ASIC capability check? No 
  • Does it require a reboot ? currently yes. 
  • Does HLD support CLI for recycle ports - Not yet.
  • Is there any strong reason behind the port naming ? Why do we choose the ReCycle port ? Recycle ports vs Recirculation ports?  Ex: Recirculation ports already being referenced in p4 
  • Where do these ports exist? If it is in port-config.ini or platform.json? Pl update the HLD and add these config into platform.json as port_config.init may not be appropriate going forward.
  • Are these recycle ports per core or per ASIC? 
  • DO you define a schema for these ports? 
  • Are these Recycle ports supported by configDB schema? If yes, should we develop a yang model for it? Yes, I will support it.
  • PR is out -
DHCPV6 Relay support in SONiC -Shlomi Bitton
  • How does the design handle dhcpv6 relay w.r.t dynamic port/route changes ?
  • Is there any limitation with isp-dhcp package that it requires static configuration? which is not the case with ipv4
  • How does the design handle port down/up events wrt dhcp relay packets? 
  • Scale recommendation - 32 dhcp relay servers
  • The Nvidia team will syncUp with Tamar on DHCPV6 Relay for any overlap. 
  • Nvidia will evaluate isp-dhcp vs dhcp-relay-6 package to find out a way to simplify the configuration.
  • PR is out for review-

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:24 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  3/16/2021.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Generic Update and Rollback- Mohamad

On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 8:43 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  3/16/2021.

Topics discussed.

SONiC In_band mgmt_vrf - Venkat/Dell
On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 8:35 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  3/9/2021.

Topics discussed.

MPLS HLD- Ann Pokora/Juniper
  • Can you explain how Juniper crpD coexists with FRR routing stack in SONiC? >> using build time flags 
  • How does this feature can be unit tested without crpd ? Ex: Few thoughts - user can push directly to redisDB 
  • What is the use case are we targeting? 
  • How does the community can leverage this feature? 
  • For MPLS,  why does it only works withJuniper stack?  Is there any MPLS functionality missing in FRR? >> yes there are few fixes from Juniper need to push to FRR community
  • Can Juniper open source crpd ? >>> There is internal discussion at Juniper.
  • What is the reason fpm syncd in a bgp container instead of switch? >> Can be discussed!!
  • PR is out for review -

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 9:07 AM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  3/2/2021.

Topics discussed.

Weighted ECMP HLD- ZhenCAI/Juniper
  • How does warm boot work with code versions with EMCP comes up Weighted ECMP on warm boot?
  • How does applications handle if SAI doesn't support weighted ECMP? 
  • Can this design support static next hop groups? 
  • How does this design work in conjunction with Metaswitch nexthop group proposal?
  • Is the design query SAI capability before programming SAI about the weight ECMP ? 
  • Is there any config knob to enable weighted ECMP feature? 
  • What is the default weight nextHop ?
  • Is this feature tightly coupled with the routing stack? 
  • Is the design providing error handling to handle the weight mismatch ?
  • How does the design treat If all the nexthop entries have no weight ?- Ex: treat them as ECMP 
  • How do know SAI supports weighted ECMP or not? If SAI doesn't support how does ASIC handle it?
  • PR is out for review -
On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 9:10 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  2/23/2021.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Yang Models- Praveen/LNKD
  • Do you enforce any yang model prerequisites before HLD approvals? yes, yang models should be discussed in sub group
  • Is there any demo on how to run the yang tests? >> Not yet, can be provided check with Praveen
  • Are there any alternatives to validate the yang models except build time? 
  • Did we think about the backward compatibility of sonic ynag models? >> will be discussed in yang model subgroup
  • Do you have any guidelines for sonic yang model release migration ? >> will be discussed in the yang model subgroup
  • Where should approval for the sonic models be ? >> sub group 
  • What about sonic yang models for FRR/bgp routing stack ? >>will be discussed in yang model subgroup
  • PR is out for review -


On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 9:28 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  2/16/2021.

Topics discussed.

 CPU queue stats- Prabhu/BRCM
  • Don't SONiC support the CPU queue stats today? No, front panel ports have this support today, extending it for CPU ports.
  • Can it be extended to show port counters & show port pfc instead of new CLI? yes
  • SNMP/MIB OID support be considered? right now the design skips CPU ports, but we can consider it 
  • Telemetry use case supported - yes (counters written into flex db)
  • Do support debug counters ? yes
  • HLD listed only MC CPU queues, don't it support unicast packet counters? Yes supports, however BRCM all CPU queues are Multicast queues- based on ASIC support
  • How does this feature work with Multi ASIC platform feature? will be added into HLD
  • Can this feature be included in a system test? yes
  • PR is out for review :
  • Release notes 202012 branch - review in progress
  • 202106 release planning - wiki will be published soon 

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 9:04 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  2/09/2021.

Topics discussed.

Fabric Port Support SONiC/BGP Setup for VoQ system - Arista


On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 11:22 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  1/19/2021.

Topics discussed.

Nexthop group HLD- Metaswitch/Tom 
  • How is it different from existing EMCP next_hop groups? 
  • How does it handle next hop group membership in addition to the EMCP groups? 
  • Is this feature supported only with metaswitch routing stack? Do you see any support with FRR? 
  • How does it handle sonic warm upgrades/existing sonic config with this new nexthop configuration? 
  • How do handle warm reboot scenarios with nexthop_groups with the same nexthop?
  • How to test this feature ? 
  • How does this feature benefit the SONiC community? 
  • What is the plan to converge this nexthop design with other nexthop feature design discussions? 
  • PR is out for review -

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 6:53 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  1/19/2021.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Port Auto Negotiation Design - Mellanox/NVDA
  • Why don't we extend auto_neg, interface type and avd_speeds to media_settings.jsosn framework? How does the design handle default auto neg configuration from media_settings.json file? 
  • Can this design extend autoneg to hardware json file? 
  • Suggestion to Add port status column to new CLi show interface autoneg command.
  • Can this design consider link training requirements? 
  • How does the design validate configured vs detected interface type? 
PR is out for review -
202012 release test & bug triage 
  • Please attend weekly triage (wednesday 8-9 am PST) for discussion.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 7:42 PM MS Reddy via <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  1/05/2021.

Topics discussed.

  • 202012 release update
           Find the updates here:-

  • 202106 Release Planning -   Xin will be posted soon, stay tuned.
  • 202012 release test & bug triage - Please attend weekly triage (wednesday 8-9 am PST) for discussion.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:03 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  12/15/2020.

Topics discussed.

202012 Release updates: Anshu/Xin
202106 Release Planning -  Anshu/Xin
  • Anshu will be posted soon, stay tuned.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 9:33 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  12/08/2020.

Topics discussed.

202012 Release updates: Xin
PMON enhancements for VoQ Chassis -  Suresh/Manju from Nokia
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 1:24 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:

  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/24/2020.

Topics discussed.
SONiC Application extension framework -  Stepan (Nvidia)
  • Can this framework Phase-1 targeted for 202012 ? yes 
  • What is targeted in Phase 1 : All the infra related to support application extension. DHCP-RELAY (not related warm reboot)will be supported 
  • What is targeted Phase -2 : Enhance infra to enable other containers
  • CLI extension backward compatible on docker restarts or crashes ? Yes, The CLI extension is supported
  • Is post-start is concurrent to application? yes

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 9:36 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/17/2020.

Topics discussed.
Add reboot-cause telemetry -  Sujin Kang

  • Can this design support unexpected hardware/software reboots? Ans: This design does not support un-expected device failures
  • What is the difference between gen timestamp vs timestamp in state DB data?  Ans: timestamp is the actual hardware reboot time, where as gen_timestamp is when the event generated
  • PR is available for review -
PCIe monitor service - Sujin Kang + Arun 

  • Why do you need separate service when there is PMON util service? 
  • Suggestion -  display only non zero PCIe AES counters
  • Suggestion - provide mapping to pCIe code to devices.
  • Is there a support consolidated "system is ready" by checking all the components? 
  • PR is available for review -

SONiC Application Extension Infra - Stepan B

On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 3:54 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/03/2020.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Application Extension Infra - Stepan B
  • How does the design support third party applications which are agnostic to SONiC? 
  • How does it support any SONiC 3rd party application which wants to use database 
  • How much this design covers in Phase 2 and what will be covered in phase 3? 
  • Can this design support features spread across multiple dockers ex: DHCP & mgmt framework - No
  • Can the manifest file make it optional? 
  • How does the design cover the docker options such as limits ? 
  • What is the suggestion to store these manifests? >> Docker Hub


On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 8:48 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/27/2020.

Topics discussed.

MACSec HLD - Ze Gan
  • What is the scope of HLD to support macsec ? Is this support limited to switch-switch or host-switch or both modes? (Is this static macSec or 802.1X)
  • How to configure a MacSec chip in case of a Real switch? Does this agnostic control plane or linux? Is there any special configuration needed to enable a macsec chip in Real Switch? 
  • Do you have any data about interoperability between wpa_supplicants with other NOS's - Testing involved
  • Shouldn't be a perf impact if you run wpa_supplicants on individual interfaces?Should it run per switch global level? 
  • Can macSec support per lag/port channel? Ans: macSec should program per port level.
  • Can phase 1 support the rekey threshold? What is the difference in phase 1 & phase 2 mentioned in HLD? 
  • How does HLD handle macSec primary vs fallback scenarios?
  • How does HLD prevent cipher mis-configurations?  recommendation - asic_capabilities/ CIPHER TLV
  • Do you have data with wpa_applicants perf w.r.t memory/cpu ? which version did you tested - 2.9 
  • Did you consider optimizing wpa_supplicants? zcai from Juniper have some thoughts to share here.
  • comments on config_db - send_sci - must be true for macsec pkts in switch, for hosts it must be false

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 9:02 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/20/2020.

