Support to display multiple coverage reports

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Anurag Sernapally

Mar 21, 2018, 5:26:18 AM3/21/18
to SonarQube

Sonarqube Version : 5.4.0
Sonar Ant jar : 2.2

I currently have a web application code base that consists of front-end written in React.js and back-end written in Java. I am currently publishing integrated code coverage report using cobertura and LCOV for Java and React respectively. 

Is there a way where I can publish separate coverage reports onto Sonarqube Dashboard such that one coverage doesn't effect the other? Something like
-- Java Coverage
-- JavaScript Coverage


G. Ann Campbell

Mar 21, 2018, 7:49:33 AM3/21/18
to SonarQube
Hi Anurag,

First I need to point out that the current version of SonarQube is 7.0 and the current LTS is 6.7.2. You're more than two LTSs behind and in general you're going to have hard time getting support for the version you're on. You should strongly consider upgrading as soon as possible.

But your specific question I can answer easily and off the top of my head: no. IIRC, that's not available in any version of SonarQube. If you really want to see your coverage separately, you'll need to analyze the project twice: once for Java and once for JavaScript. That segregating the languages like that is really a regression; most people thought it was a great new feature when we introduced multi-language analysis several years ago.


Anurag Sernapally

Mar 22, 2018, 1:32:58 AM3/22/18
to SonarQube
Hi Ann,

Thank you very much for the response. We are considering to upgrade Sonarqube very soon and hence I wanted to check if any of the versions has this feature so that we can directly move to that version.

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