Adding Shared Goals to the Pathways Flowchart.

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May 19, 2011, 5:34:38 PM5/19/11
to Somethingville
To help the Watchtower visualize more of the interpersonal conflicts
of the leads, I started connecting Leads through Shared Goals,
representing those goals with Triangles in the flowchart.

PDF of Example:

For the example I used a broad goal, but it works equally well for
smaller, more pointed ambitions. Normally, I wouldn't try to add
something to a system that already works, but I felt that the
relationships of the Leads were being oversimplified by the direct
connections. Noting how Clark feels overall about Lois works, but from
a Watchtower standpoint, knowing how he feels about her, her ambition
for the big story, and her relationships with others can grease the
conflict wheels a little more.
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