> > Joe- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
I am able to compare two scenarios right now, one for a tracker with
perfect pointing toward the sun, and the other for a fixed panel with
only a single declination (elevation) thoughout the year and fixed
azimuth pointing due south. I see that the fixed panel collects about
68 percent of the energy that the tracking system does. This is about
the number I also hear from the solar designers here at Gaiam (ne Real
Goods). Depending upon whether the glass is half full or half empty,
one can say that a fixed system collects about 70 percent of the
energy of a more complicated tracker, or a tracker collects about 1.4
times the energy of a fixed system.
Here I believe that there is economies of scale. If I was building a
large solar farm where I had someone on payroll to do maintenance,
then the tracker would be the best way to go. However, if I was just
putting in a system for the home, where I would have to call in a
service person whenever the system needed maintenance or PM, then it
may not be worth it. A good cost benefit modeling problem.
Plans for the software are to be able to correct the elevation several
times a year, instead of just having a fixed elevation. This will
increase the energy collected from the fixed collectors and make them
more attractive. I also want to be able to have a fixed inclinaton
( or settable several times thoughout the year) and then be able to
slew the right ascension of the array. This may be a good compromise
between a full tracker and a fixed array.
On Mar 28, 10:53 am, "John Allen" <> wrote:
> I am very keen to learn about trackers. Seems to me like they may resurface
> as energy becomes more valuable. For a little while I did some manual
> racking and I noticed that I could pick up a couple extra hours that way but
> I needed to be able to track in two dimensions to get that early morning
> sun.
> I've been off line for a week but I'm back now.
> ja
> On 3/28/07, Joe Rich <> wrote:
> > Timothy - There is one working here at the Solar Living Institute and
> > I could find out more while I am here. It uses two chambers with
> > amonia. Apparently when one chamber gets warmer than the other, the
> > amonia boils off to the other chamber and rebalances the system. BTW,
> > it is the only system working right now, all of the electronic
> > trackers are down. Says something for simplicity.
> > Joe
> > On Mar 27, 9:13 pm, Timothy <> wrote:
> > > Joe- I remember there used to be a passive, gas charged independent
> > > tracking sysem that was sold back in the 80's. Have you any info on
> > > these type of drives? t
> > > Joe Rich wrote:
> > > > When poking around the web looking for information on solar trackers,
> > > > I came across this interesting site of interest to home brewers. Lots
> > > > of pictures and schematics. Maybe some good ideas. Recommends using
> > > > C-band satellite tracking systems.
> > > >
> > > > Joe- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> --
> John A Allen- Hide quoted text -