Topics discussed.
  • Release 202012 release tracking discussion - Tracking page will be updated with status 
  • 202012 PR and code review ownership discussed.
  • Request PR owners to send out a note to the community mailing list as soon as PR is raised.
  • HLD guidelines discussed.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 9:15 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/13/2020.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Reproducible Build design - Xuhui
  • Shouldn't version control be significant overhead?  No - There is a version control file which will take care of dependencies
  • Where the version control file is located in the code repo? It is at Docker level right now.
  • For instance, If I want to bring a new Python package (it has dependencies) in the docker file it conflicts with the existing one. How to solve it ? You can disable the version check temporarily. 
  • Does version check framework check dependencies per branch ex: 200911 or 202006? Yes, the version check is  per branch to freeze the requirements
  • What stage do you freeze on the version? when you move from one debian version to another? We need to regenerate the version file
  • Does the build system automatically take care of pulling packages from local storage when the remote website is down ? yes
  • How does the framework support for golang libs and dependencies? Not right now, will be included.
  • How does version control framework integrate with existing rules file configurations? Do we maintain both version files? 


On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 8:01 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/06/2020.

Topics discussed.

SONiC TPID Configuration  Support - Gen Chiang
  • How does design handle joining ports to a port channel where the port is already associated with some non-default TPID?   How to preserve TPID when leaving the port channel? 
  • Does SONiC support Q-in-Q ? No 
  • How does an application know what are the supported TPID's by ASIC?  Is there any SAI support to pull these capabilities? Should it be part of switch capabilities in addition to TPID port & port channel capability?
  • PR is out

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 9:11 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  09/29/2020.

Topics discussed.

SONiC FW Utility  - Sujin

  • Does the design support Phy / BMC firmware upgrade support? >> BMC vendor dependent
  • How does the design support component dependency? Ex: Several CPLD's with different versions? 
  • How to check the dependency check ?  >> vendor task file
  • Is fw utility part of SONiC build system? No
  • Does the auto update perform all the components at once ? yes
  • Do support single tarball from vendors with all the components & dependencies ? yes
  • PR is oit
  • OCP Tech week - Nov 
  • OCP presentations ready - Oct 17th

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 10:09 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  09/22/2020.

Topics discussed.

Kubernetes-Support  for SONiC - Renuka

  • Should we relax the post start/pre exit mandate for third party containers, which don't have SONiC dependency. 
  • How does iit solve K8s master HA issues? 
  • what is the container naming conventions/ standards
  • How does it solve manifest versioning issues?

Workgroup will be started soon. 


On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 9:18 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  09/08/2020.

Topics discussed.

Distributed VOQ HLD - Suresh/Srikanth/Eshwaran
  • Can this VOQ design will bring up iBGP sessions automatically using link local ip addresses?  yes [full mesh connectivity]
  • Does the chassis design run several instances of FRR  to run routing protocols ? yes  
  • What is the benefit you see running a network inside a chassis? Can this be complex to manage the network inside a chassis? 
  • Proposal: discuss about inbarnd recycle port & inband vlan? Do you support both? 
  • Is there any special config required on inband ports? yes, it is described in HLD.
  • Design describes linux neigh table & sai neighbor table will not be in sync for inband management. Can this any side effects on other features ex: NAT/Conntrack etc..
  • More discussion joins chassis sub group calls.

SONiC Console Switch HLD - Jing kan


On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 10:26 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  09/01/2020.

Topics discussed.

SONiC Console Switch HLD - Jing kan
  • Is the design support friendly sonic CLI in addition to cfg utility?  >> right now show commands available AI Jing kan will look into it
  • Does the design supports command line tools to change baud rate in local devices? yes
  • Is the design support automatic flow control match to local to remote switches? No
  • How does the design handle console port conflicts with different drivers using the same name? - Check out uDev rules to avoid this name conflict
  • Does the design support if the console switch is not supported by USB? 
  • driver -> device mapping using device name in console port object 
  • Can this design write ps polling (line busy) on to state_db? Suggest to write to state if not done.
  • Is this data should be part of a tech support dump
  • Does picom get prompt for the interactive CLI?
  • Can Multi users connect to the same remote device? No support/use case


On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 9:00 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  08/25/2020.

Topics discussed.

  • uDev rules design for terminal Server -
  • Warm reboot - Service container warm restart -
  • Which component decides the ordering during warm reboot  >>>ans: warm reboot scripts 
  • Proposals : code cleanup on warm reboot scripts [encapsulate shutdown/recover logic into service scripts instead of warm reboot scripts ]
  • What is the role of service scripts w.r.t fast/cold and warm reboot scenarios.
  • Are there any exceptions to this proposal? syncD pre-shut is only needed for warm-reboot.
  • Join the warm reboot subgroup to discuss more on this proposal.
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 9:17 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  08/18/2020.

Topics discussed.

  • VOQ system design

  • What is the resolution behind selecting iBGP to run? 
  • What is the difference between multi-ASIC system vs VOQ design (both share similarities)
  • Does global DB falls into single point failure? yes, there is no redundancy support in current release.
  • Is the IBGP runs on same VRF? 
  • How does ARP learning works? Does it support Vlans?
  • How does the VOQ system handle route fair sharing?   

Discussion will be continued next week. Stay tuned. 
Please find the PR's below to provide review - 


On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 11:03 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  08/11/2020.

Topics discussed.
  1. SONiC Entity MIB Extension HLD  Review 
  2. SONiC 202012 planning & ownerships
  3. Watch out for 202012 release planning & feature design/code ownerships

  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  08/04/2020.

Topics discussed.
  1. SONiC 202012 planning [Smaller group meeting who contribute to 202012 release]
  2. 202012 release plan & design/code PR ownerships
  3. Watch out for 202012 release wiki

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 10:46 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/28/2020.

Topics discussed.

Code coverage tool Gcov - Ruijie / Cheng
  • What is the image size increase with Gcov coverage tool? 
  • What is the goal of a code coverage tool? Are we enforcing SoNic developers ? 
  • Do you have coverage for SONiC code? 
  • Do you have coverage data from SONiC containers? 

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:38 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/21/2020.

Topics discussed.

Multi-ASIC design review - Aravind/Suvarna/Judy
  • Do you see any perf issues having several multiple processes running for multi-asic?  
  • How to configure multi-asic ? >> There is a CLI planned.
  • Multi-ASIC ?? Does it support multi vendor integration ? ex: MLNX & BRCM etc.. >> No . Multi -ASIC same ASIC with different vendor implementations..
  • Do you have any scaling numbers ? No limit 
  • What is your test topology? Is this a chassis based or pizza box solution ?  >>> test platform - 6 ASICs , not a chassis based system. It's a pizza box setup.
  • How does this design handle warm-reboot?  >> Not looked yet 
  • Is this container run only with is only network namespaces alone? yes 
  • There were two proposals on backend ASIC;'s BGP vs vlan-cross-connect ?? Which one should this design consider?
  • How does it handle Error handling when fabric is broken - Ex: one ASIC doesn't come  >> There is no staging,  all other ASIC's will come up except the failed ASIC
  • How does it assign the route mac to different ASIC? 
  • Does this design support tunnelling ? - >> Not right now
  • Suggest to check Udev for system initialisation?
  • What is the significance of ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 0? multi asic run on bridge mode.
  • What is the communication between namespaces (front end vs backend)? netDev interfaces for front panel to backend ports .(docker 2 docker)vEth interfaces
  • Is it mini grapth is amust for multi ASIC ? No, you can generate confgi_db.json and use it
  • Having a dynamic breakout etc , Do you think moving port.ini to platform.ini files? 
  • Do you consider multi-db with multi ASIC? 
  • Why do need multiple db's, you could have have one db with different ? >> extend to multiple platforms (pizza boxes)
On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 7:47 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/14/2020.

Topics discussed.

202006 CLI configuration guide updates
  • BFD - Ben will check BFD FRR related CLI commands
  • Build improvements - No CLI 
  • Bulk API for route - No CLI, configuration update make it default 
  • CoPP config & Mgmt - CLI not planned for this release, CLI phase 2 - Dell 
  • D-Bus - No CLI 
  • Dynamic port breakout - CLI, config update - LKND
  • Egress shaping - No CLI, How to configure it? BRCM 
  • FW utils extension/SSD upgrade - CLI will update, wrapper for config & show - MLNX
  • Gearbox - CLI/Config BRCM to update 
  • sonic-mgmt-framework - separate CLI document - Ben
  • Platform DDF - no CLI/config, offline tools 
  • Port mirroring - config should be update/ CLI - Done 
  • porting M VRF Debian 10  - no CLI 
  • proxy ARP - CLI needs MLNX to update config wiki 
  • System health and system LED - No CLI

Multi-ASIC design review - Hasan
  • Do you see any perf issues having several multiple processes running for multi-asic?  
  • How to configure multi-asic ? >> There is a CLI planned.
  • Multi-ASIC ?? Does it support multi vendor integration ? ex: MLNX & BRCM etc.. >> No . Multi -ASIC same ASIC with different vendor implementations..
  • Do you have any scaling numbers ? No limit 
  • What is your test topology? Is this a chassis based or pizza box solution ?  >>> test platform - 6 ASICs , not a chassis based system. It's a pizza box setup.
  • How does this design handle warm-reboot?  >> Not looked yet 
  • Is this container run only with is only network namespaces alone? yes 
  • There were two proposals on backend ASIC;'s BGP vs vlan-cross-connect ?? Which one should this design consider?
  • How does it handle Error handling when fabric is broken - Ex: one ASIC doesn't come  >> There is no staging,  all other ASIC's will come up except the failed ASIC
  • How does it assign the route mac to different ASIC? 
  • Does this design support tunnelling ? - >> Not right now
>> More discussions followed next week. stay tuned..


