How can we set the Github plugin only report changed line issues

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Benjamin Liu

Nov 16, 2016, 12:20:46 AM11/16/16
to SonarQube
For developer, they only want the plugin reports changed line issues. But now, the developer get all of the issues of the changed files(include the won't fix issues).

SonarQube: 5.6.1
GitHub plugin: 1.3

G. Ann Campbell

Nov 16, 2016, 10:02:21 AM11/16/16
to SonarQube

Please don't cross-post here and on


Benjamin Liu

Nov 17, 2016, 3:39:33 AM11/17/16
to SonarQube
Already removed from StackOverflow, any advice about my question?

Julien HENRY

Nov 18, 2016, 9:01:40 AM11/18/16
to SonarQube
Hi Benjamin,

We are already limiting to report issues on changed files. Many issues can appear because of a change that was made on another line (complexity, NPE, not used variable). So limiting issues to changed lines only would be the best way to miss a lot of useful issues.



Nov 21, 2016, 9:42:22 AM11/21/16
to SonarQube
Hi Julien,

Thanks a lot for your reply! 

Another question is that we found the Github plugin will not ignore won't fix issues. Even we marked some issues as won't fix on the SonarQube server, but it will still report by Github plugin.

Is that by design or some params I need to config in my local?


On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 10:01:40 PM UTC+8, Julien HENRY wrote:
Hi Benjamin,

We are already limiting to report issues on changed files. Many issues can appear because oft a change that was made on another line (complexity, NPE, not used variable). So limiting issues to changed lines only would be the best way to miss a lot of useful issues.

Julien HENRY

Nov 22, 2016, 4:11:11 AM11/22/16
to SonarQube,

This is supposed to work in most cases as long as you configure your P/R analysis to use the same project key (including sonar.branch) as the reference project on your SonarQube server. Known limitations are mostly file rename / folder move.



Liu Benjamin

Nov 22, 2016, 10:05:43 AM11/22/16
to Julien HENRY, SonarQube
Hi Julien,

I just set sonar.projectKey in my P/R analysis, I do not set sonar.branch. 

Is the key sonar.branch required in my P/R analysis?


Julien HENRY

Nov 22, 2016, 10:11:55 AM11/22/16
to Liu Benjamin, SonarQube

2016-11-22 16:05 GMT+01:00 Liu Benjamin <>:
I just set sonar.projectKey in my P/R analysis, I do not set sonar.branch. 

Is the key sonar.branch required in my P/R analysis?

It is not required to use sonar.branch. But if you set it for your regular analysis (the one that is published on your SonarQube server) then you also have to set it when doing P/R analysis.

Liu Benjamin

Nov 25, 2016, 1:56:02 AM11/25/16
to Julien HENRY, SonarQube
Hi Julien,

It seems the issue tracked by the code line, if the line has been changed, the won’t fix issues will be reported as new issue. Is that right?


On Nov 22, 2016, at 5:11 PM, Julien HENRY <> wrote:

Julien HENRY

Nov 25, 2016, 2:40:54 AM11/25/16
to Liu Benjamin, SonarQube

Not sure I understand correctly, but even if line is modified, the algorithm is able to detect it is the same issue than the one that was marked "won't fix". If the code was changed too much (including preceding and following lines) then in some rare occasion it may fail to match.

Is it working in most cases and only rarely fail? Or do you notice that "won't fix" issues are always reported in your P/R? In the first case we would need a lot of details (previous source code, new code, rule key) to reproduce/investigate. In the second case I advocate for a configuration issue.



Liu Benjamin

Nov 27, 2016, 11:00:56 PM11/27/16
to Julien HENRY, SonarQube
Hi Julien,

After test with some pull request, the won’t fix issues will be always reported with line changed, even the change is only add new code line.

Below is my configuration & and scan log, please help me to check if anything wrong in it. Thanks a lot! 
BTW: From the log, I found all of the file will be analyzed, not only the changed files in the pull request. Is it function as design?









