Hi there,
Redirecting this mail here as per Kris Kennaway's suggestion... :)
While looking for a perl substitute for
/usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade/, I came across Lukas Ertl's
portupgrade.pl (http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~le/portsupgrade.html) - One
feature however that it didn't have was the ability to remove old
I sat down and quickly hacked together a small script to clean up
old/unused files from /usr/ports/distfiles. It's probably not the
prettiest code any of you have ever seen, but I've used it with great
success so far.
I'm not sure if this is of any use to anyone, but I'd certainly like any
feedback regarding this script, and perhaps it can help the FreeBSD
community? Please CC me with flames/comments/suggestions/
the_right_place_to_send_this?? as I'm not subscribed to this list.
- Marc
I've learned that being kind is more important than being right.
-- Andy Rooney
Content-Type: application/x-perl
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="distclean.pl"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Cleans out old and unused files from /usr/ports/distfiles based on
# what is currently installed. Information is collected from
# /var/db/pkg and the /usr/ports tree to help identify which files
# should and should not be in /usr/ports/distfiles.
# Set $debug to 1 for minor debug information and to 2 for much more
# info... :)
# Written by Marc Silver <ma...@draenor.org>
# $Id: distclean.pl,v 1.1 2002/01/31 12:09:27 marcs Exp $;
# #
use strict;
use File::Find;
my( $pkgdir ) = "/var/db/pkg";
my( $distdir ) = "/usr/ports/distfiles";
my( %seen, @inst_pkg, @req_files, @distfiles, @delete,
$pkg, $dists, $deleteme, $tmp );
my( $debug ) = 0;
# See what packages are installed
opendir( PKG, "$pkgdir" );
while( $pkg = readdir( PKG ) ) {
if( $pkg ne "." && $pkg ne ".." ) {
print "Adding $pkg to list\n" if( $debug );
push( @inst_pkg, $pkg );
close( PKG );
# See what's in /usr/ports/distfiles
find( \&pushme, $distdir );
sub pushme {
$tmp = $File::Find::name;
# Strip the path out...
$tmp =~ s:$distdir/::;
print "Adding $tmp to list of distfiles\n" if( $debug );
push( @distfiles, $tmp );
# See what SHOULD be in /usr/ports/distfiles. According to latest cvsup
# sources.
foreach $pkg ( @inst_pkg ) {
open( TMP, "$pkgdir/$pkg/+CONTENTS" );
while( <TMP> ) {
if( /^\@comment ORIGIN:(.+)$/ ) {
my( $origin ) = $1;
print "$pkg is from /usr/ports/$origin\n" if( $debug > 1 );
if( -e "/usr/ports/$origin/distinfo" ) {
open( REQ, "/usr/ports/$origin/distinfo" );
print "\n$pkg requires the following files:\n" if( $debug > 1 );
while( <REQ> ) {
if( /MD5 \((.+)\)/ ) {
my( $filename ) = $1;
print "o $filename\n" if( $debug > 1 );
push( @req_files, $filename );
close( REQ );
close( TMP );
# Delete FILES that shouldn't be there. We dont remove directories...
foreach $deleteme ( @req_files ) {
$seen{ $deleteme } = 1
foreach $deleteme ( @distfiles ) {
unless( $seen{ $deleteme } ) {
if( ! -d "$distdir/$deleteme" && "$distdir/$deleteme" ne $distdir && "$distdir/$deleteme" ne "$distdir/$distdir" ) {
print "Removing $distdir/$deleteme\n";
unlink( "$distdir/$deleteme" ) || warn "could not remove $distdir/$deleteme\n";
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Check /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/distclean.sh
Marc Silver wrote:
> While looking for a perl substitute for
> /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade/, I came across Lukas Ertl's
> portupgrade.pl (http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~le/portsupgrade.html) - One
> feature however that it didn't have was the ability to remove old
> distfiles.
man portsclean
It's part of portupgrade.
Tadayuki OKADA
On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 12:04:10PM -0500, Tadayuki OKADA wrote:
> Marc Silver wrote:
> > While looking for a perl substitute for
> > /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade/, I came across Lukas Ertl's
> > portupgrade.pl (http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~le/portsupgrade.html) - One
> > feature however that it didn't have was the ability to remove old
> > distfiles.
> man portsclean
> It's part of portupgrade.
Yes, but this was written specifically because I didn't want to install
portpugrade. I wanted something similar that didn't rely on Ruby. :)
- Marc
I've learned that being kind is more important than being right.
-- Andy Rooney
To Unsubscribe: send mail to majo...@FreeBSD.org
> Yes, but this was written specifically because I didn't want to install
> portpugrade. I wanted something similar that didn't rely on Ruby. :)
Maybe Ruby should be part of the base system. ;-)
Trevor Johnson
/usr/ports/Tools/scripts/distclean.sh (doesn't even require Perl)
> Maybe Ruby should be part of the base system. ;-)
Pfft. Why not Python, Java, Tcl, C# or any other interpreted language
out there?
> Maybe Ruby should be part of the base system. ;-)
I'd prefer to remove Perl from the base system rather than add yet more
cruft to it. Some people have already done this by installing
lang/perl5 - now all we need is syspkg's so we can uninstall Perl from
the base system automatically.
Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst - fre...@aagh.net - http://www.aagh.net/
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
-- Aldous Huxley