Unexpected Gifts from Metaphor

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Joshua Kerievsky

May 31, 2010, 11:47:20 PM5/31/10
to software...@googlegroups.com
Hi Folks,

I thought I'd get the dialogue started with a question:

If you've used a metaphor in your software or product work, how has it helped you?

One unexpected gift from the music metaphor we've been using is that it recently led us to find an artist who makes rock star posters for a living and contract him to make some for us.  I've worked with artists in the past, but they never specialized in the genre of music or rock art.  This dude we are working with, who happens to live in my town, is helping us extend our use of the metaphor all the way to our marketing efforts.  Totally unexpected and again, a gift of the metaphor.

What has metaphor given you?

I've attached a recent poster from our rock star poster artist. 

best regards,

Industrial Logic, Inc.
Joshua Kerievsky
Founder, Extreme Programmer & Coach
866-540-8336 (toll free)
510-540-8336 (phone)
Berkeley, California

Learn Code Smells, Refactoring and TDD at http://industriallogic.com/elearning
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