On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 9:59 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/07/2020.

Topics discussed.
  • 202006 release update -
  • 202006 release branch cut on 06/30
  • 202006 configuration guide - will be discussed in next community meeting
  • 202006 quality - will be discussed in test work group every wednesday
  • 202012 release planning - below is the content and will be updated wiki link shortly
    • AAA

    • ACL rate limit 

    • BFD for FRR -  cherry pick in next two weeks 

    • Config Replace - Not clear

    • Consistent ECMP 

    • Container warm restart

    • COnfig mgmt for CoPP 

    • FRR NBI

    • D-Bus - review pending (Can be cherry picked)

    • Dynamic headroom 

    • BGP UnNumbered

    • PyTest 90%

    • Radius HLD

    • DOckers update with Debian 

    • PDK - call for review for ODM's

    Retrospect & 202012 Release goal settings
  • 202012 release feature list freeze - 7/30
  • 202012 release code review assignment - 8/30
  • 202012 PR deadline - 11/01

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 6:42 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/23/2020.

Topics discussed.
  •  202006 release progress 
             Please find following wiki for 202006 release for the feature list -
  • Issue triage - Every other wednesday, requesting issue owners should present for sonic issue triage


On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 9:08 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/09/2020.

Topics discussed.
 Enhancement to Optical transceiver model  -   Dell

  • Why did the design choose a plugin approach for Optical Transceivers?    Ans: extensible
  • Community feedback:- Though plugin approach is elegant, many vendors have difficulty to implement and validate, it would be nice to solve this problem in a common platform (90% possible). 
  • Can it be solved using a common platform and if any vendor specific (minimal) make it extendable by different ways (ex: configurations/jinja templating/ plugin etc..)? An optical transceiver working group will be started soon. 
  • Can the design support DD memory map parsing ? Let's discuss in the working group what to solve in common platform and what else need to extend through plugin or other means

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 8:06 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/09/2020.

Topics discussed.
 PDDF (Platform Driver Development Framework)-   BRCM

  • Are there any examples to understand how PDDF is different from classic/sonic platform API 1.0 ? 
  • Did you try PDDF API's outside BRCM? Ans : yes ex: Quanta/Inventec / Accton etc.  
  • Is the above PDDF implementation available publicly? Ans: It is OEM's decision to make it public.
  • Can PDDF manage MACSEC based components? Ans: No. MacSEC would be managed by SDK.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 8:14 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/02/2020.

Topics discussed.
  • Does this design supports IPv4 un numbered? No, it is only for BGP auto addressing use case
  • What is Ipv4 un numbered ? It is a separate feature will use loopback 
  • Can the feature be renamed BGP un numbered to BGP auto Ipv6 addresses? 
  • Why do convert Ipv4/rfc5549 routes nexthop to Ipv6 linklocal? Let's keep it Ipv4 link local 169.254.x.x/24 in SoNic similar to industry.
  • Can BGP auto IPv6 interfaces support on sub interfaces ? Not tested yet
  • Why do disable Ipv6 for BGP auto IPv6 addressing ? The reason - In order to avoid Ipv6 RA's unnecessary on L2 networks . May not need generating interfaces on all the several interfaces 
  • Will the design supports mulitple vlans with ipv6 link local? 
  • Is there any global Ipv6 address? 
  • Is radv db (router advertisements) is used for BGP auto IP ? No linux/frr learns the neighborsCommunity suggested to keep Ipv6 default enabled in sonic for backward compatibility.
  • Does this design provide any knob to configure I2ME/128 FE80::/10 catch all route? No 
  • How does it handle for vlan interface case ? 
  • How do know when to delete IP2ME routes? If any interface has no refcount - orchagent clean it up
PR is out for review -

System health monitoring - Kebo
  • Is system health monitor deamon periodic interval configurable? 
  • How to determine critical service -Not in the scope 
  • Do you write system health data to DB? - data is already written to DB by PMON & Monit 
  • How about writing system health summary data in state db? >>> Joe/Kebo will get back on it
  • Json output support for command output? >>> Jeo/Kebo will get back on it. 


On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 8:07 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/26/2020.

Topics discussed.

  • When is the fpmsyncd PR available for review? >> will be out this week
  • Does warm-reboot need to keep the mac sequence number? 
  • When will Broadcom SAI support available for BGP EVPN? >> BRCM will come back on this 
  • Where do see test cases for this feature? >> sonic-mgmt
  • Is anycast gateway support covered in HLD? yes
  • What is the reason behind L2 multi tenancy not supported? Is this a limitation with SONiC? 
  • what factor determines the EVPN scalability requirements ? is it ASIC or FRR or any othe component?
  • Any dependencies with Linux kernel version? 


MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/19/2020.

Topics discussed.
Dynamic Headroom Calculation HLD -   MLNX
  • How does design helps for ASIC vendors for custom headroom calculations? 
  • Does all the ports are impacted by changing one port configuration? 
  • Is there a way to turn off headroom calculation using network flag through cfgDB? 
  • Can the design provide provision to skip traffic ports during headroom changes cfg push? 
  •  SAI_PORT_MAX_HEADROOM is this a read only attribute? is it per port or PG? it is per Port ? 
  • What will happens when the ports delete and create ? 
  •  Can we specify IPG/cell size in bytes ?
  • Since introducing new app table, How does it keep track dependency on APP DB changes on backends? 
  • What is the motivation behind Lua Scripts for headroom calculations instead python? 
  • How to handle dynamic port breakouts? 
Kindly add if anything missing here.

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 9:39 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/12/2020.

Topics discussed.
Config Replace feature HLD -   BRCM
  • SONiC configLet does similar job JSON Patch, can it be leverage code. Please refer 
  • Does the config replace uses SWSS SDK? yes
  • Feedback - this PR great,can be split into multiple PRs following reasons
    • Most sonic daemon are not designed to receive updates from config updates?
    • SYNC support at Table level vs Attribute level
    • It is good to have config replace contract [pre-replace-post] so that no feature will miss it?
    • Does the feature call out dependency graph on the config change events? 
  • How does sonic-mgmt-framework handles config replace feature today? 
  • How does the design validates JSON Patch? 
  • Does it support revert on config failures? 

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:05 AM Ben Gale <> wrote:

As discussed on the call, the base 4K VLAN scaling changes were PR'd a year ago: -



On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 11:57 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/05/2020.

Topics discussed.

MC-LAG Enhancements -   BRCM

  • Do we have yang model for this feature? 
  • Can you upstream 4k vlan bug fixes done to sonic? 
  • How does isolation group works? do we add all mclag ports into group
  • What if platforms doesn't support isolation groups? what is the fallback mechanism? 
  •   How does SONiC know about platform capabilities w.r.t to isolation groups vs ACL ?   
  • Why do need new app tables fro MC-LAG? 
  • Update design section with platform capability check w.r.t ACL/isolation groups? 
Firmware Utils - MLNX 
Virtual Summit 
  • May 12th
  • 10:51 Dave Maltz Key Note 
  • 11:20-12 PM live session networking 
  • May 13th - Hardware presentations
  • May 14th - Software presentations
  • Pre-recorded sessions 
  • Symposium 

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 6:44 AM zhenghui cai <> wrote:
An even more serious question we need to answer for this FGNHG is that do we have the enforcement that kernel routing table would be consistent with FIB programming on ASICs. 
If this implementation is changing FIB but not reflecting back to kernel (i.e. routing stack), this will be the first case that violating the current model.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:21 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  04/28/2020.

Topics discussed.

Fine grained ECMP hashing -   Anish
  • Can this design supports use case like wildcard/catch all ecmp entry? 
  • Is it possible to integrate with ECMP capabilities of the ASIC in terms of bucket size and number of groups? 
  • Can CRM module integrate with finegrained ECMP ? Ans: check SAI support for CRM
  • Can this design support use case like ordered/unordered/finegrained sets of ECMP groups? Ans: should bring up in SAI discussions
  • More discussions will be continued..
Kernel programming improvements - NetLink API - [Naveen - BRCM]
  • What is motivation behind the NetLinkAPI? Don't existing LibNl support achieve this?
  • Why NetLink API over LibNL ? Design should be added with few justification
  • List out the missing commands from LibNl? will LibNl patch should solve this problem?
  • More discussions will be continued..

On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:58 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  04/21/2020.

