Help/Guidance/hand holding!

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Marc Gunderson

May 18, 2023, 7:59:07 AM5/18/23
to Southampton Makerspace
My son Julian will be undergoing spinal surgery sometime in the next couple of months. He will need to relearn to walk and in this aim I have started work on an AR headset that will help him make the best steps he can...every step.

Normally, I would take as long as needed to figure it out myself, but due to the time constraint before his surgery, was wondering if anyone could help me. It would have to be in time for back and forth forum talk!

So far, I've got the main sensors working with an arduino and displaying with Processing (on the computer), but that was just to test the feasibility of the idea. It needs to be done on a raspberry pi and I'm struggling. Can you help?!

Thank you,
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