03:11:28 INFO: Scanner configuration file: /home/ubuntu/SonarQube/sonar-scanner/sonar-scanner/conf/
03:11:28 INFO: Project root configuration file: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/
03:11:28 INFO: SonarQube Scanner 2.8
03:11:28 INFO: Java 1.8.0_45-internal Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
03:11:28 INFO: Linux 3.2.0-69-virtual amd64
03:11:29 INFO: User cache: /home/ubuntu/.sonar/cache
03:11:30 INFO: Load global repositories
03:11:30 INFO: Load global repositories (done) | time=157ms
03:11:30 INFO: User cache: /home/ubuntu/.sonar/cache
03:11:30 INFO: Exclude plugins: devcockpit, buildstability, pdfreport, report, scmstats, buildbreaker, views, jira
03:11:30 INFO: Load plugins index
03:11:30 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=4ms
03:11:30 INFO: SonarQube server 5.6.1
03:11:30 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8"
03:11:31 INFO: Process project properties
03:11:31 INFO: Load project repositories
03:11:31 INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=215ms
03:11:32 INFO: Execute project builders
03:11:33 INFO: Starting analysis of pull request:*********/pull/5292
03:11:34 INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=1904ms
03:11:34 INFO: Load quality profiles
03:11:34 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=21ms
03:11:34 INFO: Load active rules
03:11:34 INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=432ms
03:11:34 INFO: Issues mode
03:11:34 INFO: Scanning only changed files
03:11:34 INFO: -------------  Scan ***** (Java Code)
03:11:34 INFO: Language is forced to java
03:11:34 INFO: Load server rules
03:11:35 INFO: Load server rules (done) | time=113ms
03:11:35 INFO: Base dir: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR
03:11:35 INFO: Working dir: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar
03:11:35 INFO: Source paths: .
03:11:35 INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
03:11:35 INFO: Index files
03:11:35 INFO: Excluded sources: 
03:11:35 INFO:   integration_test_suite/**/*.java
03:11:35 INFO:   **/src/test/**
03:11:35 INFO:   test_utils/**/*.java
03:11:35 INFO:   polyglot.ruby/src/main/resources/ruby/gems/**/*.java
03:11:35 INFO:   **/target/**
03:11:35 INFO:**
03:11:41 INFO: 1651 files indexed
03:11:41 INFO: 23079 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
03:11:41 INFO: Quality profile for java: JAVA
03:11:42 WARN: ----------------------------------------------------------------
03:11:42 WARN: Sonargraph Integration: Skipping project ******* (Java Code) [org.*******.*****:java], since no Sonargraph rules are activated in current SonarQube quality profile [JAVA].
03:11:42 WARN: ----------------------------------------------------------------
03:11:43 INFO: Sensor JavaSquidSensor
03:11:43 INFO: Configured Java source version ( none
03:11:43 INFO: JavaClasspath initialization
03:11:49 INFO: JavaClasspath initialization (done) | time=6532ms
03:11:49 INFO: JavaTestClasspath initialization
03:11:49 WARN: Bytecode of dependencies was not provided for analysis of test files, you might end up with less precise results. Bytecode can be provided using property
03:11:49 INFO: JavaTestClasspath initialization (done) | time=0ms
03:11:50 INFO: Java Main Files AST scan
03:11:50 INFO: 1651 source files to be analyzed
Will analyze all of the 1651 source files one by one **************************************************************************
03:34:59 INFO: Java Main Files AST scan (done) | time=1389110ms
03:34:59 INFO: 1651/1651 source files have been analyzed
03:34:59 INFO: Java Test Files AST scan
03:34:59 INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
03:34:59 INFO: Java Test Files AST scan (done) | time=0ms
03:34:59 INFO: Sensor JavaSquidSensor (done) | time=1396208ms
03:34:59 INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
03:34:59 INFO: Sensor Sonar-Sonargraph-Plugin [3.5]
03:34:59 INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------
03:34:59 INFO: Sonargraph: Skipping project ****** (Java Code) [org.***********.***:java], since no Sonargraph rules are activated in current SonarQube quality profile.
03:34:59 INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------
03:34:59 INFO: Sensor Sonar-Sonargraph-Plugin [3.5] (done) | time=2ms
03:34:59 INFO: Sensor CheckstyleSensor
03:34:59 INFO: Execute Checkstyle 6.12.1...
03:34:59 INFO: Checkstyle configuration: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar/checkstyle.xml
03:34:59 INFO: Checkstyle charset: UTF-8
03:35:07 INFO: Execute Checkstyle 6.12.1 done: 7920 ms
03:35:07 INFO: Sensor CheckstyleSensor (done) | time=7926ms
03:35:07 INFO: Sensor FindBugs Sensor
03:35:09 INFO: Loading findbugs plugin: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar/findbugs/fb-contrib.jar
03:35:09 INFO: Loading findbugs plugin: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar/findbugs/findsecbugs-plugin.jar
03:35:09 INFO: Findbugs output report: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar/findbugs-result.xml
03:35:18 WARN: The class 'com.******.core.webapp.RouterCallable$RouterCallableResult' could not be matched to its original source file. It might be a dynamically generated class.
03:35:18 WARN: The class 'com.******.core.webapp.RouterCallable$RouterCallableResult' could not be matched to its original source file. It might be a dynamically generated class.
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor FindBugs Sensor (done) | time=11539ms
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor SurefireSensor
03:35:18 INFO: parsing /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/target/surefire-reports
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor SurefireSensor (done) | time=1ms
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoSensor
03:35:18 INFO: JaCoCoSensor: JaCoCo report not found : /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/target/jacoco.exec
03:35:18 INFO: Project coverage is set to 0% as no JaCoCo execution data has been dumped: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/target/jacoco.exec
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoSensor (done) | time=89ms
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoItSensor
03:35:18 INFO: JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/target/jacoco-it.exec
03:35:18 INFO: Project coverage is set to 0% as no JaCoCo execution data has been dumped: /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/target/jacoco-it.exec
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoItSensor (done) | time=27ms
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoOverallSensor
03:35:18 INFO: JaCoCoOverallSensor: JaCoCo reports not found.
03:35:18 INFO: Analysing /home/ubuntu/workspace/Create3_TPR/.sonar/jacoco-overall.exec
03:35:18 INFO: No information about coverage per test.
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoOverallSensor (done) | time=29ms
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor XmlFileSensor
03:35:18 INFO: Sensor XmlFileSensor (done) | time=13ms
03:35:18 INFO: Load server issues
03:35:20 INFO: Load server issues (done) | time=1496ms
03:35:20 INFO: Performing issue tracking
03:35:21 INFO: 1924/1924 components tracked
03:35:21 INFO: Executing post-job GitHub Pull Request Issue Publisher