Topics discussed.
Management Framework -2 - Anand/Partha/Sachin  [BRCM]
  • Does this design covers authentication workflows?  - It will be cover under RBAC design PR
  • How does it integrate with HamD & tacacs/radius - Lookout for RBAC PR
  • Provide some example how to use CVL for custom validations? 
  • Do you have REST performance numbers to share to community? 
  • Will the design provide what improvements done w.r.t rest validations & performance? 
  • Will the rest server supports pagination? 
  • Does management framework allows sonic cli & ISCLI intertwined? -config made through sonic cli shows up in ISCLI viceversa?
  • What are the major changes with framework 2 
    • Multi DB changes 
    • decouple telemetry 
    • upgrade openAPI spec 3.0 to support yang stmt, union, yang constriants etc.
    • klish -> moved away from client / generic client libCurl 
    • Telemetry - goModule support 
    • notification and version support
Discussion will be continued next week too. The PR is out for feedback -

Virtual Summit
  • OCP virtual summit Registration remainder + high level schedule
  • May 12 - Live panel + sonic talks (10- 11:30)
  • May 13 - Hardware related
  • May 14 - sonic software 
  • May 15 - Symposium
More details checkout the schedule


On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 9:44 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  04/14/2020.

Topics discussed.
D-BUS - Mike[DELL]
  • Why Dbus used for ztp and why not control panel aclD? 
  • How to secure the users shouldn't mis use the critical host access to commands like reboot? Can you provide some guidelines around it? 
  • How does host communicate to ex: reboot/warm reboot execution status to clients (containers issued commands to host)? How does D-Bus helps here?   
  • Will the design provide some infrastructure level audit mechanism who does what w.r.t host commands like reboot/warm reboot etc.
  • Why D-Bus used specific listed services/activities alone, why can't it use for all the services? Can you add some guidelines to the document?  
Virtual Summit 

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 9:27 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  04/06/2020.

Topics discussed.
AAA Enhancements - Martin [DELL]
  • How to deal with Redis failures w.r.t account management? 
  • What is the target sonic customer deployments trying to address here? 
  • How do we protect the account creations from docker/applications like sonic-mgmt-framework or any other applications? Do you have any suggestions?
  • Can this design support Radius based account management? Ans: It seems there is a PR from BRCM
  • Today SONiC has Tacacs, what are the improvements expect from this HLD? 
  • How does the design handles multiple component failures? Ex: HAMD, REDIS, TACACS etc
  • Can hamD decoupled from sonic-mgmt-framework? 
202006 Roadmap 

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 9:07 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  03/31/2020.

Topics discussed.
Proposal for System Health for LED settings - Liat (MLNX)

  • Can this design consider multiple system LED's? AI Liat
  • How do you test and quality LED management? Ans: Unit testing 
  • Is it possible to integrate with Monit for docker/process critical monitoring? Ans : Yes
  • What is the suggestions for BMC systems ? Ans: this design is not for BMS based systems
  • Can this alert/syslog messages duplicate to SNMP traps? Ans: It seems SONiC don't have traps today
  • Can this design support system ready status? AI Liat (ASIC/vendor specific APIs)
  • Is this design provide any port level LED blink functionality? AI Liat (ASIC/Vendor specific)
  • This design should take care the fact that syslog format shouldn't be break BMC messaging/ extra work for BMC based systems  ? 
Non Technical
  • OCP virtual summit - May
  • Pre-recorded talk  - deadline by this friday.
  • Virtual booths - video recording of Demo [OCP will play demos several multiple months.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 9:26 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  03/24/2020.

Topics discussed.
Port Mirroring Rupesh Kumar  (BRCM)

1. Do you have a data model to support this feature? Please list out in HLD AI Rupesh
2. Can this feature support OpenConfig data model? No
3. How does the design handles both ACL & port based mirror enabled? Can we expect two copies ? AI Rupesh
4. Can this design support config validations? AI Rupesh
5. How does the design handles link events w.r.t to activate inactivate sessions? 
6. If platform doesn't support SPAN/ERSPAN features what is the behavior? Does this design consider SAI capability check? AI Rupesh/BRCM
7. What are the tests written and How are these test cases organised / which repos will be used? AI - Rupesh
8. What are the SAI attributes used in the feature.
9. Can we police SPAN/ERSPAN sessions? AI Rupesh


On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 9:14 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  03/17/2020.

Topics discussed.
Sonic Qos Schedular & Shaping - Michael (BRCM)
  • Can shaping config support on sub interfaces/ port channels ? No 
  • Do we have a plan to support vlan/port channel as many DC supports this use case? 
  • Why do need SAI_SCHEDULER_GROUP_ATTR_SCHEDULAR_PROFILE_ID when SAI_QUEUE_SCHEDULAR_PROFILE_ID available ? Ans: schedular_group will help for finer granularity. 
  • Do you have plan to publish spytest cases with feature? yes
  • How to configure these new shaping configuration? is this coexists with config_db? Ans : new shaping attributes supported through sonic-mgmt-framework open-config model 
  • What are the shaping constraints w.r.t DPB (dynamic port breakout) ? 
  • Can shaping applied to CPU queues? suggestion - CoPP is the right place to configure the CPU queues? 
  • Can it be possible to configure shaping in percentage so that DPB can dynamically change the shaping per port? 
  • Can this shaping applied on operation port (profile applied and under traffic) ? No CLI to configure that today

On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 9:22 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:

  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  03/10/2020.

Topics discussed.
Monitoring and auto-Mitigating unhealthy containers n SONiC - Joe
  • How Monit service is different from Supervisord? Monit does track and alert every 5 min, so user will not miss any, where as supervisord alerts only once. 
  • Can Monit service monitor resource usage? >> possible
  • How does Monit service detects dockers come online dynamically? >> right now it's driven by confiig file
  • Can we make Thresholds human readable? Can it be possible to calculate threshold in % values ? >> Joe will look into itt
  • How can we determine these throsholds ? ex: How much threshold shall we fix for a BGP container? >> Joe will look into it
  • Can Monit service help user specify docker system quotas? >> no
  • Can database is consistent after auto restart ? >> Not right now. Monit service provide provision to disable features from auto-restart ex: database 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 8:09 PM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  02/25/2020.

Topics discussed.
Gear Box Design - BRCM 

  • How does this design support for dynamic loading/discovering of external phy 
  • Why do pick multiple versions of phy-syncd? why can't glorify the existing syncd? 
  • Can vendors cherry-pick one synd instance out of all the instances/ is this possible switch off other syncd instances ? 
  • It is advised GearBox design should discuss with breakout/sub port work groups?
  • Can this design supports dynamically updating eeprom / firmware ? 
  • How does this design treats system side vs line card link events ?

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 9:27 AM MS Reddy <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  02/11/2020.

Topics discussed.
SONiC Line card Hot Swap - Inspur
  • How does it detect line card is broken ? Line card status must have [present/not present/ abnormal]
  • How does this line card event detected by sonic ? is it event or poll based? 
  • I/O module / Linecard type detection is HW based detection 
  • List out the I/O or line cards supported in the design? 
  • How do you initilize the ASIC to line card type 
  • It should be discussed w.r.t sku/ dynamic breakout and gear box features.
Inspur team work with Xin to have sub group meeting to discuss more on the interested parties. 

Pre-OCP registration remainder


On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:09 AM  <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  02/04/2020.

Topics discussed.
Debian 10 buster kernel upgrade 202006 release
  • 201911 release bugs triage - watch out for bug comments and provide your update.
  • OCP pre-summit workshop 

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 8:43 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  01/14/2020.

Topics discussed.
  • OCP pre-summit workshop - watch out for invitation from EventBrite
  • Hackathon - watch out for invitation 
  • New workgroups - watch out for workgroup page
  • Round table for workgroup meetups
  • Next release - 202006

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 8:57 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  12/17/2019.

Topics discussed:

              PCI_E Diagnostics:

  • How does it help? the feature captures all the pci_e components in pcie.yaml config file and verify the components on demand.
  • How is different from lspci? the feature aggregates the lspci command info and capture components list in pcie.yaml file for component check 
  • When does the pcie.yaml generated? Platform shall generate the file when there is any change.
  • Is the feature generic for all the platforms ? yes, there is specific file for each platform and the platform owners should update it.
  • Can the feature distinguish critical/non critical PCI_e components? can this be included in the design ?

  • Next meeting - Jan 7th.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 9:18 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  12/10/2019.

Topics discussed:
Release 201910 tracking status:
  • ZTP  -  Ready to merge  #599 is failed to pass tests. (failed tests are vs related.) 
  • MGMT Framework -  Should support mgmt docker can be turned off / not build at all. Ready to merge.
  • PDDF - on review pending 
  • STP/PVSP - Pending on Jenkins jobs.
  • L3 performance - Merged
  • L2 performance - ready to merge 
  • BFD - one more review needed and sync up with FRR upstream / feature on or off capabilities(next releases) - BRCM will share test results for review
  • NAT - SAI dependency, BRCM will work with SAI community to close on this next few months (next release) - BRCM will share test results for review (No automation tests)
- OCP planning
To be focussed Topics - Community should focus on topics such as test improvements 
Venue - LNKD

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 9:11 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  12/03/2019.

Topics discussed:
Release 201910 tracking status:
  • ZTP  -  [Approvals Pending] - Guohan approved it
  • BFD - one more review needed and sync up with FRR upstream / feature on or off capabilities(next releases) - BRCM will share test results for review
  • NAT - SAI dependency, BRCM will work with SAI community to close on this next few months (next release)
  • STP/PVST - Build Job in Zenkins should be included 
  • MGMT Framework - Short group to review the changes / Alibaba provided comments on gNMI bring together with mgmt container.
Discussions will be continued next week.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 9:11 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/26/2019.

