Fwd: Clean Car Discount bill - S.J. Mercury News - Action requested!

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John Allen

Apr 9, 2007, 5:25:11 PM4/9/07
to sdc...@googlegroups.com, solar-buddies
Please read and take the vote at


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Kalb <dk...@ucsusa.org>
Date: Apr 9, 2007 1:38 PM
Subject: Clean Car Discount bill - S.J. Mercury News - Action requested!
To: Erin Rogers <ero...@ucsusa.org>

Hi all,
In today's (Monday, 4/9) San Jose Mercury News, there is a front-page article that features our top priority bill this year.  AB 493, authored by Assembly Member Ira Ruskin, is known as the California Clean Car Discount.  Essentially, this bill (when enacted) will provide rebates on the purchase of cleaner new vehicles, and assign a one-time surcharge on the purchase of higher-emitting new vehicles based on emissions of global warming pollution.  See the attached fact sheet for additional background info (including a list of endorsers).
***Go to one of the following links to read the article, AND take the on-line poll indicating whether or not you support this legislative proposal. 
***To continue the momentum on this legislation, we are requesting that you write a brief Letter to the Editor to the Mercury News to show your support of this bill.  Your letter should be between 90 and 125 words.  Please use your own words.
You can e-mail your letter to let...@mercurynews.com .  They ask that the text of your Letter be in the body of the e-mail (i.e. no attachments).  Your submission must include your Name and City, as well as your address and phone number.  Street addresses and phone numbers are not published--they are for verification purposes only. 
Here are a few points of info on the rationale behind bill (see fact sheet for additional info):
  The proposal will help make cleaner cars more affordable for people.
  Global warming is the paramount issue of our time, and our children's time; this enables more people do their part to help reduce global warming type pollution through individual choices. 
  This proposal is long overdue.  It makes perfect sense that cars and trucks that are going to pollute more should cost more.  After all, those vehicles are polluting more, which hurts all of us. 
  If Mr. Ruskin's bill will create an incentive to get more people buying less-polluting vehicles, that's a big win for everybody. 
  It's good to see business associations, like the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, support this bill along with the environmental groups. 
Thanks so very much.  Please send your Letter to Editor in today or tomorrow.  Thanks again,
Dan Kalb
California Policy Coordinator
West Coast office - 2397 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA  94704
Direct line: 510/809-1569
< www.ucsusa.org/clean_california/ >
UCS - Citizens and Scientists for Environmental Solutions

John A Allen
AB 493 Fact Sheet_4-5-07.pdf
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