Sonarlint Eclipse Error message analyzing abap code

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David Rueda

Nov 7, 2017, 7:17:23 PM11/7/17
to SonarLint
Hi all

IDE: Eclipse neon 4.3  + ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver plugin

Plugin: SonarLint 3.2

Server: SonarQube 5.6.7

When I analize the ABAP code saved in local folder with SonarQube 5.6.7 + sonar-scanner it's OK I can see the results in the dashboard
When I implement Java code  and  bind the Eclipse project to the corresponding SonarQube project.t, it's OK and i will start seeing issues detected by SonarLint.

But when I open a ABAP PROYECT and  bind the Eclipse project to the corresponding SonarQube project... I get the following message

"An internal error occurred during: "SonarLint analysis of file /PYB_300_seidor_es/.adt/programs/programs/zdrb_practica_1/zdrb_practica_1.asprog".
Unable to delete directory C:\Users\Propietario\workspace_neon\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\PYB_300_seidor_es\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core\sonarlint8500455439339827058"

Also SonarLint is not showing  any rules or Issue highlighting  in Eclipse for Abap code.

This is the log in the Eclipse console:
can be the parameters baseDir and workdir?? Can they be changed?

Starting SonarLint for Eclipse
Trigger: STARTUP
SonarLint analysis of file /PYB_300_seidor_es/.adt/programs/programs/zdrb_practica_1/zdrb_practica_1.asprog...
Connected mode (using configuration of 'ABP' in server 'Sonarqube 5.6.7')
Starting analysis with configuration:
  moduleKey: ABP
  baseDir: C:\Users\Propietario\workspace_neon\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\PYB_300_seidor_es\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core\sonarlint8890581658235014189
  workDir: C:\Users\Propietario\workspace_neon\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\PYB_300_seidor_es\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core
  extraProperties: {}
  inputFiles: [

Available languages:
  * Java => "java"
  * ABAP => "abap"
  * JavaScript => "js"
Start analysis
Declared extensions of language Java were converted to java: file:**/*.java,file:**/*.jav
Declared extensions of language ABAP were converted to abap: file:**/*.abap,file:**/*.ab4,file:**/*.flow
Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to js: file:**/*.js,file:**/*.jsx,file:**/*.vue
Quality profiles:
  * abap: abap-sonar-way-80987 (58 rules)
  * java: java-sonar-way-64699 (251 rules)
  * js: js-sonar-way-69829 (86 rules)
Index files
Setting filesystem encoding: UTF-8
1 files indexed
'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'JavaScript Squid Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Execute Sensor: SonarJavaXmlFileSensor
Found 0 issue(s)
0 entries removed from the store
Done in 1195 ms
Check for updates from server 'Sonarqube 5.6.7'
Create : C:\Users\Propietario\.sonarlint\plugins
Plugin cache: C:\Users\Propietario\.sonarlint\plugins
Create : C:\Users\Propietario\.sonarlint\plugins\_tmp
Check for updates from server 'Sonarqube 5.6.7' for project 'Java_holamundo'
Check for updates from server 'Sonarqube 5.6.7' for project 'PYB_300_seidor_es'

David rueda

Julien HENRY

Nov 8, 2017, 3:58:54 AM11/8/17
to David Rueda, SonarLint
Hi David,

First of all, since you have a commercial product, please open a support ticket. This will ensure you receive the best support.
It is also important to precise the version of SonarABAP you are using (= version of sonar-abap-plugin installed on your SonarQube server). Please try with latest version (3.4) since many improvements were done for SonarLint.

I give you a quick answer, but in case it doesn't solve all your problems, please continue discussion on commercial support channel.

'AbapSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
This is because your file suffix is ".asprog" while by default SonarABAP only analyze ".abap", ".ab4", or ".flow" files. You can easily fix that by editing SonarABAP configuration in your SonarQube server, and then "update all projects binding" in SonarLint Server view.
Images intégrées 1

I'm interested to know if this ".asprog" extension is somehow standard (maybe for ABAP Development Tools) so that we can decide if it should be added to the default list.


Julien Henry | SonarSource


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David Rueda

Nov 9, 2017, 4:41:15 AM11/9/17
to SonarLint
Hi Julien

I am using the last version of SonarABAP (3.4).

You were right, in eclipse, sonarlint did not analyze the abap code because Eclipse downloads it with the extension ".asprog". I have checked my programs and they were all saved locally by Eclipse with the extension ".asprog". I guess that in Eclipse + ADT (Abap Devel- atment Tools plugins) the code is saved locally with extension ".asprog

When I added the sufix ".asprog"  in the SonarABAP configuration, Sonarlint started analyzing the code correctly. 
Sonarlint, now,  show the  rules for ABAP and highlighting the errors  in the abap code .

Thank you very much!!!

The internal error when trying to delete the files keeps going.  I thinks is a permision problem whith windows 

I'm going to open a support ticket with the incident.

David rueda

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Julien HENRY

Nov 9, 2017, 5:07:41 AM11/9/17
to David Rueda, SonarLint
Thanks for the update David.

Julien Henry | SonarSource


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