neuron 神經元 and 和 What's So Great About Casablanca?

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Apr 1, 2017, 11:37:50 PM4/1/17
to Songbook
 On Saturday, April  1, 2017 at 8:37:45 PM UTC-7, Howard wrote:
    All neurons are electrically excitable, maintaining voltage gradients
    across their membranes by means of metabolically driven ion pumps, 
    which combine with ion channels embedded in the membrane to generate
    intracellular-versus-extracellular concentration differences of ions
    such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium. Changes in 
    the cross-membrane voltage can alter the function of voltage-dependent
    ion channels. If the voltage changes by a large enough amount,
    an all-or-none electrochemical pulse called an action potential
    is generated, which travels rapidly along the cell's axon, and
    activates synaptic connections with other cells when it arrives.

    In most cases, neurons are generated by special types of stem cells.
    Neurons in the adult brain generally do not undergo cell division.
    Astrocytes are star-shaped glial cells that have also been observed
    to turn into neurons by virtue of the stem cell characteristic pluripotency.
    Neurogenesis largely ceases during adulthood in most areas of the brain.
However, there is strong evidence for generation of substantial numbers of
   new neurons in two brain areas, the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. 

   Ask the Professor: What's So Great About Casablanca?
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