[MUST READ] This Google Group will move to a new forum on June 11th

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Jun 1, 2018, 12:10:56 PM6/1/18
to SonarLint
Dear SonarLint Community,

Please be aware that this public SonarLint Google Group will move to a new forum on June 11th.

Why is this happening ? To have a better place for community discussions ! At SonarSource we cherish our open-source community, and since a couple of months we feel like we are reaching the limits of how a Google Group can help nurture this (in terms of facilitating discussions between users, categorising topics, promoting helpful content, highlighting must-knows etc.).

What is this new forum coming ? Discourse is a tool that is dedicated to facilitate community discussions/engagement (see its features), and after dogfooding it internally we are convinced that it can make a better place for the SonarLint user community (in conjunction with SonarQube and SonarCloud user communities).

How is this move going to happen ? 
  • On June 11th we will open up and announce the new community forum (URL will be communicated in due time)
  • At the same time we will close this Google Group (no more posting allowed)
  • All past conversations (of this Google Group) will be available read-only (on this same Google Group)
  • If you wish to pursue a conversation on the new forum, you will be able to open a new topic there, and simply provide a link to the past google group conversation (for readers to get the context)
This is an exciting opportunity to further grow the community you are part of (since you're reading these lines!), within a healthy forum where SonarLint/SonarQube/SonarCloud users from around the world can share feedback, get help and openly discuss.

Nicolas, on behalf of SonarSource


Jun 11, 2018, 3:35:19 AM6/11/18
to SonarLint
Hello SonarLint Community !

This is a friendly reminder that today is the day: this Google Group will be closed in a few hours, and a new feature-rich Community Forum will be introduced. As outlined in my previous post here, follow-ups to ongoing threads will have to be made on that new forum too (via a new topic, in which you would provide the link to past Google Group thread for context).

The switch should happen around 3:00pm CEST time, and this thread will be updated accordingly.

Looking forward !


Jun 11, 2018, 9:05:52 AM6/11/18
to SonarLint
Hello to all,

Time has come: please visit https://community.sonarsource.com/ from now on !

This Google Group will now be closed in read-only mode. You're welcome to visit the new forum and get in touch with the SonarQube/SonarLint/SonarCloud community over there. In case you need to pursue a thread you initially opened in this Google Group, then simply raise a new topic in the new SonarSource Community Forum, with a link back to prior discussions.

Long live the SonarQube/SonarLint/SonarCloud communities @ https://community.sonarsource.com/ !

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