Topics discussed:

Release 201910 tracking status:
  • ZTP  - Mostly ready BRCM & Dell will take a look PR and close it 
  • BFD - one more review needed and sync up with FRR upstream / feature on or off capabilities(next releases)
  • NAT - SAI dependency, BRCM will work with SAI community to close on this next few months
  • L2 enhancements - extra file should be removed from SAI REDIS PR.
  • MultiDB - Need to raise PR with all new changes 
  • MGMT Framework - Short group to review the changes  
  • Deadline for OCP participation extended- Dec 5th.

On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 9:15 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/19/2019.

Topics discussed

Thermal Control Design - MLNX

             Review (Q & A):
  • Can the design support to integrate with thirdparty ? ex: BCM enabled CPU /thermal controls? yes
  • Can this new daemon enabled/disabled? yes
  • Is it possible to select few objects (fan/cpu/thermal) ? yes (all/none) 
  • How about supporting ASIC Internal Sensors - Dell will raise a PR on it
  • Can this design supports to have flexibility use their own thermal/fan algorithm? yes 
  • A single daemon handles all the change events (fan/cpu/thermal)? there us high chance that some events should wait in the loop with the current design? Why can't we propose different change events for different cpu/fan/optics? 
  • Will the design supports more policies? yes
  • Verbose on API definition on threshold levels about Average/Max/ Snapshot 
  • The current design discussed about 60 sec polling interval ? Is there a way to include timestamp in polling mechanism? 
  • Is there any API exposed for fanTray contain more than one fan? 
OCP deadline - Nov 29th 


On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 6:23 PM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
  • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/12/2019.

Topics discussed

DPKG Caching Framework - BRCM

             Review (Q & A):
  • How does the framework track/calculate the GIT hash for new files and dependencies pulling from the Internet?
  • Where does the debug cache stored? 
  • Can this framework increase build time (first time, how much does it take to populate the cache)? 
  • How much memory the debug cache takes ? ~600MB
  • The framework discussed about two SHA hases? Does it have any significance? can this solved using single hash? 
  • How does the framework capture the file modified or not ? 
  • How does the framework deals with sonic patch files get applied to dpkg cache framework?
  • Does the sha calculated for the depends files or depend files content ?
  • How does commit and content SHA utilized in the framework? Why can't content-sha alone should solve the local modified files ? 
  • Do need to reevaluate/ recommend memory requirements with the DPKG feature?

        On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 9:53 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  11/05/2019.

        Topics discussed

        • DPKG Caching Framework - BRCM 
        • Review (Q & A):
          • How do track/calculate the GIT hash for new files and dependencies from the internet?
          • Where does the deebug cache stored? 
          • Can this framework takes more time?  
          • How much memory the debug cache takes ? ~600MB

        On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 9:39 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/29/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • RADIUS - BRCM
        Review (Q & A):
        • Where does the Cached MPL (management-privilege-level)stored ?  It stored at protected file /var/run/radius
        • Can the framework support user change from tacacs+ to radius? 
        • What is the radius agent planning to use ? pam-radius 
        • How about user login's on device reboots? does it expect login failed/success? No, as soon as MPL cache preserved, users can logged in.
        • Can the MPL cache associate with TTL? No, right now we refresh the session on every user logging in.
        • There are 3 radius options [many-to-one = Y/N/A] discussed, what is appropriate for SONiC usage?  

        DPKG Caching Framework - BRCM
        • How do track/calculate the GIT hash for new files and dependencies from the internet?
        • Where does the deebug cache stored? 
        • Can this framework takes more time?  
        • How much memory the debug cache takes ? ~600MB
        PR is available, discussion will continue next week.


        On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 10:00 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/22/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)- BRCM
        Review (Q & A):
        • What is preventing not to support vrrp3?
        • How is it different from FRR VRRP support? do you get a chance to evaluate FRR VRRP stack? 
        • It would be good to list the out the possible use cases/deployments for the sonic user to enable to this feature? Can this feature work with data center MLAG kind of deployments ?
        • How does the uplink tracking works? for instance let's say there are more than 8 uplink interfaces how do we does it effects on mastership?
        • How to handle split-brain scenarios? 
        • What are the supported VRID ranges ? 
        Sub group on test framework proposal - starting tomorrow 8-9 AM PST 

        On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 6:50 PM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/15/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • Tech Support export Service 
        Review (Q & A):
        • Can custom scripts will be added to tech support service ? This is minimal service, can be added. 
        • Can the Journal data should be part of tech support ? will be included
        • What kind of granular level support provided by tech support service? Minimal service for now, can be added filters, custom plugins to ex: to export to cloud etc. 
        • It seems tech support keep adding repeated data? How to avoid this storage back pressure on remote server? will look it
        • do you have per process core support ? Can the user cherry pick on few process instead all ? With current schema of things with containers seems not possible right now. BRCM will look into it.
        •   Core File Manager 
        Review (Q & A):
        • Can File Manager do automatic analysis on core dumps ? yes 
        • Will it be possible to export only analysis reports to tech support ? yes 
        • Is the Core file uploaded with back traces ? yes
        • Does the systemD increase footprint - little bit 

        On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 10:27 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  10/08/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • Checkout for OCP summit
        • Test sub group will be back next week [mid of OCT]
        • SONiC Document work group - news-letter bi-weekly [end of October]
        • 201908 Code PR reviews - target next 2 weeks.
        • 201908 Code complete - by Oct 31st
        • 201908 QA start - Nov 1st 

        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/24/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • MGMT Framework - BRCM & DELL

        Review (Q & A):
        • List out examples where does the developers/users need transLib hints?
        • W.r.t CVL library, do you have any performance numbers ex: add-del-add config objects work flow ex: vlan ? Do you see any performance hit? what are the improveements?

        On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 9:22 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/24/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • Dynamic Port BreakOut  - LKND 
        • This talk is extension of previous discussion.
        Review (Q & A):
        • Can the design incorporate port groups ? offline discussion with Dell, LKND.
        • Can the design support to add port persona ex: FC/FCoE or Ethernet? 
        • What is the default admin status of fanned out ports ? admin staus is DOWN by default.
        • How does the design guarantee the sequencing of delete/add configurations? 


        On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 9:49 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/17/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • Firmware Utils  - MLNX
        Review (Q & A):
        • Why don't leverage ONIE updater, what is the design rational behind the fwUtils? 
        • What is the significance of chassis? Does Sonic supports multiple chassis?
        • Can the design supports module level installations? 
        • Is the design support remote image path? yes
        • What are the supported methods to download images? remote url http/https
        • What about the image validations ? ex: compatibility between CPLD/BIOS etc..
        • Can user skip/install specific image version using the fwUtils? - you should use it manually [skip the fwUpgrade]
        • Can fwUtils supports scheduling of reloads after component updates? 

        2019 Oct Release 
        Checkout below for release tracking 


        On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 9:10 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/10/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • Drop Counters HLD  - MSFT
        Review (Q & A):
        • Does the design preserve the counters on warm reboots? No
        • Can the design reports the user if the drop counter is not supported with platforms? yes
        • List out the caveats with warm reboot cases. Ex: if the device went wrong after warm reboots, does the drop counters distinguish the failure reasons?
        • Do we have default settings for the debug counters with the device? No
        • Can the design provide any templates for the debug counters to configure it? 
        • Can the lifecycle (ex: clear)of these counters will not effect the existing counters? No
        • Can the design support logical/aggregate debug counters? 
        • Does these counters are ASIC independent? what platforms do you guys cover it?
        • Can this integrate with mgmt framework?


        On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 9:22 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
        • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  9/3/2019.

        Topics discussed
        • BGP Error handling  - BRCM  
        Review (Q & A):
        • Is there any perf impact on disable this feature: No
        • Data shows the RIB-in convergence performance degradation is 44%, it should be linear, but why is 44%? can it be improved? 
        • What is the scope of the QuickTests? Is it covered only happy paths alone? do you have numbers with non-happy path scenarios? 
        • does the QuickTest covers both Ipv4 or Ipv6 ? QuickTest supports mix scenario of ipv4 & ipv6 ? not yet done for pure Ipv6 routes, will be explored.
        • do you have any special handling for default route ? No
        • Does it supports any debug commands check the failed route ? yes
        • What is the reconciliation on daemon crashes (Ex: BGP)- how to reconcile the routes? Please list out the scenarios in HLD.
        • Can this feature turn-off on demand ? is yes, can this affect the system stability? 
        • PR -

        Error Handling - BRCM

        Review (Q & A):
        • Overall framework is thinking about two approaches - 1) Introduce Opaque ID to track the add-delete-add kind of error handling scenarios 2) Introduce an Sync SAI API in addition to current Async SAI API.
        • HLD is out for the community review.


          On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:19 AM MSREDDY P <> wrote:
          • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/27/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • Dynamic Port BreakOut HLD - LNKD 
          Review (Q & A):
          • Can't SONiC query SAI API to fetch the break out capabilities?
          • Generic question : Why breakout support only per interface? why can' t it per device ? Platform's don't allow certain ports due to silicon issues or the feature is not ready to use the breakout port on this relesase
          • Can the breakout feature supports range of ports together? 
          • Can ASIC vendors support breakout on range/group of ports?
          • What does platform vendors do to support this feature?  It seems vendors should provide platforms.ini file.
          • Can this feature support the list of breakout supported to the user? 
          • Can breakout feature enforce lanes and aliases to the sonic application?
          • Why can't we define platform files per HWSKU?  
          • Can this HLD covers Platform LED feature?
          • How about the configuration validations during port-breakout ? Can this integrate with MGMT framework CVL lib? yes.


          • MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/20/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • MC-LAG HLD - Nephos 
          Review (Q & A):
          • Can MC-LAG support on sub-port interfaces?
          • Update scope of L2/L3 MC-LAG in HLD. 
          • Can MCLAG supports multicast? 
          • Do you have scale numbers w.r.t FDB/ARP/Route sync between MC-LAG failures? 
          • How can we isolate the packet flooding between MCLAG vs NON-MCLAG in same broadcast domain? 
          • Update HLD with test cases for MC-LAG failover (link/node level) scenarios?


          MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/13/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • Sonic management framework - BRCM & DELL
          Review (Q & A)
          • Can the click cli co-exists with mgmt-framework ? Yes.
          • Does mgmt framework support existing click cli commands ? yes, click based cli commnads will be migrated to klish based cli.
          • Can the click based cli deprecated ? No
          • Can the mgmt-framework supports the external AAA servers for authentication? pl add details to the HLD.
          • Add AAA auth failure work flow the REST SET work flow?
          • Does the mgmt framework handles the end to end error handling or feedback loop ? No, out of the scope.
          • Why are pulling telemetry container into mgmt container? We don't run multiple gNMI servers in SONIC, and requesting community to rename the sonic-telemetry server and make part of mgmt-framework.
          • Does output of click based CLI will be changed? 
          • Does the mgmt-framework supports the notion of start up config ? 
          • Does the mgmt framework supports the CLI show to reflect the configDB?
          • Can the mgmt-framework supports show running config ?
          • Feature timelines - the scope is proposing the mgmt framework and there will be seperate feature HLDs coming. 

          MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  8/6/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • Sub port interface design - Winda
          Review (Q & A)
          • How sub-port interface different from vlan interface in sonic? Ans: Vlan interface is a bridge port in sonic.
          • Rename dot1Q table ? - Since there is vlan interface table, dot1Q interface table is little confusing, community suggested go with sub-port/interface table.
          • How about separate sub-interface/port manager for sub-port interfaces?
          • Does sub-port feature use sonic-cli/direct native calls ? It uses linux iproute2 calls 
          • Do you expect iproute2 upgrades to support sub-port feature? No 
          • What is the use case of mtu with sub interface? 
          • Can sub-port interface support on port-breakout interfaces? 
          • Do you see any issues with naming convention w.r.t port breakouts & sub-ports?
          • Is there any limit on sub port interfaces? yes, refer scalability section [750 per switch]
          • Few question on sub-port functionality? If the packet entered untagged how does it route to sub-port interface?
          • what is the miss-policy support with sub-port interfaces ? could be dropped - debatable 
          • define behavior untagged and miss policy arrived to physical port? How Sonic process these packets?
          • Can physical & sub port interfaces shared same neighbor table or different ? 
          • Add section to the HLD for cross functional / port properties when port is layer 3/ layer 2 port? 

          • 201908 release - will be delayed 10/2019
          • please send out PR's to sonic mailing lists 
          • OCP Amsterdam [Europe]- End of Sept.

          MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/23/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • Debug framework design spec - BRCM
          Review (Q & A)
          • What is the impact on current show tech dump ? 
          • Can the framework support get the tech dump specified time slice/range ? 
          • Does framework support any schema for debug event triggers ? 
          • Where does this framework run, can user turn off? 
          • Will the framework exports debug data in Json format? 

          MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/16/2019.

          Topics discussed
          • Egress Mirror support and ACL action capability check 
          Review (Q & A)
          • Does this feature backward compatible? Yes [sonic - to -sonic ]
          • Is there any requirement for egress mirroring to have all packet modifications done in the mirrored copy? No such support.
          • What is the behavior if max egress sessions programmed? - Not a requirement 
          • If both ingress/egress enabled on same packet, do we see two mirror copies? Yes, might need a fix around it.
          • Does SONiC has any limit on supporting egress mirror sessions? - depends on ASIC limit
          • Does this design supports truncate the mirrored copy ? Does it a SONiC/SAI spec? Need to check 

          • SONiC Image Build Time Improvements (MLNX)
          Review (Q & A)

          • Is the design use parallel builds? yes, make use of all the cpu threads (12) 
          • How much build time improvements we can see if we discount kernel? - ~1 h (we build linux built in separate thread)
          • How is different Docker build kit from docker natived?- DBK is completely written for docker images and supports isolated users instead multiple users.

            • 201908 release tracking
            • Repurposing the sub-group meetings to design meetings.

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  07/09/2019.

            Topics discussed

            • PDE (Platform Development Environment) /PDDF (Platform Driver Development Framework)- BRCM
            Review (Q&A)
            • Is PDE specific to BRCM chipset? Not necessarily, who ever supoport SAI can use it.
            • What are the interfaces PDE provides for ASIC and platform? PDDF data driven framework (JSON APIs)& existing driver API's
            • Can framework allow vendor extensions ? PDDF supports vendor extensions
            • How to package PDE ?  PDE can be built along with full sonic image & dockers or individual docker
            • Will custom plugins (ex:BMC) could integrate with PDE? yes
            • Can we load PDE into multiple targets? possible 

            • PR reviews ownership - checkout the 201908 release tracking page

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/25/2019.

            Topics discussed

            • VRF design discussion  - Nephos (Jeffrey) 
            Review (Q&A)
            • How does VRF configures in Linux kernel? As of now, though there is a CLI wrapper, SONiC ultimately uses the linux NetLink calls. [Community has some suggestions - Liat may help here with our examples]
            • Questions on config_db migration script on VRF config migration? offline discussions would continue/PR feedback.
            • Design decision behind creating an empty interface INTERFACE|Ethernet0:{} in config_db ? Multiple things, 1) SAI 2) Code complexity behind the resource migration. etc. There is a section in the PR,  feedback can be provided.
            • There is a request on VRF ID adding besides interface name in the next hop? The decision seems we are going with minimal configuration to support the SONiC system design.
            • Can we safely assume VRF design supports later versions of Linux Kernel 4.9? Yes. 
            What next? 
            • PR discussion could be extended to next meeting based on the PR feedback. [Jeffery/Prince]

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/18/2019.

            Topics discussed

            • Error Handling  - BRCM (Santhosh)
            Review (Q&A)
            We had a great discussion, there are lot of inputs from community and here is some. Feel free to add missing comments here.
            • How does framework supports multiple CRUD failures?  
            [Ben]: See below 
            • Do you provide a knob to switch off Error handling feature? Is knob necessary? 
            [Ben]: No knob is necessary. The error handling proposal is a framework that is available for a) implementation of error reporting in SWSS on a feature-by-feature basis and b) application processing of such errors. Both a) and b) are implementation choices that can be made on an feature-by-feature basis. And if an application does not want to process a supported error, then it can just ignore it. 
            • Does the applications get out of order notifications from feedback loop? How to handle in the case of it? Ex: User does create/delete/create and do you expect the error feedback come in order? 
            [Ben]: The specific comment was that the key/values used to refer to APP_DB (or other) in an ERROR_DB report may not be specific enough to distinguish between different error events. The example given (by Nikos) was a route add-withdraw-add case - since the APP_DB table entry may be the same between the 2 adds, then, if there's an error report, how does the application (FRR in this case) know which of the adds failed? We will come back on this point. 
            • What is the design decision behind a new Error DB? Why can't we merge error attributes into APP DB? 
            [Ben]: We thought about both options, and decided that the ERROR_DB gave a bit more flexibility and avoided changing existing application tables. It was not a clear decision, but we see no reason to move away from it. 
            • What is the mechanism to synchronize route CRUD between APP DB vs new Error DB? 
            [Ben]: See above 
            • Is new Error DB is a mirror of APP DB? 
            [Ben]: Not really - but each error table entry points to a corresponding entry in another table (usually APP_DB) 
            • The current design mentioned an approach to stop propagate the failed/error routes to the neighbors? This may not right as per RFC, the routes should propagate though the it failed due to some policy. (Nikos)
            [Ben]: This topic went beyond scope of the framework (#1 above) and into the BGP doc (#2). We will setup a separate offline discussion for this.
            Overall feedback - The feedback loop is necessary to address SAI fatal errors. However the community requested the design should dis associate/de couple the feedback loop  as much as possible so that applications have freedom to react/handle it own way.
            [Ben]: That's exactly how it's setup today. 
            one option suggested - Framework should more generic and should accommodate opaque error context for the applications. 
            [Ben]: This is a different topic - see above ("The specific comment was that the key/values ....")

            Xin will extend an offline discussion on this topic, stay tuned.

            • SONiC Release 201908 tracking page - Xin can you post the link
            • Action Item for community - Signup for PR reviews

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  06/04/2019.

