Differences between running analysis with sonar-scanner and running analysis with Scanner-Msbuild

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May 23, 2018, 2:47:17 PM5/23/18
to SonarQube
Hello fellows, 

I have some kind of mix projects that involves 

C# framework 4.6
C# dotnet

(please, do not ask why)

I am wiling to perform analysis of them, I tried with both scanners, but so far, I do not see any difference in the results.

I try to check some of the measures for, the look the same.

maybe some could enlighten me which one should I use and why.

thanks in advance


Amaury Leve

May 25, 2018, 7:41:14 AM5/25/18
to xti...@gmail.com, SonarQube
Hi Cristian,

The scanner for msbuild is the only scanner that supports C# and VB.Net files. It can analyze TypeScript and Python files but only when they are referenced by a msbuild project (csproj for example).

If you have loose TypeScript and Python files and want to analyze them, please upvote this ticket https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-scanner-msbuild/issues/443 . In the meantime you will have to run 2 analysis. One with the scanner for msbuild for C# projects and one with the scanner cli for TypeScript and Python (note that the 2 analysis need to result into 2 projects on SonarQube/SonarCloud).

I hope my answer is clear enough.


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Amaury Levé | SonarSource

Software Developer - .Net Team


Are you using SonarLint in your IDE? 
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