I'm deliberatly cross posting this to many agile mailing list as I can remember today.
I think I hate crosposting as much as anyone else, as I'm in many mailing list, probably even more then the next person.
I feel this message deserves it. if not feel free to remove me from your list.
Last week Mike Beedle was murdered in Chicago.
Mike was a core member of the agile community.
He was a co-author of the agile manifesto & if I heared it correct, Mike was teh person who proposed /advocated the word agile.
He (co) wrote the first book on Scrum I read.
(the one with black background and coloured letters.)
He has 3 young children: 1,2, 3 years old.
(and if I'm correct also has children from a previous relation)
Please help support his partner by donating some money
For me, Mike was a person who kept our community honest, by fighting the good cause, yet stayed gentle and kind.
Please remember Mike also by keeping our communities gentle and kind.