            Topics discussed
            • STP/PVST - Sandeep (BRCM)
            Q & A 
            • Can this STP feature compile time disabled? BRCM will explore this (compile time/run time options to disable/enable STP/PVST feature)
            • Warm reboot not supported for PVST? Community requested more details need to be added to design 
            • Multiple questions what is the design decision on why  STP states are not programming to Kernel?   Few questions: 1) With the current STP design - the STP states are not populating in kernel, ASIC and Kernel will be out of sync, what is the downside ?  2) Let's say Port/Vlan is not blocking in the kernel, but is blocked in ASIC, then what is the behavior with arp/ping/ospf in this scenarios ?  BRCM should document the scenarios.
            • Community requested to document the ASIC and Kernel out of sync scenarios - AI BRCM
            • There should be no drop if HW says forwarding? yes
            • Is there mechanism to program the states in to Kernel ? BRCM to explore on it
            • If the trap is configured on port which is blocked does the packet comes to CPU? yes, based on the trap configurations.
            • When port is blocked in HW, what are the packets should send? - HW shouldn't block L2 packets/LACP exchanges but drop L3 packets.
            • Can COPP program to trap to cpu ? Yes

            • HLD on NAT  - Kiran Kella (BRCM)

            Q & A 
            • Does it support payload/embedded headers (ALGs- application level gateways) support ? Not right now.
            • Continue discussion next sub group meeting. 
            • Next sub group meetings HLD on NAT, SFLow 

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC SUB GROUP call  05/28/2019.

            Topics discussed:
            • Status on MLAG Design discussions - Nephos Team

            Q & A 
            • Does this solution addressed L3 MLAG alone? Both L3 and L2. It seems L2 MLAG HLD need some updates.
            • Does MCLAG supports MulitCast? Nephos team will update the HLD with all the use-cases and missing pieces.
            • When is the next meeting to discuss on MCLAG ? June 11th
            • Community requested Nephos team for Updated MCLAG HLD before Jun 11th. 

            Action Items/Announcements
            • Will it be possible to discuss other than MCLAG in SUB Group calls ? Yes. Xin we will work and adjust to the cadence
            • Community requested to include/Update User Scenarios in HLDs for review
            • Ben Gale (BRCM) will propose on MCLAG next few weeks. 
            • Request community to review below MCLAG PR before next sub group meeting (06/11/2019)
            • Here is the PR and design presentation
              1.  MCLAG video -
              2.  MCLAG PR -

            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/21/2019.

            Topics discussed
            • L2 - FDB/MAC enhancements - Anil (Broadcom)

            Q & A 
            • FDB aging per device ? yes 
            • Does FDB aging support per sec ? yes 
            • Can MAC aging support per port and VLAN ? Anil will add support to the proposal 
            • Design on restrict the warning logs on VLAN range feature support? Broadcom will consider this in the proposal [Aggregated log etc.]
            • Does this feature need  SAI support from vendors ? (no new SAI attributes), Broadcom will list SAI APIs using it currently for this feature.
            • How does Vlan range updates implemented? vlan range being consolidated at config_db and apply down to the hardware in single shot, no deletes and adds.
            • Do we have FDB type in the fdb entry ? yes [static vs dynamic] and will be displayed in show commands
            • How does FDB optimizations on topo/STP event flush ? out side of ASIC, in the case of broadcom flushes are quick.  
            • How does system wide fdb flush ? It should handled by SAI, by go over all the ports and Vlans, vendor specific. 
            • Community ask on MAC aging & MAC move scale numbers? Broadcom will add into the proposal 

            • BFD - Sumit Agarwal (Broadcom)
            Q & A 

            • Discussed on BFD implementations phase 1  & Phase 2. 
            • In BFD Phase-1 : BFD is part of BGP docker
            • In BFD Phase 2 : BFD will implement in Hardware. 
            • Can SONiC Users turn off if they don't want? yes through compile time, but community suggested don't run default, provide CLI to enable it.
            • How BFD works with warm reboots ? 1) planned warm reboot, users can update the BFD timers upfront 2) unplanned warm reboot BFD session will timeout before BGP timeouts. 
            • Can configure/control BFD timeouts on remote Bgp peers? Question from Nikos. Need discussion more.

            • More design reviews lineup for Aug 2019.
            • Provide feedbacks on PRs 
            • Watch out for bi weekly meeting on design proposals and reviews.
            MoM of today's OCP SONiC call  05/07/2019.

            Topics discussed
            • SONiC 201908 release Planning - 05/07/2019

            Q & A 
            • Need code review support for multi-db performance improvements - MSFT & AVIZ Networks
            • What is the scope of Error handling mechanism work by BRCM  - It covers SAI error surfacing and handling
            • What is the scope of Configuration validations - Open for design, current scope is use syslog mechanism to propagate the config errors.
            • What is the VRF feature planned in SONiC? it is VRF lite support not the MPLS. 
            • Do we have plan for multi-tenancy VPN with VRF feature? No, that would be handles separately.
            • When is the VRF lite design review - Expected 5/21
            • What is the ETA for dynamic breakout - Xin will work with LNKD
            • For dynamic breakout, is it possible to get ASIC vendor ETA ? Xin will talk to ASIC vendors [an ETA early July would help to test it]
            • Do we have a list of platform APIs ? refer PMON APIs
            • How to earn OCP credits for companies - Checkout the OCP website for how to get credits to such as software contributions etc.
            • Is sub-port feature is same as sub-interface ? yes 
            • What kind of features run on sub-port? No HLD yet, Jipan will come back with HLD on this
            • Can we have small description on sub-port ? Xin will work with Alibaba
            • When is the SAI proposal on sFlow? Dell working on the SAI proposal for sFlow and will send for design review.

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            Sep 15, 2021, 12:25:04 AM9/15/21
            to MS Reddy,, sonicproject, Michael Schill, Xin Liu (CLOUD)
            One correction on this: Proposed 202111 release HLD review deadline – Oct 1st, 2021

            From: <> On Behalf Of MS Reddy
            Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 6:37 PM
            Cc: sonicproject <>; Michael Schill <>; Xin Liu (CLOUD) <>
            Subject: [SONiC] MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 9/14/2021

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 9/14/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            ECMP Overlay BFD support - Prince / MSFT

            1. Does this feature support BUM traffic ? No - Since Vnet routes are based on unicast routes, it supports Unicast only.
            2. Does the feature support control plan BFD / FRR BFD ? No, this BFD offload to ASIC
            3. What is the motivation/use case endpoint monitor ip is different from the actual endpoint running BFD ? The use case is - There are devices support data vs control plane on different ports for monitor purpose
            4. Can the design support query ASIC BFD capabilities before writing the BFD session ? could be possible, will add into the HLD
            5. Can the control plan & hardware offload BFD coexists on the same device ? yes/No - Need to brainstorm complexity - Will split the HLD into two, one dedicated to BFD to describe all the scenarios.
            6. What are the default BFD timers used for offload ? WIll be included into HLD
            7. Is there any global session bfd table for default values? No
            8. Community suggested to have BFD into a separate HLD ? Ex: coexistence may cause issues, need to discuss more in details
            9. How about end user CLI to control BFD session either hardware offload or FRR BFD ? Next phase
            10. Do you have a BFD state db schema mapped to the Rfc BFD schema ? Will be included in HLD
            11. How do handle or notify BFD sessions from HW?
            12. Is it possible to remove BFD routes from the ECMP group ? yes, vNetOrch
            13. PR is out, please leave comments here -

            General Comments

            * SUggest that use HLD PR as tracking PRs for related Code PRs. REference - -
            * 202111 feature release Deadline - Oct 1st
            * Some features will be delayed to next release - No list yet identified
            * Feature owners with HLD ready - if you want to schedule the review - reach out

            Yanzhao Zhang



            On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 7:25 AM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 8/31/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            SHow Running Command Enhancement - - EdgeCore/MaxChen

            1. What are the use cases of this feature ? Customers familiar with CISCO like CLI, goal is to make it more convenient or trivial to understand the current running command .
            2. How does the design handle the maintainability of these improvements?
            3. How does Yang show the running command ?
            4. It looks like manual work, shouldn't it be duplicated to the sonic-mgmt-framework which is yang driven/auto generated? >> Not really!
            5. PR is out, please leave comments here -

            Routed Subinterfaces Enhancement - Preetham/BRCM

            1. What are the use cases of shorter sub interface naming ?
            2. Why does it required to bring in the short names? >> Kernel naming limited to 15.
            3. Where do you store the mapping short to long name child to parent ?
            4. Suggestion - for consistency reason keep vlan interface mandate.
            5. Is this config change only for routed subinterfaces ? How do they differentiate ?
            6. There must be a short name convention in SONiC already, is this design considered that?
            7. Why can't this short vs long name conversion hide in intrfaceMgrD? >> it looks like the changes are widespread
            8. PR is out for review - please leave comments here -



            On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 8:31 PM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 8/24/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            SAG - Static Anycast Gateway - EdgeCore/MaxChen

            1. Is the SAG feature enabled by default? >> No, the feature is default disabled.
            2. Why do I need a knob for SAG? >> Please list down in HLD sections, is there any implications for taking care in data path handling of SAG vs macvlan interfaces.
            3. Unless it's absolutely necessary, it's not required to have a global knob. A global knob will introduce a lot of complexity and cases to handle. >> So is it necessary to have a knob for SAG?? can the gateway & ip address list can't be sufficient ? >> It seems to be true.
            4. SagMgrD is not required when we plan to use SVI instead of maxvlan interfaces.
            5. Is there my hardware resource limit on SAG interfaces ? can it be referred to in CRM?
            6. Please list down what are the complexities when SAG is enabled along with SVI/macvlan interfaces in data path routing?
            7. CLI SAG command can be part of interface command.
            8. PR is out - <>

            Show running enhancement - EdgeCore


            General comments

            1. Feature owners speed up as the deadline approaches

            2. Test quality is highest important for Community Features



            On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 9:45 AM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 8/17/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            PINS - P4 Integrated Network Stack - Google/Intel/ONF

