“java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to restore Quality profile backup” when importing profile with api

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May 12, 2017, 4:02:33 PM5/12/17
to SonarQube

Hi, I’ve made a copy of the Sonar Way Java profile using the backup option in the in the quality profiles page. This results in a file I've named java-test.xml. Next, I opened the file in a text editor and changed the name to copy2, like this <name>copy2</name>.

Then I tried to import the profile using Postman with a POST to this URL: ‘localhost:9000/api/qualityprofiles/restore’ and a ‘backup’ parameter pointing to the file I previously exported. Import fails with an error message in Postman


{ "errors": [ {

      "msg": "An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator"



and a stacktrace (java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to restore Quality profile backup) in SonarQube’s logs, see image:

Next I tried importing the same java-test.xml file in SonarQube’s management page, using the ‘restore profile’ option on the ‘quality profiles’ tab. This works without errors.


Am I using the correct api call or is something wrong in the api itself?


I’m using version 6.3.1 of the Docker container from https://hub.docker.com/_/sonarqube/


May 15, 2017, 5:29:26 AM5/15/17
to SonarQube
Hi Jan,

Since it works with SonarQube built-in capability, but fails with your Postman attempt, it looks to me that you need to double-check Postman behaviour when it comes to submitting POST requests. Especially when I read this:

Then I tried to import the profile using Postman with a POST to this URL: ‘localhost:9000/api/qualityprofiles/restore’ and a ‘backup’ parameter pointing to the file I previously exported

Is Postman actually opening the file and putting its content as body of the request ? or is it just putting the filepath as value of backup parameter ? The latter can only fail, as the server has no clue what to do with such a filepath. Have a look on that front, and generally speaking comparing server logs (including access.log) together with request format should help you diagnose the difference.

Best regards,

Jan Vermeir

May 15, 2017, 6:12:31 AM5/15/17
to SonarQube
Hi Nicolas, thanks! that was indeed the problem. I was assuming Postman would load the contents of the file, but it doesn't, of course.

Thanks for your help.

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