Console report is deprecated? (SonarQube 5.6)

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Andreas Mandel

Jun 29, 2016, 5:59:01 AM6/29/16
to SonarQube

we use SonarQube local analysis with a html report to send feedback to developers for short lived topic branches (feature / hotfix / ...)

Currently we evaluating the Update to SQ 5.6.

We call the analysis from Jenkins with the additional parameters

-Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true

the analysis works fine and the html report is generated but i get:

[WARNING] HTML report is deprecated. Use SonarLint CLI to have local reports of issues

When checking I see that this is by far not a valid replacement for the current result in many aspects.

With more and more projects using short lived branches we plan to extend the usage of this html-report, but now I'm a bit shocked after several changes in this area (coming from
the Issues Report plugin) seeing this being deprecated.

May I ask how the plans are in regard to the html report?

Kind Regards,

Jun 29, 2016, 9:59:23 AM6/29/16
to SonarQube
In our case we're using the SonarQube GitHub plugin to give the result of the preview analysis as comments on the pull request. That includes all the actual issues.
If you're using GitHub, that might be a good solution.

Andreas Mandel

Jun 29, 2016, 10:55:31 AM6/29/16
to SonarQube,

thanks for the hint. We also have a good solution for projects using Gerrit where we use the Sonar Gerrit plugin to feed the issues into Gerrit. But still we have projects that do not use a review tool, where we use the html-report.

Kind Regards,

Julien HENRY

Jun 29, 2016, 3:43:52 PM6/29/16
to SonarQube,

We are aware that SonarLint for Command Line is not ready to replace the html/console report feature. We will work on that in the coming weeks to reach same level as other SonarLint flavors (ie have connected mode).

Then we'll still miss issue tracking (ie match current issues with issues of the previous analysis, in order to decide what are new/resolved issues and also to map previous status like won't fix or false positive). We are convinced we need the second part: issues marked as FP/WF on server side should stay muted in SonarLint as far as possible.

Regarding "new" issue flag, this part is more controversial, we are still discussing options.

BTW you can continue to use issues report if you need it. The feature will only be dropped when there will be a proper alternative, and should not be before 7.0 according to our deprecation strategy.



Andreas Mandel

Jun 30, 2016, 2:32:37 AM6/30/16
to SonarQube,
Hi Julien,

thanks for picking this up.

I see. For me reaching the SonarLint level is not enough currently you loose a lot of Analyzers that worked nicely before and as you name it, having the same filters etc. is key. Otherwise we are back where we started from - executing independent standalone Analyzers (FindBugs, PMD, Checkstyle, FXCop, ...) within the CI build (and IDE) - without a central repository. 

Good to hear that the deprecation of the report will not be a fast one. (This happened differently with other features) I'd pfeffere to have complete replacement of a feature before deprecating the existing one, but this is not me to decide.

Kind Regards,
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