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The most plausible thing I've heard is that it's a reference to a
baseball player called Charlie Root. I don't know if he really
existed, but if he did, it would seem to fit.
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Getting way too far off topic...
Not bad for someone not from the US! (Though I have no idea if Greg
may have lived in the US at some time.)
Charlie Root was a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs from about 1925
through about 1940. Career ERA of 3.59 and a lifetime record of 201
wins and 160 losses.
He was a steady, very durable performer for many years. Sadly, his
greatest claim to fame was giving up the "called shot" home run to
Babe Ruth in the 1932 World Series. He was also named the Cubs all
time right-handed pitcher in 1969 (and I'm not sure that any Cub since
69 has been better).
I assume that whoever came up with the name on the root account had
probably heard of the name from somewhere and used it as the name of
the root user. How many famous "Root"s are there, after all.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: obe...@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Hot damn; thanks for this neat trivia! I was an A's fan
for the years I lived in Berkeley, but not enough of a b'ball
enthusiast to know this.
> Charlie Root was a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs from about 1925
> through about 1940. Career ERA of 3.59 and a lifetime record of 201
> wins and 160 losses.
> He was a steady, very durable performer for many years. Sadly, his
> greatest claim to fame was giving up the "called shot" home run to
> Babe Ruth in the 1932 World Series. He was also named the Cubs all
> time right-handed pitcher in 1969 (and I'm not sure that any Cub since
> 69 has been better).
> I assume that whoever came up with the name on the root account had
> probably heard of the name from somewhere and used it as the name of
> the root user. How many famous "Root"s are there, after all.
> R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
> Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
> Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
> E-mail: obe...@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to majo...@FreeBSD.org
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message
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