            1. Why don't the design leverage the existing Error DB framework for feedback loop? >> It seems the PINS team is closely working on the Error framework team to address the gaps.
            2. Is this design different from FlexSAI ? Using PINS, you can model the entire SAI pipeline, not the case with FlexSAI
            3. What are the advantages of exposing the entire SAI pipeline using PINS? >>> we can do Fuzzing, Automation testing the entire pipeline being exposed.
            4. What kind of intelligence does the design provide to the applications in terms of network/application/resource errors? >> there is new HLD work in progress.
            5. What is the plan to support vendor SAI extensions? Can vendors SAI extension be added without recompiling libSAI? >> yes, HLD described it
            6. How does the design handle the missing redis pub/sub response path / notifications ?
            7. How about the PINS migration plan in terms of software upgrades vs ASIC upgrades? >>>Please add a section in HLD.
            8. Can this design work on packet I/O performance improvement? >> So far, the numbers are promising, and will be looked into.
            9. Can admins run SONiC without P4RT? yes.
            10. PR is out for review, please provide comments offline -



            On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 6:33 PM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 8/10/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            SONiC_SFP_refactoring HLD - Arista/MSFT

            1. How does the design support backward compatibility of existing sfp modules ?
            2. What are the guidelines for Vendors to implement the common sfp refactor packages? Please list out few examples for vendors to embrace it
            3. Can the design provide sfp data as Dict including all the sfp fields?
            4. PR is out for review please leave comments here -

            What next:

            * Routed Subinterface Enhancement HLD review by Preetham Singh from BRCM – 30 mins


            * PINS Main HLD review by Bhagat Janarthannan and team from Google, Intel, ONF – 30 mins

            * SONiC/ at pins-hld · pins/SONiC ( <>



            On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 1:19 PM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 8/03/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            * Class based Forwarding HLD - MSFT /Tom
            * Here is the PR to provide review comments -
            * Q & A

            1. How does any SONiC user consume this feature? What is the plan? How to enable this feature
            3. Is the regularSONiC release not enabled by default? yes Tom please confirm
            4. It doesn't provide any CLI and asks users directly to play around with app_db tables. What is the guidance? Please list down the instructions in the HLD section
            5. Shouldn't the design be limited to the number of FC ? platform specific
            6. Can it be the DSCP values more than FC values right? Yes, it is
            7. Can the design expose the DSCP/EXP values to applications? yes
            8. Is there any plan to introduce click commands / CLI ? >>> Tom
            9. A separate table for DSCP_to_FC, and refer to those table names in CLASS_BASED_NEXT_HOP_GROUP_TABLE ?



            On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 5:02 PM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 7/27/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            1. Tech support dump improvements - Nvidia (Vivek) - Please share the HLD here
            2. Q & A - How does it handle if the device end up with continuous coredumps? Is there way to ship the core files external?
            3. 202111 release plan (HLD & Code PR's reviewers)- will be posted shortly by Yanzhao Zhang
            4. July 23 - call for Paper OCP / OCP website to submit abstract - Select Networking Track - <>
            5. OCP Updates for call for papers.



            On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 8:58 AM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 7/13/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            1. 202111 release plan (HLD & Code PR's reviewers)- will be posted shortly by Yanzhao Zhang
            2. July 23 - call for Paper OCP / OCP website to submit abstract - Select Networking Track - <>
            3. Paper Selection - Aug



            On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 8:59 AM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 6/22/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            1. 202106 release status & discussed code & PR status
            2. Wiki will be posted shortly.
            3. 202106 release cut - 06/30



            On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 8:55 AM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 6/15/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            CMIS-C-CMIS [Coherent - Common Management Interface] - Chuan Qin/MSFT

            1. What is the goal of CMIS? >>>It is to configure and monitor optics/ transceivers.
            2. Why do need a special daemon, shouldn't be used xrvd or transceiver? .>> It is extending the xrvd
            3. How does SONiC consume these interfaces? Is it REst interface or CLI? will be discussed
            4. What are the plans to integrate with SONIC, need more detailed steps w.r.t CMIS interfaces as well as CMD firmware upgrades?
            5. It would be very helpful if there would be a list of APIs which need to be implemented by vendors and how these are used. We are looking to understand which daemons are using it, CLI, etc.

            General updates

            202106 release updates

            202111 release planning

            Few timelines

            * 202111 feature contribution submission end by 6/25/2021

            * 202111 feature roadmap review in community on 7/6/2021

            * 202111 release roadmap finalization 7/15/2021



            On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 8:42 AM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 6/01/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            SAI Failure Handling - Shi-su

            * Can this design extend the error feedback loop to CLI? not in the scope - Shi will come back on it.
            * Can this design work only with app_db or can be extended to other db's as well? It could, not in the scope.
            * How does it work in conjunction with multi redis db?
            * There is Error handling HLD out in the community, please make sure this design should be augmented to it.
            * What is the life cycle of error db entries? How do the entries be consumed and cleaned up?
            * PR is out for review -



            On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 8:41 AM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 5/18/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            Sonic Dump Utility - Vivek from NVDA

            * Can this HLD support multi ASIC DB? yes. Need VS image to test the utility, please share a multi ASIC VS image to NVDA team.
            * Can this utility be used for counters db? yes.
            * Is there a code PR raised? Not yet.
            * How is this utility different from redis-dump tools ?
            * HLD PR is out for review -



            On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 5:41 PM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 5/11/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            SRv6 HLD - Houdi from Alibaba + Intel

            * How did you arrive at this requirement ex: SRv6 sidList per Policy = 4 ? Is this specific to Alibaba deployment?
            * How deep can transit nodes be ? Why is this limited to 3 in HLD? - Again, deployment specific - more headers results in SRH header compression.
            * How does the design support tying up the policy with routes? right now it supports policy tie up with prefixes. can be enhanced.
            * The workflow diagram is a little confusing, needs an update and should discuss it once again - pl focus on w.r.t ownership of the route data and who does what modifications + in terms of consumers/producers.
            * Alibaba/Intel will share the PR for review...



            On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 6:52 PM Madhu Pal < <> > wrote:

            Hi Srinadh,

            Please find answers line:



            On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 1:27 PM <> < <> > wrote:

            I would like to understand more about "Don't overload stateDB for events & alarms? It should be advised to use separate redis DB for events & alarms?" comment. Appreciate some responses from the community. I hope I am using the right channel.

            Eventd is planning to use stateDB to house event history table, alarm table and stats tables. They get updated every time an event/alarm is raised.

            These tables are of fixed size: event history table size is customizable with maximum size being 40k or time limit of 30 days - at which time, eventd deletes older records. Stats table is of fixed size with a handful of records. Alarm table only contains a record when an alarm is raised and record is removed when the alarm is cleared.

            How does stateDB gets overloaded?

            Madhu>> As the operational data stored in state db today, by adding events, alarms and stats (frequent data) into it makes state db easily out of limits. In addition to that a software (eventD open source)/design flaw makes it worse. Unlike APP_DB, State DB is more read friendly, more writes/updates due to events/alarms/stats become performane issues? Btw, do you get a chance to estiamte on state DB with new data / what is plan to mesure performance of state db with ne data writes?

            Is it because of db writes? OR 40k for history table is too much in a DB?

            Madhu>> Today each redis instansce setup with multile redis db's ex: APP_DB, STATE_DB etc.. Not 100% sure REDIS memory limits and how does it set for each redis db or any redis profile?? MSFT team can help on this.

            Using serparate redis DB means, I need to create a new redis instance and create a DB with that insance? OR create a DB off existing redis, redis2, redis3 instances?

            Madhu>>I'd suggest to use new redis db similar to state db ex: event db or altogether new redis instance (redis1, redis2 - ) ex:

            On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 09:15:18 PM PDT, MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 4/27/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            Event & Alarm Framework HLD- Srinath - Dell

            * How does the design handle an alarm storm ? event cache
            * Which component does the event Cache? events
            * What is the plan to upstream fixes into eventD?
            * What exactly does eventD do? Why can't this be done with redis DB + lua scripts ?
            * PR is out for review -

            Generalizing config.bcm support all brcm platforms - BRCM

            * Who will maintain the common config file? BRCM
            * How does the design handle ODM config files vs common config file?
            * PR is out for review -



            On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:42 PM MS Reddy < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 4/20/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            Event & Alarm Framework HLD- Srinath - Dell

            * Is this HLD supports SONiC CLi? No, It is supported by mgmt-framework.
            * Why can't current syslog be utilized or enhanced?
            * What is the motivation choosing eventD?
            * How does this HLD integrate with Thermal design HLD which has similar eventing.
            * How does this design handle event re-ordering? What suggestions if the events are out of order?
            * Don't overload stateDB for events & alarms? It should be advised to use separate redis DB for events & alarms?
            * How does the design handle the life cycle of an event/alarm? What are the eviction policies enforced on to the DB?
            * Advised to use dynamic json event profile instead of using a static map?
            * PR is out for review -
            * Review will be continued..



            On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 9:15 AM MS Reddy via <> < <> > wrote:

            * MoM of today's OCP SONiC call 4/13/2021.

            Topics discussed.

            Policy based Hashing - Nvidia

            * How does the design calculate hash resources ? There is no SAI API to calculate this. Please add a comment in the HLD.
            * How does CRM resources handled with PbH?
            * When port is part of the LAG, how does PbH rules PhB table - User/Orch agent should pass LAG to ASIC. - Validation should be taken care of in application.
            * Add data flow sequence diagram explains the precedence or out of order handling of hash vs rule ?