On Nov 25, 2016, at 3:40 PM, Julien HENRY <> wrote:


Julien HENRY

Nov 28, 2016, 3:25:03 AM11/28/16
to Liu Benjamin, SonarQube
Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for the log. It seems to prove that your project key configuration is correct. Now can you try to call this URL from your web browser:
https://<your SQ server>/batch/project?key=<your project key>&issues_mode=true

the project key should be the one you passed to sonar.projectKey (ie org.***.***:java).

You should receive a JSON response. Please check that you get one entry per file with a non empty value for the "hash" attribute. This is what is used to determine if a file is changed or not.

For example, on one of our project, we get:
Images intégrées 1

Do you have any process that would locally change the files and make SonarQube consider them all as changed? For example I remember someone having a script that would insert the commit id in every file header.



2016-11-28 5:00 GMT+01:00 Liu Benjamin <>:
Hi Julien,

After test with some pull request, the won’t fix issues will be always reported with line changed, even the change is only add new code line.

Below is my configuration & and scan log, please help me to check if anything wrong in it. Thanks a lot! 
BTW: From the log, I found all of the file will be analyzed, not only the changed files in the pull request. Is it function as design?




Liu Benjamin

Nov 28, 2016, 3:43:13 AM11/28/16
to Julien HENRY, SonarQube
Hi Julien,

I checked with our sonar server, the following is the response, only missed revision property:

  "timestamp": 0,
  "settingsByModule": {},
  "fileDataByModuleAndPath": {
    "org.***.***:java": {
      "****/****/****.java": {
        "hash": "ac8c510cd47e74dd0fb597e35965af33"
      "****/****/****.java": {
        "hash": "df4bc9a4765a6483d4c23febe88b2dc1"
      "****/****/****.java": {
        "hash": "760a58a3c2f7e9b95da6320ff36960ad"
  "lastAnalysisDate": 1480321689974

And I also checked our jenkins job workspace&script(the PR scan runs by jenkins job), all of the changed files do not include any useless change.

BTW, our SonarQube version is 5.6.1 and Github plugin version is 1.3.


On Nov 28, 2016, at 4:24 PM, Julien HENRY <> wrote:

Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for the log. It seems to prove that your project key configuration is correct. Now can you try to call this URL from your web browser:
https://<your SQ server>/batch/project?key=<your project key>&issues_mode=true

the project key should be the one you passed to sonar.projectKey (ie org.***.***:java).

You should receive a JSON response. Please check that you get one entry per file with a non empty value for the "hash" attribute. This is what is used to determine if a file is changed or not.

For example, on one of our project, we get:

Julien HENRY

Nov 28, 2016, 4:14:47 AM11/28/16
to Liu Benjamin, SonarQube
In theory the "revision" attribute is not used in preview mode. But I'm wondering if this could not be an evidence of a deeper issue.

Could you please do the following test:
  - temporarily change your main analysis job to analyze your project in a branch (-Dsonar.branch=test-pr-analysis) -> this should create a new project on your SQ server with key org.***.***:java:test-pr-analysis
  - also update your pull request analysis job to use the sonar.branch=test-pr-analysis

Check if that work on this branched analysis (ie if only changed files are analyzed).



Nov 22, 2017, 9:11:43 PM11/22/17
to SonarQube
Sorry Julien, but I have a burning question. Why do you need to do all these hashes comparison for every file to determine which ones changed?
You already have the pull request, why not just get the list of updated files from the pull request itself?
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